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běn zhì shàng

English translation of 本质上


The Chinese word '本质上' translates to 'essentially' in English. It is used to indicate an intrinsic, fundamental nature or character of something or the basic or inherent features of something, or to emphasize the basic, fundamental, or intrinsic aspect of a point that someone is making.

Example sentences using: 本质上


Běnzhí shàng, zhè shì yī zhǒng zérèn.

English translation of 本质上,这是一种责任。

Basically, this is a responsibility.

This sentence illustrates that in essence, the topic in question is viewed as a responsibility.


Běnzhí shàng, tāmen shì yīyàng de.

English translation of 本质上,他们是一样的。

Essentially, they are the same.

Here, '本质上' is used to express that in essence or fundamentally they are the same, irrespective of appearance.


Běnzhí shàng, zhè shì gè yīnggāi qìngzhù de shì.

English translation of 本质上,这是个应该庆祝的事。

Essentially, this is something to celebrate.

This sentence implies that despite possible doubts or complications, the core aspect of the event is worth celebrating.


Wǒmen běnzhí shàng shì shànliáng de.

English translation of 我们本质上是善良的。

We are essentially good.

This sentence means that, fundamentally, humans' nature is inclined to do good rather than evil.


Tā běnzhí shàng réngrán shì gè háizi.

English translation of 他本质上仍然是个孩子。

In essence, he is still a child.

This sentence expresses that, fundamentally or at his core, the person in question still retains childlike qualities.


Nǐ běnzhí shàng shì duì de.

English translation of 你本质上是对的。

You are basically right.

Despite any minor flaws in argument or presentation, the speaker indicates that the listener is fundamentally correct.


Běnzhí shàng, tā shì gè yǒngzhě.

English translation of 本质上,他是个勇者。

Basically, he is a brave man.

This sentence illustrates the fundamental trait of braveness in the person being spoken about.


Běnzhí shàng, wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de shíjiān qù lǐjiě.

English translation of 本质上,我们需要更多的时间去理解。

Essentially, we need more time to understand.

This sentence expresses that the fundamental requirement for understanding something is more time.


Tā běnzhí shàng shì gè yìshùjiā.

English translation of 他本质上是个艺术家。

He is basically an artist.

This statement conveys that despite possibly various talents or roles, the person in question is fundamentally an artist.


Běnzhí shàng, zhège wèntí de jiějué xūyào wǒmen gòngtóng nǔlì.

English translation of 本质上,这个问题的解决需要我们共同努力。

Essentially, solving this problem requires our joint efforts.

This sentence states that fundamentally, in its very nature, the solving of a problem requires cooperation, hence the use of '本质上'.

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