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English translation of 不寻常


不寻常 (Bùxúncháng) is a Chinese word that refers to something unconventional, unique or out of the ordinary. It can be used to describe anything from places, activities to behaviors which deviate from the norm. It's often found in literary or formal contexts.

Example sentences using: 不寻常


Zhège qìhòu zhēn de bù xúncháng.

English translation of 这个气候真的不寻常。

This weather is really unusual.

This sentence indicates a unique or strange weather condition.


Bù xúncháng de shìqíng zǒng shì fāshēng zài tā shēnshang.

English translation of 不寻常的事情总是发生在他身上。

Unusual things always happen to him.



Nǐ de bù xúncháng de jiànyì gěi wǒ liú xiàle shēnkè de yìnxiàng.

English translation of 你的不寻常的建议给我留下了深刻的印象。

Your unusual suggestion left a deep impression on me.

This statement means someone's unique or unexpected advice has had a significant or memorable effect.


Zhè shì yīgè bù xúncháng de jīhuì.

English translation of 这是一个不寻常的机会。

This is an unusual opportunity.

This is meant to highlight a rare or unique opportunity that has come up.


Bù xúncháng de yìshù zuòpǐn zǒng shì yǐnrén zhùmù.

English translation of 不寻常的艺术作品总是引人注目。

Unusual art works are always attention-grabbing.

The sentence indicates that distinctive or unique art pieces tend to attract people's attention.


Tā de luójí quèshí bù xúncháng.

English translation of 他的逻辑确实不寻常。

His logic is certainly unusual.

This statement is commenting on the unique or distinct nature of someone's thought process.


Zhè shì yī zhǒng bù xúncháng de xiànxiàng.

English translation of 这是一种不寻常的现象。

This is an unusual phenomenon.

This sentence is being used to describe a strange or atypical event or phenomenon.


Bù xúncháng de shíwù yǒushíhou huì yǒu jīngrén de wèidào.

English translation of 不寻常的食物有时候会有惊人的味道。

Unusual food can sometimes have an amazing taste.

This statement is saying that unique or exotic foods can occasionally turn out to be surprisingly delicious.


Bù xúncháng de cáihuá zǒng shì nányǐ hūshì de.

English translation of 不寻常的才华总是难以忽视的。

Unusual talent is always hard to ignore.

The sentence indicates that unique or exceptional talent is often noticeable or hard to overlook.


Bù xúncháng de juédìng huì dài lái bù xúncháng de jiéguǒ.

English translation of 不寻常的决定会带来不寻常的结果。

Unusual decisions will bring unusual results.

This sentence indicates that unique or unconventional decisions tend to yield unexpected or extraordinary outcomes.

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