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bí zi

English translation of 鼻子


The Chinese word for 'nose' is 鼻子. It is a common word used in everyday conversation, similar to its use in English. For example, '我的鼻子很大' means 'My nose is very big'.

Example sentences using: 鼻子


Wǒ de bízi hěn tòng.

English translation of 我的鼻子很痛。

My nose hurts.

This sentence is expressing a feeling of physical discomfort in the nose.


Tā de bízi hěn dà.

English translation of 他的鼻子很大。

His nose is big.

This sentence is describing the size of someone's nose using the adjective 'big'.


Tā bízi shàng yǒu yīgè bāhén.

English translation of 她鼻子上有一个疤痕。

She has a scar on her nose.

The sentence introduces the position of something (a scar) on someone's (her) nose.


Bízi lǐ yǒu shénme wèidào?

English translation of 鼻子里有什么味道?

What's the smell in the nose?

The sentence is asking about a certain smell that one detects in their nose.


Zhè shì wǒ bízi de zhàopiàn.

English translation of 这是我鼻子的照片。

This is a photo of my nose.

In this sentence, '鼻子' is part of preposition object 'my nose', showing possession.


Tā mōle mō bízi.

English translation of 他摸了摸鼻子。

He touched his nose.

This sentence describes an action of touching the nose by someone.


Tā xiào dé bízi dōu wāile.

English translation of 他笑得鼻子都歪了。

He laughed until his nose was crooked.

The sentence uses an exaggeration to express how hard someone laughed.


Māma wèishéme bízi liú bítì?

English translation of 妈妈为什么鼻子流鼻涕?

Why is mom's nose running?

This sentence is asking for the reason of the specific physical condition, a running nose, associated with someone.


Wǒ dǎle tā de bízi.

English translation of 我打了他的鼻子。

I hit his nose.

This is expressing a physical action done by the speaker towards someone's nose.


Zhège xiǎohái bízi hěn kě'ài.

English translation of 这个小孩鼻子很可爱。

The kid's nose is very cute.

This sentence is a compliment indicating that the speaker finds the child's nose to be adorable.

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