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English translation of 虫


The Chinese word for 'bug' is '虫'. This is a simple noun that is commonly used to refer to small insects. In some contexts, it can also refer to the broader category of small creatures, including insects, worms, and similar small organisms. It is used in the same way as the English word 'bug'.

Example sentences using:


chóng zi zài cǎo dì shàng pá

English translation of 虫子在草地上爬。

The insect is crawling on the grass.

This sentence describes the action of an insect, identified by the character '虫', crawling on the grass.


tā bèi chóng yǎo le yī kǒu

English translation of 他被虫咬了一口。

He got bitten by a bug.

This sentence talks about a person who has been bitten by an insect, identified by the character '虫'.


kàn! nà zhī shì shén me chóng?

English translation of 看!那只是什么虫?

Look! What bug is that?

This sentence is a question about the type of insect, identified by the character '虫'.


chóng zài yè zi xià miàn cáng

English translation of 虫在叶子下面藏。

The bug is hiding under the leaf.

This sentence describes an insect, identified by the character '虫', hiding under a leaf.


zhè chóng yǒu liù zhī jiǎo

English translation of 这虫有六只脚。

This insect has six legs.

This sentence describes an insect, identified by the character '虫', that has six legs.


chóng fēi dào le huā shàng

English translation of 虫飞到了花上。

The bug flew onto the flower.

This sentence describes the action of an insect, identified by the character '虫', landing on a flower.


nà chóng zhèng zài chī yè zi

English translation of 那虫正在吃叶子。

The insect is eating a leaf.

This sentence describes the action of an insect, identified by the character '虫', consuming a leaf.


xiǎo chóng cóng dòng lǐ pá chū lái

English translation of 小虫从洞里爬出来。

The little bug crawled out of the hole.

This sentence describes the action of a small insect, identified by the character '虫', coming out of a hole.


zhè shì yī zhī hěn dà de chóng

English translation of 这是一只很大的虫。

This is a very big bug.

This sentence describes an insect, identified by the character '虫', which is very big in size.


chóng de yán sè shì lǜ sè

English translation of 虫的颜色是绿色。

The color of the bug is green.

This sentence talks about the color of an insect, identified by the character '虫', which is green.

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