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biǎo dá

English translation of 表达


In Chinese, '表达' is used to convey or make known one's thoughts, feelings, or ideas. It can be used in various context such as expressing an opinion ('表达观点'), expressing feelings ('表达感情') or expressing a principle ('表达原则').

Example sentences using: 表达


Tā wúfǎ biǎodá zìjǐ de qínggǎn.

English translation of 他无法表达自己的情感。

He is unable to express his feelings.

This sentence is used when a person finds it difficult to reveal their inner emotions or thoughts.


Zhè fú huà biǎodále zuòzhě de yōuyù.

English translation of 这幅画表达了作者的忧郁。

This painting expresses the author's melancholy.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where the painting is able to convey the feeling or thought of the author.


Tā yòng gēshēng biǎodá zìjǐ de bēishāng.

English translation of 她用歌声表达自己的悲伤。

She expresses her sorrow with her singing.



Tā yòng shī biǎodá tā de ài.

English translation of 他用诗表达他的爱。

He expresses his love with poetry.



Tā nányǐ biǎodá zìjǐ de gǎnshòu.

English translation of 她难以表达自己的感受。

She finds it difficult to express her feelings.

This sentence is used when someone finds it challenging to share their feelings or emotions.


Yīnyuè shì tā biǎodá zìjǐ de fāngshì.

English translation of 音乐是他表达自己的方式。

Music is his way of expressing himself.

This phrase can be used when someone expresses their personal feelings or thoughts through music.


Tā yòng xiàoróng biǎodá tā de xìngfú.

English translation of 他用笑容表达他的幸福。

He expresses his happiness with a smile.

This phrase is used when someone shows their happy emotions through their facial expressions, for instance, a smile.


Wǒ xiǎng yòng shīgē biǎodá wǒ de gǎn'ēn.

English translation of 我想用诗歌表达我的感恩。

I want to express my gratitude with poetry.

This phrase can be used when someone wants to express their thankfulness using poetry.


Tā yǐ xíngdòng biǎodá duì tā de ài.

English translation of 他以行动表达对她的爱。

He expresses his love for her through actions.

This phrase can be used when someone conveys their feelings of love for someone else through their actions.


Wǒ xiǎng yòng zhè piān wénzhāng biǎodá wǒ de guāndiǎn.

English translation of 我想用这篇文章表达我的观点。

I want to express my point of view with this article.

This phrase can be used when writing to share a personal opinion or viewpoint.

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