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bó lì hēng

English translation of 伯利恒


In Chinese, 'Bethlehem' translates to '伯利恒'. This word is usually used in the context of a location, specifically referring to the city of Bethlehem which is historically significant in many religions.

Example sentences using: 伯利恒


Bólìhēng shì jīdūjiào de shèngdì.

English translation of 伯利恒是基督教的圣地。

Bethlehem is a holy place in Christianity.

The phrase denotes that Bethlehem holds religious significance for Christians.


Bólìhēng wèiyú yǐsèliè.

English translation of 伯利恒位于以色列。

Bethlehem is located in Israel.

This phrase provides geographical information about Bethlehem.


Bólìhēng yǒu hěnduō gǔjì.

English translation of 伯利恒有很多古迹。

There are many ancient relics in Bethlehem.

This sentence is used to convey that Bethlehem is rich in historical landmarks.


Bólìhēng de yèwǎn fēicháng ānjìng.

English translation of 伯利恒的夜晚非常安静。

The nights in Bethlehem are very quiet.

The phrase describes the tranquil ambience that prevails in Bethlehem during nighttime.


Bólìhēng de qìhòu shì dìzhōnghǎi qìhòu.

English translation of 伯利恒的气候是地中海气候。

The climate of Bethlehem is Mediterranean.

The phrase talks about the type of climate that prevails in Bethlehem.


Bólìhēng de rénkǒu bùduō.

English translation of 伯利恒的人口不多。

Bethlehem has a small population.

This expression is to describe that compared to other cities, Bethlehem's population is not very dense.


Měinián, hěnduō rén huì qù Bólìhēng zhāoshèng.

English translation of 每年,很多人会去伯利恒朝圣。

Every year, many people go to Bethlehem for pilgrimage.

The sentence implies that Bethlehem is a destination for religious pilgrimages.


Bólìhēng de lìshǐ fēicháng yōujiǔ.

English translation of 伯利恒的历史非常悠久。

The history of Bethlehem is very long.

The phrase signifies that Bethlehem has a long and rich historical lineage.


Bólìhēng shì yīgè gǔlǎo de chéngshì.

English translation of 伯利恒是一个古老的城市。

Bethlehem is an ancient city.

This phrase is used to describe Bethlehem as an ancient city.


Měinián shèngdànjié, Bólìhēng dōuhuì xīyǐn dàliàng yóukè.

English translation of 每年圣诞节,伯利恒都会吸引大量游客。

Every Christmas, Bethlehem attracts a large number of tourists.

This statement talks about how Bethlehem is a popular tourist destination during the Christmas season.

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