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àn shì

English translation of 暗示


The Chinese word '暗示' means 'imply'. It is used similarly to the English term, applying to situations where something isn't directly stated. Instead, it's suggested or hinted at without being explicitly mentioned. This can be utilized in descriptions, narratives, or dialogue, where the speaker wishes to allude to something indirect.

Example sentences using: 暗示


tā de huà bù jīng yì dì àn shì le zhè gè wèn tí de jiě dá.

English translation of 他的话不经意地暗示了这个问题的解答。

His words inadvertently hinted at the answer to this question.

This sentence indicates that the speaker indirectly and unintentionally suggested the solution to a problem through his words.


tā de yǎn shén àn shì wǒ bié zǒu jìn tā.

English translation of 他的眼神暗示我别走近他。

His eyes hinted to me not to approach him.

This phrase communicates that the look in the man's eyes served as a subtle clue not to get close to him.


tā de shén tài àn shì tā zhī dào gèng duō de shì.

English translation of 她的神态暗示她知道更多的事。

Her demeanour suggested she knew more.

This sentence reveals that the woman's behaviour or attitude indirectly indicated she had more information than she's letting on.


zhè gè fú hào àn shì wēi xiǎn.

English translation of 这个符号暗示危险。

The symbol suggests danger.

In this statement, a specific symbol is used to subtly convey or indicate danger.


tā de dá àn àn shì tā bú mǎn yì.

English translation of 他的答案暗示他不满意。

His answer suggested dissatisfaction.

The implication of this sentence is that something about the way the man answered revealed that he was not satisfied.


tā de tài dù àn shì tā bù dǎ suàn lí kāi.

English translation of 他的态度暗示他不打算离开。

His attitude suggests he has no intention of leaving.

This sentence suggests that the man’s behaviour gives off a subtle hint that he does not plan to leave.


tā àn shì wǒ tā xǐ huān nà fèn lǐ wù.

English translation of 她暗示我她喜欢那份礼物。

She hinted to me that she liked the gift.

This phrase implies that the woman subtly communicated her fondness for a certain gift.


tā àn shì tā yǐ jīng zhǔn bèi hǎo jiē shòu tiǎo zhàn.

English translation of 他暗示他已经准备好接受挑战。

He hinted that he was ready to accept the challenge.

The sentence suggests that the man indirectly expressed or indicated his readiness to undertake a challenge.


zhè shǒu shī kě néng àn shì tā shēn shēn de tòng kǔ.

English translation of 这首诗可能暗示他深深的痛苦。

The poem might suggest his deep pain.

The implication of this statement is that the poem might be subtly conveying the author's immense suffering.


tā de wēi xiào àn shì tā tóng yì wǒ men de jì huà.

English translation of 她的微笑暗示她同意我们的计划。

Her smile suggests she agrees with our plan.

In this context, the woman's smile is taken as an indirect sign or indication that she is agreeing with the plan.

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