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English translation of 蝙蝠


In Chinese, 'bat' is translated into '蝙蝠' (biānfú). It is used the same way as in English, to refer to the nocturnal flying mammal. It is also rich in Chinese cultural symbolism, often associated with luck and happiness as its pronunciation 'fú' sounds like the word for 'fortune' or 'happiness'.

Example sentences using: 蝙蝠


Biānfú yǐ kūnchóng wéi shí.

English translation of 蝙蝠以昆虫为食.

Bats feed on insects.

This assertion outlines the diet of bats, specifically that they eat insects.


Wǒ yǒu yī zhī biānfú de wánjù.

English translation of 我有一只蝙蝠的玩具.

I have a bat toy.

This phrase expresses that the speaker owns a toy that is made in the shape of a bat.


Biānfú zhù zài dòngxué lǐ.

English translation of 蝙蝠住在洞穴里.

The bat lives in a cave.

This statement indicates that bats usually inhabit caves.


Biānfú shì yèxíng xìng dòngwù.

English translation of 蝙蝠是夜行性动物.

Bats are nocturnal animals.

This sentence provides information about the nature of bats, stating that they're predominately active at night.


Biānfú shì wéiyī néng fēi de bǔrǔ dòngwù.

English translation of 蝙蝠是唯一能飞的哺乳动物.

Bats are the only mammals that can fly.

This phrase declares the unique characteristic of bats - that among all mammals, they are the only ones capable of flight.


Nàgè dòngxué yǒu hěnduō biānfú.

English translation of 那个洞穴有很多蝙蝠.

That cave has many bats.

This sentence describes the situation of a specific cave which is inhabited by a lot of bats.


Biānfú yòng huíshēng dìngwèi zhǎodào shíwù.

English translation of 蝙蝠用回声定位找到食物.

Bats use echolocation to find food.

This statement describes how bats use the method of echolocation to locate their prey.


Biānfú yīkào shēngyīn dǎoháng.

English translation of 蝙蝠依靠声音导航.

Bats rely on sound for navigation.

This phrase tells us that bats utilize sound waves to navigate their surroundings.


Tā duì biānfú de xíngwéi jìnxíngle yánjiū.

English translation of 他对蝙蝠的行为进行了研究.

He studied the behavior of bats.

This sentence tells us that the person mentioned in the phrase carried out research on the behavior of bats.


Tā ná qǐle yī zhǐ jiǎ biānfú.

English translation of 她拿起了一只假蝙蝠.

She picked up a fake bat.

This phrase describes the action of a woman picking up a bat that isn't real, but just a replica or toy.

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