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bì yào de

English translation of 必要地


In Chinese, '必要地' is an adverb and translates to 'necessarily'. It is often used when indicating something that is unavoidably true, essential, or a must due to certain circumstances or rules. 下雨的时候,必要地要带伞 (When it's raining, it's necessary to bring an umbrella).

Example sentences using: 必要地


Tā bìyào dì shuō zhēnhuà.

English translation of 他必要地说真话。

He must tell the truth.

This phrase puts emphasis on the necessity to tell the truth.


Nǐ bìyào dì jì zhù tā de míngzì.

English translation of 你必要地记住他的名字。

You must remember his name.

The phrase is used when it is important or mandatory to remember someone's name.


Wǒmen bìyào dì mínɡtiān wánchénɡ zhèɡe xiànɡmù.

English translation of 我们必要地明天完成这个项目。

We must complete this project tomorrow.

This phrase expresses urgency in completing a task or project.


Tā bìyào dì qù yīyuàn.

English translation of 他必要地去医院。

He must go to the hospital.

This phrase indicates that it is crucial for someone to go to the hospital.


Nǐmen bìyào dì yínɡdé bǐsài.

English translation of 你们必要地赢得比赛。

You guys must win the game.

This phrase is often used in the context of competition, expressing the necessity of winning the game.


Tā bìyào dì chī zǎocān.

English translation of 她必要地吃早餐。

She must eat breakfast.

This phrase stresses the importance of having breakfast for someone.


Wǒ bìyào dì kàn zhè bù diànyǐng.

English translation of 我必要地看这部电影。

I must watch this movie.

This phrase shows the speaker's strong desire or necessity to watch a particular movie.


Nǐ bìyào dì jǐnkuài huífù wǒ.

English translation of 你必要地尽快回复我。

You must reply to me as soon as possible.

This phrase expresses an urgent need for a response from someone.


Wǒmen bìyào de mǎi xīn de jiājù.

English translation of 我们必要地买新的家具。

We must buy new furniture.

This phrase signifies the necessity of buying new furniture.


Tā bìyào dì xuéxí zhè mén kèchéng.

English translation of 他必要地学习这门课程。

He must study this course.

This phrase demonstrates the importance or the necessity for someone to study a particular course.

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