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bō li

English translation of 玻璃


The Chinese word for glass is '玻璃'. Just like in English, it can refer to the material used to make windows, glasses, and other objects. It can also refer to a drinking glass. The context of the sentence usually indicates what specific meaning is intended.

Example sentences using: 玻璃


qǐng bǎ nàgè bōli píng gěi wǒ

English translation of 请把那个玻璃瓶给我。

Please give me that glass bottle.

This phrase is asking someone to pass a glass bottle to the speaker.


zhège bōli chuānghù hěn zāng

English translation of 这个玻璃窗户很脏。

This glass window is very dirty.

This phrase is describing the state of a glass window, which is very dirty.


wǒ bǎ zhège bōli bēi dǎpò liǎo

English translation of 我把这个玻璃杯打破了。

I broke this glass cup.

This phrase is admitting that the speaker accidentally broke a glass cup.


zhège bōli bǎn hǎokàn ma?

English translation of 这个玻璃板好看吗?

Is this glass panel attractive?

This phrase is asking other people's opinions on the aesthetics of a glass panel.


nàgè Āifēi'ěr Tiětǎ de bōli dìbǎn hěn kǒngbù

English translation of 那个埃菲尔铁塔的玻璃地板很恐怖。

The glass floor of the Eiffel Tower is terrifying.

This phrase is expressing the speaker's fear towards the glass floor of the Eiffel tower.


tā de bōlizhì yǎnjìng hěn shíshàng

English translation of 她的玻璃制眼镜很时尚。

Her glass-made glasses are very fashionable.

This phrase is complimenting someone's fashionable glasses made of glass.


xiǎoxīn nàgè bōli huāpíng

English translation of 小心那个玻璃花瓶。

Be careful with that glass vase.

This phrase is urging someone to be cautious when dealing with a glass vase.


zhège bōli bǎoshí duōshǎo qián

English translation of 这个玻璃宝石多少钱?

How much is this glass gem?

This phrase is inquiring the price of a glass gem.


wǒ xiǎng bǎ zhège jǐngdiǎn de bōli qiú dài huíjiā

English translation of 我想把这个景点的玻璃球带回家。

I want to take this glass globe of the scenic spot home.

This phrase is expressing the speaker's intention to purchase a glass globe as a souvenir from a tourist spot.


wǒ xǐhuan nàgè bōli de zhuāngshìpǐn

English translation of 我喜欢那个玻璃的装饰品。

I like that glass ornament.

This phrase is expressing the speaker's fondness for a certain glass ornament.

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