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bào zhǐ

English translation of 报纸


The Chinese word for newspaper, '报纸' (bào zhǐ), is used similarly to its English counterpart—referring to a usually daily printed publication that contains news, articles, features, etc. For example, in the sentence '我每天早上都要读报纸' ('I read the newspaper every morning'), it represents something read regularly for news and information.

Example sentences using: 报纸


Nǐ zài nǎlǐ mǎi de bàozhǐ?

English translation of 你在哪里买的报纸?

Where did you buy the newspaper?

This is a basic question asking where someone bought a newspaper.


Wǒ de bàozhǐ bèi fēng chuī zǒu le.

English translation of 我的报纸被风吹走了。

My newspaper was blown away by the wind.

This sentence is expressing that the speaker's newspaper has been blown away by the wind.


Wǒ měitiān zǎoshang dū bàozhǐ.

English translation of 我每天早上都读报纸。

I read newspaper every morning.

This is sharing the speaker's habit of reading the newspaper every morning.


Bàozhǐ shàng yǒu hěnduō yǒuqù de wénzhāng.

English translation of 报纸上有很多有趣的文章。

There are many interesting articles in the newspaper.

This sentence means that the speaker finds a lot of the articles in the newspaper to be interesting.


Wǒ zuótiān zài bàozhǐ shàng kàn dào zhège xīnwén.

English translation of 我昨天在报纸上看到这个新闻。

I saw this news in the newspaper yesterday.

This sentence is telling someone that the speaker saw a specific piece of news in the newspaper the day before.


Tā zhèngzài yuèdú bàozhǐ.

English translation of 她正在阅读报纸。

She is reading the newspaper.

This sentence is describing that the lady is in the process of reading the newspaper.


Bàozhǐ shì cóng nǎlǐ lái de?

English translation of 报纸是从哪里来的?

Where does the newspaper come from?

This is a question asking about the origin of the newspaper.


Bàozhǐ kěyǐ xúnhuán lìyòng.

English translation of 报纸可以循环利用。

Newspapers can be recycled.

This sentence is stating that newspapers can be used more than once, they can be recycled.


Bàozhǐ shàng de zì tài xiǎo le.

English translation of 报纸上的字太小了。

The words on the newspaper are too small.

This sentence is expressing that the speaker is having difficulty reading the newspaper because the print is too small.


Tā zài bàozhǐ shàng zhǎo gōngzuò.

English translation of 他在报纸上找工作。

He is looking for a job in the newspaper.

This sentence is describing someone who is searching for job postings in the newspaper.

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