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chà bù duō

English translation of 差不多


In Chinese, '差不多' is used to mean 'nearly' or 'almost', often used to describe a circumstance or an action that is close to completion or a particular state. It can be used in various contexts, referring either to the quantity or the quality of something.

Example sentences using: 差不多


tā de gōng zī hé wǒ chà bù duō

English translation of 她的工资和我差不多

Her salary is about the same as mine

This sentence is indicating that the speaker and 'her' have similar salaries. '差不多' is used to demonstrate this similarity in amounts.


zhè liǎng běn shū de jià gē chà bù duō

English translation of 这两本书的价格差不多

The prices of these two books are about the same

This expression compares the prices of two books and uses '差不多' to suggest that they are approximately equal.


tā de nián jì chà bù duō dà

English translation of 他的年纪差不多大

His age is about the same

The sentence means that his age is approximately the same as the referenced individual's age. The use of '差不多' in this context indicates this approximation.


wǒ lái zhōng guó chà bù duō liù nián le

English translation of 我来中国差不多六年了

I have been in China for about six years

'差不多' is used here to approximate the length of time that the speaker has been living in China.


wǒ men dào nà yīng gāi chà bù duō yī xiǎo shí

English translation of 我们到那应该差不多1小时

It should take us about 1 hour to get there

The phrase '差不多' is used to gauge the approximate duration it would take to reach a certain destination.


zhè jiàn yī fú wǒ chà bù duō mǎi le yī bǎi kuài

English translation of 这件衣服我差不多买了100块

I bought this piece of clothing for about 100 yuan

The use of '差不多' in the sentence refers to an approximation of the amount of money that was spent on the purchase.


tā měi tiān chà bù duō wǎn shàng shí diǎn zhōng cái huí jiā

English translation of 他每天差不多晚上十点钟才回家

He comes home at about 10 o'clock every night

Here, '差不多' is used to describe an approximate habit or routine; in this case, it's the time the person usually arrives home.


zhè gè shuǐ guǒ chà bù duō liǎng gōng jīn zhòng

English translation of 这个水果差不多两公斤重

This fruit is about two kilograms

In this sentence, '差不多' is used to give an approximate weight of the fruit.


tā ɡè zi chà bù duō ɡāo

English translation of 他个子差不多高

He is about as tall

The use of '差不多' in this context denotes comparison and approximation. It is saying that he, in comparison to another reference person or standard, is approximately the same height.


wǒ men xué xiào de xué sheng rén shù chà bù duō dá dào èr qiān rén

English translation of 我们学校的学生人数差不多达到2000人

The number of students in our school is about 2000

This sentence uses '差不多' to indicate that the number of students in the school is approximately 2000.

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