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chéng shí

English translation of 诚实


The Chinese word '诚实' is used to describe someone who always tells the truth and does not cheat or steal. It's a character trait that is highly valued in Chinese culture. It can also be used to describe things that are simple, direct, and straightforward.

Example sentences using: 诚实


tā shì yīgè chéngshí de rén.

English translation of 他是一个诚实的人。

He is an honest person.

Addressing someone's personality and character.


nǐ yào chéngshí dì huídá zhège wèntí.

English translation of 你要诚实地回答这个问题。

You need to answer this question honestly.

Encouraging someone to be sincere and honest in their answers.


zhè jiàn shìqing xūyào chéngshí de chǔlǐ.

English translation of 这件事情需要诚实的处理。

This matter requires honest handling.

Stressing the importance of being straightforward when handling sensitive matters.


chéngshí shì tā de yīzhǒng měidé.

English translation of 诚实是他的一种美德。

Honesty is one of his virtues.

Highlighting honesty as a valuable trait in a person's character.


tā yīn wéi chéngshí ér bèi zūnzhòng.

English translation of 她因为诚实而被尊重。

She is respected for her honesty.

Crediting someone's honesty as the reason for their respectability.


wǒmen xūyào yīgè chéngshí de zhèngfǔ.

English translation of 我们需要一个诚实的政府。

We need an honest government.

Voicing the need for sincerity and transparency in governance.


qiānwàn bǎochí chéngshí.

English translation of 千万保持诚实。

Always keep honest.

Reminding the importance of maintaining honesty.


chéngshí shì shāngyè de jīchǔ.

English translation of 诚实是商业的基础。

Honesty is the foundation of business.

Asserting the fundamental role of honesty in business practices.


chéngshí yǒu shí shì zuì hǎo de cèlüè.

English translation of 诚实有时是最好的策略。

Honesty is sometimes the best policy.

Emphasizing that honesty can prove to be an effective strategy in particular situations.


tāmen dōu zànshǎng nǐ de chéngshí.

English translation of 他们都赞赏你的诚实。

They all appreciate your honesty.

Recognizing someone's honesty and sincerity.

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