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chōu ti

English translation of 抽屉


The Chinese word '抽屉' is used in much the same way as the English word 'drawer'. It is commonly used to refer to the sliding storage compartment in a piece of furniture. It also takes on the metaphorical meanings of 'drawer', such as a categorized place to store or 'file away' ideas or discussions.

Example sentences using: 抽屉


qǐng guān bì chōu ti

English translation of 请关闭抽屉。

Please close the drawer.

In this phrase, '抽屉' is an object that the speaker is requesting to be closed.


zhè shì wǒ de chōu ti

English translation of 这是我的抽屉。

This is my drawer.

In this sentence, '抽屉' refers to a compartment that slides out from a piece of furniture or other structure.


wǒ zài chōu ti lǐ zhǎo dào le yào shi

English translation of 我在抽屉里找到了钥匙。

I found the key in the drawer.

Here, '抽屉' again represents a compartment where the speaker found a key.


nǐ de chōu ti hěn luàn

English translation of 你的抽屉很乱。

Your drawer is very messy.

In this context, '抽屉' is a container that is described as being messy, implying various items are stored randomly.


chōu ti lǐ yǒu hěn duō wén jiàn

English translation of 抽屉里有很多文件。

There are many documents in the drawer.

Again '抽屉' is used to represent a place where multiple documents are stored.


wǒ bǎ qián fàng zài chōu ti lǐ

English translation of 我把钱放在抽屉里。

I put the money in the drawer.

In this sentence, '抽屉' is the location where the speaker placed the money.


chōu ti bèi suǒ zhù le

English translation of 抽屉被锁住了。

The drawer is locked.

In this context, '抽屉' is described as being locked.


zhè gè chōu ti hěn shēn

English translation of 这个抽屉很深。

This drawer is very deep.

Here '抽屉' describes an object that has depth.


nǐ kě yǐ bāng wǒ dǎ kāi zhè gè chōu ti ma?

English translation of 你可以帮我打开这个抽屉吗?

Could you help me open this drawer?

In this sentence, '抽屉' again refers to an object that can be opened.


wǒ zài chōu ti xià miàn zhǎo dào le tā

English translation of 我在抽屉下面找到了它。

I found it under the drawer.

In this context, '抽屉' is used to describe a location relative to other objects.

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