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English translation of 储蓄


The Chinese word for savings is '储蓄'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to the part of a person's income that is not spent but rather accumulated or invested. The term can be found in various contexts such as personal finance, banking, and economics.

Example sentences using: 储蓄


Chǔxù shì yīgè zhòngyào de cáiwù xíguàn.

English translation of 储蓄是一个重要的财务习惯。

Saving is an important financial habit.

This example highlights the importance of saving habits in financial health.


Tā de chǔxù shǎo dé kělián.

English translation of 他的储蓄少得可怜。

His savings are pitifully small.

This example highlights a situation where a person has very little savings.


Tā bǎ suǒyǒu de qián dōu cún rù chǔxù zhànghù.

English translation of 他把所有的钱都存入储蓄帐户。

He deposited all his money into a savings account.

This phrase describes a situation where a person puts all of his money into a savings account.


Tā zhèngzài nǔlì wèi wèilái chǔxù.

English translation of 她正在努力为未来储蓄。

She is working hard to save for the future.

This example depicts a person putting forth effort to accumulate savings for future needs or goals.


Tāmen yòng chǔxù mǎi le yīzuò xīn fáng.

English translation of 他们用储蓄买了一座新房。

They used their savings to buy a new house.

This example shows a situation where a person or people use their savings to make a large purchase, such as a house.


Tāmen de chǔxù zhīchēng le tāmen de tuìxiū shēnghuó.

English translation of 他们的储蓄支撑了他们的退休生活。

Their savings supported their retirement life.

This example showcases a scenario where a person's or couple's savings provide for their living expenses during retirement.


Nǐ de chǔxù zúgòu zhīfù zhège lǚxíng ma?

English translation of 你的储蓄足够支付这个旅行吗?

Are your savings enough to pay for this trip?

This phrase is likely used in a situation where one person is asking another if they have enough money saved to afford the cost of a trip.


Tā zài yínháng kāi le yīgè chǔxù zhànghù.

English translation of 他在银行开了一个储蓄账户。

He opened a savings account at the bank.

This sentence illustrates the common action of opening a savings account in a bank.


Zhège tóuzī huì ràng nǐ de chǔxù zēngzhí.

English translation of 这个投资会让你的储蓄增值。

This investment will increase the value of your savings.

This statement is discussing how investing can increase the value of someone's personal savings.


Wǒ měi gè yuè dōu huì bǎ yībùfèn xīnshuǐ fàng jìn chǔxù zhànghù.

English translation of 我每个月都会把一部分薪水放进储蓄账户。

Every month, I put a portion of my salary into my savings account.

This example is from a person describing their financial habit of regularly saving part of their income.

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