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English translation of 茶


In Chinese, the word for 'tea' is '茶' and it is a common term. It can be used to refer to both the specific drink made from steeping tea leaves in water, but also more generally to refer to any warm, nourishing liquid consumed for pleasure and relaxation. Tea drinking is an important part of traditional Chinese culture.

Example sentences using:


Chá néng bāngzhù nǐ fàngsōng.

English translation of 茶能帮助你放松。

Tea can help you relax.

This sentence informs that drinking tea can be beneficial in creating a relaxed state.


Wǒ xǐhuān hē chá.

English translation of 我喜欢喝茶。

I like to drink tea.

This sentence expresses a preference for drinking tea.


Chá yǐjīng zhǔnbèi hǎole.

English translation of 茶已经准备好了。

The tea is ready.

This sentence informs that the tea has been prepared and is ready to drink.


Tā zhèngzài pào chá.

English translation of 他正在泡茶。

He is making tea.

This sentence states that someone is in the process of making tea.


Nǐ zhīdào chá de qǐyuán ma?

English translation of 你知道茶的起源吗?

Do you know the origin of tea?

This question inquires about knowledge regarding the origin of tea.


Wǒ yào yībēi lǜ chá.

English translation of 我要一杯绿茶。

I want a cup of green tea.

This sentence states a desire for a cup of green tea.


Tā bù xǐhuān hē chá.

English translation of 她不喜欢喝茶。

She does not like to drink tea.

This sentence clarifies that a particular individual does not like drinking tea.


Zhè jiā diàn de chá shì zuì hǎo de.

English translation of 这家店的茶是最好的。

The tea at this shop is the best.

This sentence suggests that the best tea can be found at the specified shop.


Tā zài chāoshì mǎile yīxiē chá.

English translation of 他在超市买了一些茶。

He bought some tea at the supermarket.

This sentence narrates that a person purchased tea from the supermarket.


Tā bǎ chá pō chūqù le.

English translation of 他把茶泼出去了。

He spilled the tea.

This sentence states that a person accidentally spilled a tea.

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