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English translation of 辩解


In Chinese, '辩解' is used in much the same contexts as 'justify' in English. It means to offer an explanation or reason for something, often in defense of one's actions or opinions. It is commonly used in written and verbal communication.

Example sentences using: 辩解


Nǐ bùxūyào wèi cǐ shì zuò rènhé biànnjiè.

English translation of 你不需要为此事做任何辩解。

You don't need to make any excuse for this matter.

This sentence is instructing someone that they do not need to justify anything regarding a particular issue or situation.


Tā de biànnjiè bìng wèi bèi jiēshòu.

English translation of 他的辩解并未被接受。

His justification was not accepted.

This sentence implies that a person's justification or explanation for a certain thing was not accepted or believed by others.


Wǒ bù jiēshòu nǐ de biànnjiè.

English translation of 我不接受你的辩解。

I don't accept your excuse.

This sentence indicates that someone is rejecting another person's excuse or justification.


Tā méiyǒu bìyào wèi zìjǐ de xíngwéi biànnjiè.

English translation of 她没有必要为自己的行为辩解。

She has no need to justify her behavior.

The sentence indicates that a woman doesn't need to provide justification or explanations for her actions.


Tā duì zìjǐ de cuòwù zuò chūle biànnjiè.

English translation of 他对自己的错误做出了辩解。

He justified his mistakes.

This sentence states that a man is providing excuses or justifications for his mistakes.


Tā de biànnjiè tài ruò, wú rén jiēshòu.

English translation of 他的辩解太弱,无人接受。

His excuse was too weak; no one accepted it.

This sentence indicates that a person's excuse was so weak or unconvincing that nobody accepted it.


Nǐ de biànnjiè bìng bùnéng gǎibiàn shìshí.

English translation of 你的辩解并不能改变事实。

Your excuse cannot change the facts.

This sentence tells that a person's justification cannot amend or alter the truth or reality.


Suǒyǒu de biànnjiè dōu wúfǎ dǐxiāo nǐ de cuòwù.

English translation of 所有的辩解都无法抵消你的错误。

All excuses cannot offset your mistakes.

This sentence tells that all the justifications or excuses cannot make up for or compensate for one's mistakes.


Tā zhǎo bù chū rènhé lǐyóu lái biànnjiè zìjǐ.

English translation of 他找不出任何理由来辩解自己。

He couldn't find any reason to justify himself.

This sentence implies that someone could not find any excuses to justify or explain his actions.


Tā de biànnjiè sìhū bìng bù bèi dàjiā xiāngxìn.

English translation of 他的辩解似乎并不被大家相信。

His excuse doesn't seem to be believed by everyone.

This sentence indicates that a person's excuse or justification doesn't appear to be accepted or believed by others.

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