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bà gōng

English translation of 罢工


The Chinese word '罢工' is used to describe a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees in a business to work. This is usually in response to employee grievances, and is similar in context to the use of 'strike' in English.

Example sentences using: 罢工


Wǒmen bìxū bà gōng yǐ kàngyì bù gōngpíng de gōngzuò tiáojiàn.

English translation of 我们必须罢工以抗议不公平的工作条件。

We must strike to protest against unfair working conditions.

This phrase communicates that employees will go on strike to express their dissatisfaction with unjust working conditions.


Zhège gōngchǎng méiyǒu bàgōng de lìshǐ.

English translation of 这个工厂没有罢工的历史。

This factory has no history of strikes.

This sentence indicates that there have been no strikes at this particular factory in the past.


Bàgōng dǎozhìle gōngchǎng tíng gōng.

English translation of 罢工导致了工厂停工。

The strike led to the shutdown of the factory.

This statement announces that the factory ceased operations due to the strike.


Yóuyú bàgōng, wǒmen bàngōngshì guānménle.

English translation of 由于罢工,我们办公室关门了。

Due to the strike, our office closed.

This sentence says that the office had to close down as a result of the strike.


Lǎobǎn shìtú tōngguò tígāo gōngzī lái fángzhǐ bàgōng.

English translation of 老板试图通过提高工资来防止罢工。

The boss tried to prevent the strike by raising wages.

This phrase is used when the employer attempts to avert a strike by offering better pay.


Bàgōng shǐ wǒmen wúfǎ jìxù gōngzuò.

English translation of 罢工使我们无法继续工作。

The strike makes us unable to continue working.

This phrase is often used when a strike has caused work to halt.


Bàgōng qíjiān, wǒmen zài jiālǐ dàizhe.

English translation of 罢工期间,我们在家里待着。

During the strike, we stayed at home.

This phrase is often used to describe the situation during a strike, where employees would typically stay at home instead of going to work.


Bàgōng xíngdòng shǐ gōngsī zāoshòule zhòngdà sǔnshī.

English translation of 罢工行动使公司遭受了重大损失。

The strike action has caused significant loss to the company.

This statement is used to express the detrimental impact a strike has had on a company's profits and operations.


Bàgōng yǐngxiǎngle wǒmen de jìndù.

English translation of 罢工影响了我们的进度。

The strike affected our progress.

This phrase is often used when a strike has caused a delay in the progress of a task or project.


Bà gōng jiéshù hòu, wǒmen lìjí huīfù gōngzuò.

English translation of 罢工结束后,我们立即恢复工作。

After the strike was over, we immediately resumed work.

This sentence is used when work continues immediately after a strike has come to an end.

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