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English translation of 比


The Chinese character '比' is used similarly to 'than' in English to compare two things. for example, 'A比B大' can be translated as 'A is bigger than B'. Unlike english, '比' is placed between two objects being compared and not after like in English.

Example sentences using:


zhè bù diàn yǐng bǐ nà bù hǎo kàn

English translation of 这部电影比那部好看。

This movie is better than that one.

Here, '比' is utilized to compare the quality of 'this' movie and 'that' one.


tā bǐ wǒ nián qīng

English translation of 他比我年轻。

He is younger than me.

In this context, '比' is making a comparison of age between 'he' and 'me'.


wǒ bǐ tā gāo

English translation of 我比他高。

I am taller than him.

In this sentence, '比' is used to make a comparison regarding height between 'I' and 'him'.


nǐ de hàn yǔ shuǐ píng bǐ wǒ hǎo

English translation of 你的汉语水平比我好。

Your proficiency in Chinese is better than mine.

In this case, '比' is used to compare the level of Chinese proficiency between 'you' and 'me'.


jīn tiān bǐ zuó tiān lěng

English translation of 今天比昨天冷。

Today is colder than yesterday.

In this example, '比' is used to compare the temperature of 'today' and 'yesterday'.


tā de gōng zī bǐ tā de gāo

English translation of 她的工资比他的高。

Her salary is higher than his.

'比' in this sentence is comparing salaries between 'her' and 'him'.


wǒ bǐ nǐ zǎo dào

English translation of 我比你早到。

I arrived earlier than you.

In this case, '比' is used to show a comparison of the arrival times of 'I' and 'you'.


tā bǐ wǒ kuài lè

English translation of 她比我快乐。

She is happier than me.

Here, '比' is used to illustrate a comparison in happiness between 'she' and 'me'.


zhè zhǒng píng guǒ bǐ nà zhǒng hǎo chī

English translation of 这种苹果比那种好吃。

This type of apple is tastier than that type.

In this sentence, '比' is used to compare the tastes of 'this type' and 'that type' of apple.


míng tiān huì bǐ jīn tiān gèng máng

English translation of 明天会比今天更忙。

Tomorrow will be busier than today.

'比' in this context marks a comparison between 'tomorrow' and 'today' in terms of busyness.

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