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chū shǐ

English translation of 初始


The Chinese word '初始' directly translates to 'initial' in English. It is typically used to describe the first or starting phase of something. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts in Chinese such as the initial stage, initial plan, initial idea etc.

Example sentences using: 初始


chū shǐ wèi zhi shì zuì zhòng yào de

English translation of 初始位置是最重要的。

The initial position is the most important.

This sentence uses '初始' to describe a key starting location or position in a particular context.


tā de chū shǐ gài niàn shì cuò wù de

English translation of 他的初始概念是错误的。

His initial concept is wrong.

In this sentence, the word '初始' is used to indicate the first concept that a person thought of or developed.


wǒ men yǐ jīng huí dào le chū shǐ dì diǎn

English translation of 我们已经回到了初始地点。

We have returned to the original point.

In this phrase, '初始' is used to describe the earliest or starting location of something.


zhè ge wèn tí de chū shǐ yuán yīn shì shén me

English translation of 这个问题的初始原因是什么?

What is the original cause of this problem?

Here, '初始' is referring to the primary or initial cause/result that led to a certain issue.


wǒ yí wàng le chū shǐ de yuē dìng

English translation of 我遗忘了初始的约定。

I have forgotten the original promise.

In this example, '初始' is used to refer to something (a promise, in this case) that was established at the start.


chū shǐ de jì huà yǐ jīng gǎi biàn le

English translation of 初始的计划已经改变了。

The original plan has already been changed.

Here, '初始' is indicating the first plan that was made before it was altered or changed in some way.


chū shǐ de xiǎng fǎ cháng cháng shì zuì hǎo de

English translation of 初始的想法常常是最好的。

The initial ideas are often the best.

In this sentence, '初始' is used to describe the first thoughts or ideas that come to mind.


tā hū shì le chū shǐ de jǐng gào

English translation of 他忽视了初始的警告。

He ignored the initial warning.

This phrase uses '初始' to refer to the first or earliest warning that was given.


chū shǐ de wǔ tái hěn zhòng yào

English translation of 初始的舞台很重要。

The original stage is very important.

In this context, '初始' is used to describe a notable first stage or phase of something.


chū shǐ de jué dìng yǐng xiǎng le hòu xù de fā zhǎn

English translation of 初始的决定影响了后续的发展。

The initial decision affected the subsequent development.

This sentence uses '初始' to state that the first decision had an impact on the following development.

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