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cháng qīng

English translation of 常青


The Chinese word '常青' is used to describe trees or plants that stay green throughout the year. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically to describe things which are enduring or constantly fresh or self-renewing.

Example sentences using: 常青


nà zuò shān yī nián sì jì dōu shì cháng qīng.

English translation of 那座山一年四季都是常青。

That mountain is evergreen all year round.

This phrase is used to describe that the mountain maintains its greenery in all seasons. '常青' can metaphorically be used to refer to the constant prosperity or ever-changing environment.


tā de jīng shén jiù xiàng cháng qīng shù yī yàng.

English translation of 他的精神就像常青树一样。

His spirit is like an evergreen tree.



zhè shì yī gè cháng qīng de huà tí.

English translation of 这是一个常青的话题。

This is an evergreen topic.

The phrase is used to describe a topic that maintains its relevance and interest over time, just like an 'evergreen' tree that remains green throughout the year.


tā de gōng sī shǐ zhōng rú yī, xiàng cháng qīng shù yī yàng fán mào.

English translation of 他的公司始终如一,像常青树一样繁茂。

His company is consistent and lush like an evergreen tree.

This phrase is using the metaphor of an evergreen tree to praise a company that consistently thrives, just like an evergreen tree that remains green and lush all the time.


cháng qīng téng yōu rán zì dé de shēng zhǎng zài lǎo qiáng shàng.

English translation of 常青藤悠然自得地生长在老墙上。

The evergreen ivy grows leisurely on the old wall.

This phrase describes how evergreen ivy is growing steadily on an old wall, indicating a peaceful and undisturbed growth.


tā de gù shi jiù xiàng cháng qīng téng yī yàng zài wǒ men xīn zhōng shēng gēn fā yá.

English translation of 她的故事就像常青藤一样在我们心中生根发芽。

Her story takes root and sprouts in our hearts like ivy.

This phrase uses an analogy to depict how the story still lingers and grows in the listeners' hearts, just like how ivy roots and grows.


tā de míng shēng rú tóng cháng qīng shù yī yàng jiǔ fù shèng míng.

English translation of 他的名声如同常青树一样久负盛名。

His reputation, like that of an evergreen tree, has long been famous.

This phrase uses the comparison to an evergreen tree to express the longevity of a person's fame and reputation, implying they maintain their popularity over time.


wǒ men xū yào yǒu xiàng cháng qīng shù yī yàng de jīng shén.

English translation of 我们需要有像常青树一样的精神。

We need to have a spirit like an evergreen tree.

This is an inspirational phrase encouraging people to be persistent, implying that they should keep thriving regardless of the circumstances, just like an evergreen tree remains green in all seasons.


tā de zuò pǐn jiù xiàng cháng qīng shù, jīng dé qǐ shí jiān de kǎo yàn.

English translation of 他的作品就像常青树,经得起时间的考验。

His works are like an evergreen tree, can stand the test of time.

This phrase is praising someone's works by comparing them to an evergreen tree, which signifies that these works can sustain their value and remain relevant over time.


zhè zhǒng guān niàn zài tā de nǎo hǎi zhōng shì cháng qīng de.

English translation of 这种观念在他的脑海中是常青的。

This concept is evergreen in his mind.

This phrase describes how a certain concept or idea is persistently present in someone's mind, suggesting that it's constantly remembered or thought of, like the ever-green state of an evergreen tree.

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