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chí táng

English translation of 池塘


In Chinese, '池塘' refers to a pool. It is often used in the context of an outdoor or natural small body of still water around which recreational or other activities might occur, but can also refer to a man-made pool for swimming, similar to the English usage.

Example sentences using: 池塘


Chítáng páng de qīngwā zài chànggē.

English translation of 池塘旁的青蛙在唱歌。

The frog by the pond is singing.

The frog near the pond is engaging in the activity of singing. This sentence is typically used to describe a tranquil scene in nature.


Chítáng lǐ de yú yóu lái yóu qù.

English translation of 池塘里的鱼游来游去。

The fish swim back and forth in the pond.

Fish in the pond are moving in a back-and-forth manner, suggesting a peaceful environment.


Chítáng biān de chuí liǔ pó suō.

English translation of 池塘边的垂柳婆娑。

The weeping willows by the pond are graceful.

This sentence is typically used to describe a beautiful scene where willow trees are by the pond.


Kàn, nà zhǐ yāzi zài chítáng lǐ yóuyǒng.

English translation of 看,那只鸭子在池塘里游泳。

Look, that duck is swimming in the pond.

The person is drawing attention to a duck that is swimming in a pond, creating a picturesque scene.


Háizimen zài chítáng biān wánshuǎ.

English translation of 孩子们在池塘边玩耍。

The children are playing by the pond.

This phrase illustrates a scene where children are engaged in playful activities near a pond.


Chítáng shì nóngtián zhōng de bǎobèi.

English translation of 池塘是农田中的宝贝。

The pond is the treasure of the farmland.

This statement signifies the importance of a pond in agricultural settings as it is referred to as a 'treasure'.


Chítáng lǐ yìngzhe lán tiānhé báiyún.

English translation of 池塘里映着蓝天和白云。

The pond is reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

This phrase expresses a beautiful scene where the pond's surface is reflecting the picturesque sky.


Chítáng shàng yōuyōu dàng dàng de xiǎochuán.

English translation of 池塘上悠悠荡荡的小船。

The little boat is gently floating on the pond.

This phrase indicates a relaxing scene in which a small boat is leisurely floating on a pond.


Chūntiān, chítáng biān de huā kāi dé zhèng yàn.

English translation of 春天,池塘边的花开得正艳。

In spring, the flowers by the pond bloom brightly.

The flowers near the pond are blossoming vividly during spring. This is a typical way to describe a lovely spring scene.


Chítáng de shuǐ chúnjìng ér qīng chè.

English translation of 池塘的水纯净而清澈。

The water in the pond is pure and clear.

This phrase implies the pristine condition of the pond water which is described as both 'pure' and 'clear'.

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