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English translation of 别针


In Chinese, the term for 'pin' is '别针' (biézhēn). It is a common word that is used in a similar context as in English. It refers to a piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, often used for fastening fabric, paper, etc.

Example sentences using: 别针


Biézhēn zài chōutì li.

English translation of 别针在抽屉里。

The pin is in the drawer.

This sentence is describing the location of a pin, indicating that it is in the drawer.


Biézhēn diūshī le.

English translation of 别针丢失了。

The pin is lost.

This sentence expresses that the pin is lost or missing.


Nǐ kànjiàn biézhēn le ma?

English translation of 你看见别针了吗?

Have you seen the pin?

This is a question about whether or not someone has seen a pin.


Biézhēn fēicháng ruìlì.

English translation of 别针非常锐利。

The pin is very sharp.

This sentence is commenting on the sharpness of a pin.


Biézhēn hěn zhòngyào.

English translation of 别针很重要。

The pin is very important.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of a pin.


Biézhēn bèi wǒ zhǎodàole.

English translation of 别针被我找到了。

I found the pin.

This sentence talks about finding a pin.


Biézhēnde yánsè shì lán sè de.

English translation of 别针的颜色是蓝色的。

The color of the pin is blue.

This sentence describes the color of a pin.


Wǒ bǎ biézhēn zhā dào shǒuzhǐ shàng le.

English translation of 我把别针针扎到手指上了。

I pricked my finger with the pin.

This sentence describes an incident where someone pricked their finger with a pin.


Biézhēn diào zài dìbǎn shàng le.

English translation of 别针掉在地板上了。

The pin fell on the floor.

This sentence describes a situation where a pin fell on the floor.


Biézhēn kěyǐ yòng lái gùdìng zhǐzhāng.

English translation of 别针可以用来固定纸张。

A pin can be used to hold papers together.

This sentence explains a possible use of a pin.

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