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bāo wéi

English translation of 包围


The Chinese word '包围' literally translates to 'surround' in English. It is commonly used to signify that something is completely covering or enclosing another thing or place. It can also be used to represent a situation where a person or group is closely watched or pressured by people. For example, '我们被敌人包围了' means 'We are surrounded by enemies.'

Example sentences using: 包围


xiàng zi bèi lǎo fáng zi bāo wéi zhe.

English translation of 巷子被老房子包围着。

The alley is surrounded by old houses.

In this context, '包围' describes that the alley is enclosed or wedged in among old houses.


dí rén yǐ jīng bāo wéi le wǒ men de yíng dì.

English translation of 敌人已经包围了我们的营地。

The enemy has surrounded our camp.

In this sentence, '包围' means to surround, typically in a hostile manner.


tā men bèi yì qún fěn sī bāo wéi zhe.

English translation of 他们被一群粉丝包围着。

They were surrounded by a group of fans.

'包围' in this context means to swarm around, emphasizing the close proximity and quantity of the fans around 'them'.


wǒ men bèi hēi àn bāo wéi.

English translation of 我们被黑暗包围。

We are surrounded by darkness.

In this sentence, '包围' figuratively means to envelop or shroud, creating an imagery of being completely enveloped in darkness.


zhèng zhì yì tí bāo wéi zhe wǒ men de jiā tíng.

English translation of 政治议题包围着我们的家庭。

Political issues surround our family.

'包围' here signifies the overwhelming presence of political issues within and around their family discussions.


zhè ge hái zǐ bèi wán jù bāo wéi zhe.

English translation of 这个孩子被玩具包围着。

The child is surrounded by toys.

This sentence uses '包围' to describe the large number of toys around the child.


tā bèi chǒng ài bāo wéi zhe.

English translation of 她被宠爱包围着。

She is surrounded by adoration.

In this statement, '包围' is used in a metaphorical sense to convey the notion that she receives a lot of love and affection from those around her.


gōng yuán bèi gāo lóu bāo wéi.

English translation of 公园被高楼包围。

The park is surrounded by tall buildings.

'包围' here represents the physical presence of tall buildings around the park.


zōng lǘ shù bāo wéi zhe nà ge yǒng chí.

English translation of 棕榈树包围着那个泳池。

The swimming pool is surrounded by palm trees.

In this context, '包围' depicts an image of the swimming pool being encircled or hemmed in by palm trees.


chéng shì bèi shān mài bāo wéi zhe.

English translation of 城市被山脉包围着。

The city is surrounded by mountains.

Here, '包围' refers to the physical surroundings, denoting that the city is entirely enclosed by mountains.

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