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àn niǔ

English translation of 按钮


In Chinese, '按钮' (button) is often used in web development and technology contexts to mean an interactive button on a webpage or digital interface. Just like in English, it can also refer to a button on clothing. Depending on the context, '按钮' may take on slightly different usages and meanings.

Example sentences using: 按钮


Qǐng bǎ ànniǔ tiáodào zuìdà.

English translation of 请把按钮调到最大.

Please turn the button to the maximum.

In this example, someone is being asked to adjust a control (perhaps on a device) by turning a button to its highest or maximum setting.


Zhège ànniǔ shì kāi jī jiàn.

English translation of 这个按钮是开机键.

This button is the power key.

This example describes a button that serves as the power switch on a machine or device.


Ànniǔ yǐjīng huài le.

English translation of 按钮已经坏了.

The button is already broken.

This expresses that the control button is no longer functioning or is damaged.


Qǐng búyào suíyì àn zhège ànniǔ.

English translation of 请不要随意按这个按钮.

Please do not press this button casually.

This phrase is cautioning someone to avoid pressing a button without a specific purpose or reason.


Wǒ zhǎo bù dào nàgè ànniǔ.

English translation of 我找不到那个按钮.

I can't find that button.

In this context, one is having trouble locating a particular button.


Tā jǐnzhāng de àn le ànniǔ.

English translation of 他紧张地按了按钮.

He nervously pressed the button.

This example illustrates a person who, due to nervousness, pressed a button.


Zhège ànniǔ zhìliàng hěn chà.

English translation of 这个按钮质量很差.

The quality of this button is very poor.

This view expresses dissatisfaction with the quality of a specific button.


Bù xiǎoxīn àn dào zhège ànniǔ.

English translation of 不小心按到这个按钮.

Accidentally pressed this button.

This phrase explains a situation where someone unintentionally pressed a button.


Diàntī nèi de nàgè ànniǔ xūyào xiūlǐ.

English translation of 电梯内的那个按钮需要修理

The button inside the elevator needs repair.

Here, it is being explained that a button in an elevator is malfunctioning and needs to be fixed.


Hóngsè ànniǔ dàibiǎo tíngzhǐ.

English translation of 红色按钮代表停止

The red button represents stop.

In this context, a red button is used to indicate a stop command or function.

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