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English translation of 擦

to rub

The word '擦' is a commonly used Chinese verb. It corresponds to the English verb 'rub'. It can be used in various contexts like 'rub your hands together', 'rub your eyes', etc. It's also used metaphorically in some idioms and phrases. For example, '生活总会给你擦一下', which means 'life will always give you some rubs' implying life always gives you some trials and tribulations.

Example sentences using:


cā cā tòu míng de bō li

English translation of 擦搽透明的玻璃

Wipe the clear glass

In this case, 擦 means 'wipe', used to express the action of cleaning or removing smudges on a surface.


tā zhèng zài cā jìng zi

English translation of 他正在擦镜子

He is cleaning the mirror

The usage of 擦 here is 'clean', used to express cleaning a mirror surface.


měi tiān dōu xū yào cā wài tào

English translation of 每天都需要擦外套

The coat needs to be cleaned every day

擦 in this sentence expresses the action of cleaning, specifying the action of cleaning a coat.


cā shì chuāng hù shì wǒ gè xiàng gōng zuò zhōng zuì xǐ huān de yī xiàng

English translation of 擦拭窗户是我各项工作中最喜欢的一项

Cleaning windows is my favorite among all my jobs

擦拭 means 'to wipe or clean'. In this context, it is used to describe the cleaning or polishing action on window surfaces.


tā měi tiān dōu cā zì jǐ de qì chē

English translation of 他每天都擦自己的汽车

He cleans his car every day

In this sentence, 擦 is meant as 'clean', describing the action of clean a car.


wǒ xū yào yī gè cā shǒu jīn

English translation of 我需要一个擦手巾

I need a hand towel

擦 here is used as a 'wipe'. In this sentence 擦手巾 refers to a 'hand towel' which is used to wipe hands.


cā qù liǎn shàng de yóu zhī

English translation of 擦去脸上的油脂

Remove the grease from the face

In this instance, 擦去 means 'remove', it's used to describe removing oil or grease from the face.


wǒ cā hēi bǎn shàng de zì

English translation of 我擦黑板上的字

I am erasing the words on the blackboard

擦 in this sentence is 'erase', specifically used to describe the action of removing words from a blackboard.


qǐng bǎ xié cā gān jìng

English translation of 请把鞋擦干净

Please clean your shoes

The use of 擦 here refers to 'clean' specifically for removing dirt or grime off an item.


dōu bié wàng jì cā diào bái bǎn shàng de zì

English translation of 都别忘记擦掉白板上的字

Don't forget to erase the words on the whiteboard

擦掉 refers to 'erase'. In this context, cleaning off the words written or drawn on a whiteboard.

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