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bìng rù

English translation of 并入


The Chinese word '并入' is often used in the context of business or organization. It refers to the act of combining something to form a whole or including within a particular scope or range. It is the equivalent of 'incorporate' in English, often used when a new subsidiary is added to a corporation or new elements are incorporated into a strategy or plan.

Example sentences using: 并入


Wǒ xīwàng wǒmen nénggòu bìng rù zhège tuánduì.

English translation of 我希望我们能够并入这个团队。

I hope we can merge into this team.

This sentence expresses a wish to join a team, utilizing the word '并入' to describe the action of merging or integrating.


Tāmen juédìng bìng rù wǒmen de yùndòng duì.

English translation of 他们决定并入我们的运动队。

They decided to merge into our sports team.

The sentence is expressing an action of integration into a sports team, using the term '并入'.


Zhè liǎng jiā gōngsī yǐjīng bìng rù.

English translation of 这两家公司已经并入。

These two companies have merged.

In this context, '并入' is used to signify the merger of two companies.


Bìng rù gèng qiáng de tuánduì shì míngzhì de xuǎnzé.

English translation of 并入更强的团队是明智的选择。

Merging into a stronger team is a wise choice.

This sentence uses '并入' to convey the action of becoming part of a stronger team.


Zhège xiàngmù xūyào wǒmen bìng rù gèng duō de zīyuán.

English translation of 这个项目需要我们并入更多的资源。

This project requires us to merge more resources.

The sentence uses '并入' in relation to combining additional resources for a project.


Wǒmen qídài bìng rù xīn de hézuò huǒbàn.

English translation of 我们期待并入新的合作伙伴。

We look forward to integrating new partners.

'并入' is used here to express the expectation of incorporating new partners into the existing group.


Tāmen shìtú bìng rù wǒmen de yánjiū xiǎozǔ.

English translation of 他们试图并入我们的研究小组。

They are trying to merge into our research group.

This sentence talks about an attempt to become part of an existing research group, using '并入' to suggest this integration.


Māmā bìng rù xīn de tiáoliào shǐ càiyào gèng měiwèi.

English translation of 妈妈并入新的调料使菜肴更美味。

Mom integrates new spices to make the dish more delicious.

'并入' is used to characterize the action of incorporating new spices into a dish in this context.


Bìng rù xīn de chéngyuán kěyǐ tígāo tuánduì de xiàolǜ.

English translation of 并入新的成员可以提高团队的效率。

Incorporating new members can improve the team's efficiency.

The phrase '并入' is employed here to demonstrate the introduction of new members into a team to enhance its efficiency.


Gōngsī zhèngzài jìhuà jiāng zhè liǎng gè bùmén bìng rù.

English translation of 公司正在计划将这两个部门并入。

The company is planning to merge these two departments.

This sentence uses '并入' to refer to the action of incorporating one thing into another, in this case, indicating two departments being merged.

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