Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

季节 (jìjié)

In Chinese, '季节' is used to describe a significant period of the year characterized by certain weather conditions, temperature, or other natural phenomena. It is used similarly as 'season' in English, but can't be used to indicate sport seasons or TV show seasons.

学习 (xué xí)

“学习” is a common Chinese word used to express the activity of acquiring knowledge. It is often used in sentences to express the act of studying, learning, or educating oneself. It's a very popular word in an academic or educational context.

学期 (xué qī)

In Chinese, 'term' is often translated to '学期' which refers to a specific period of time in an academic year during which lessons are held. The same word is also used in legal and technical contexts.

守卫 (shǒu wèi)

The Chinese word '守卫' is used in a similar context as the English word 'guard'. It refers to a person who protects a place, object, or another person, and can be used in both physical and abstract contexts. For example, it could mean a security guard, or metaphorically speaking, someone protecting their interests or beliefs.

Example sentences with  守卫
安定 (ān dìng)

In Chinese, 'settle' translates to '安定'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as settling in a new home, settling down to start a family, or settling one's mind. It carries the idea of establishing stability or creating a peaceful state.

Example sentences with  安定
安装 (ān zhuāng)

The Chinese word '安装' is often used to describe the act of setting up or installing a software or equipment. It is mostly used in the context of technology like installing a program on a computer. However, it can also refer to the installation of things in general, like installing a new air conditioner.

Example sentences with  安装
安静 (ānjìng)

In Chinese, '安静' represents the English word 'quiet'. It is mainly used in Mandarin in the same contexts as 'quiet' might be used in English - for example, to describe a lack of noise, or a calm, tranquil atmosphere. It can describe anything from environment to people to situations, and is often used in requests or commands for less noise or disturbance.

完成 (wán chéng)

The Chinese word '完成' is used in the context of finish, complete, or accomplish in English. It can be used to describe both the action and the state of completion. For example, in the sentence '我完成了这个任务', it means 'I have finished this task'.

完美 (wán měi)

The Chinese word '完美' is used to describe something that is flawless or has reached an ideal state. It can be used in similar contexts to the English word 'perfect', such as describing objects, performances, people's appearances and etc. For example, '这是一场完美的表演' means 'This is a perfect performance'.

实施 (shí shī)

The Chinese term for 'implement' is '实施'. It is most often used in the same contexts as in English, meaning to put a plan, decision, or agreement into effect. The term can be used in various scenarios, such as in business strategies, government policies, laws, and more.

Example sentences with  实施
实现 (shíxiàn)

The Chinese word '实现' (achieve) is used in the context of fulfilling a goal or realizing a dream. It can be used in various sentence structures depending on the scenario. Like in English, it is a verb.

Example sentences with  实现
实践 (shíjiàn)

The chinese word '实践' is used similarly to how 'practice' is used in English. It refers to the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as contrasted with theories related to it. It can also refer to repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it.

审查 (shěn chá)

The Chinese word '审查' is the equivalent of the English word 'review'. It is used to describe the process of looking at or considering again an item, idea or piece of work to check its quality or to think about it deeply. '审查' is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts, and could be used in situations such as reviewing a book, a paper, a performance etc.

Example sentences with  审查
宣布 (xuan1 bu2)

The Chinese word '宣布' is used in the same way as the English word 'announce'. It is used when you want to formally or officially tell people about something, or make it known publicly. It is commonly used in both spoken and written Chinese, in a variety of contexts, including news reports, public speeches, and formal writing.

Example sentences with  宣布
对待 (duì dài)

The Chinese word '对待' is used as a verb, implying how you handle, deal with or respond to someone or something. It equates to the English word 'treat'. It can be used in a wide range of contexts, including how we treat other humans, animals, the environment, or even ourselves.

寻找 (xúnzhǎo)

The Chinese word '寻找' is used just like the English word 'seek'. It refers to the act of looking for someone or something. It can be used in a variety of context such as seeking a solution, seeking help, seeking advice, etc.


In Chinese, '将' (pronounce as 'jiāng') is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts, it is often used as a future tense marker, similar to 'shall' in English. Besides, it can also mean 'to be going to', 'will' or 'to be about to', depending on the sentence it is used in. Please note that direct translations do not always hold the same connotations or cultural nuances as the original language.

Example sentences with  
射击 (shè jī)

The Chinese word '射击' is used exactly like its English counterpart 'shoot'. Like in English, it can be used to refer to firing a gun, shooting a ball in sport like basketball or soccer, or in metaphorical context like shooting a movie. It's a versatile term that could be used in different scenarios.

尊重 (zūn zhòng)

The Chinese term '尊重' directly translates to 'respect' in English. This term is widely used in Chinese culture across all aspects, whether family, school, or social relationships. It reflects the value of acknowledging the views, feelings, space, and rights of others. Replacing it in subjects or objects in sentence expresses the act of respect.

Example sentences with  尊重
小费 (xiǎo fèi)

In Chinese, '小费' is usually given to the service workers such as waiters, bellboys, taxi drivers, etc as a token of appreciation for their good service. This is similar to the culture in the Western countries where it is common to leave a small amount of money, called 'tip', according to the quality of service.

Example sentences with  小费
尖锐 (jiān ruì)

In Chinese, '尖锐' connotes both physical sharpness, such as the sharpness of a knife, as well as abstract sharpness, like a sharp mind or sharp criticism. It can be used in various contexts just like in English.

Example sentences with  尖锐
尝试 (chángshì)

The Chinese word '尝试' translates directly to 'attempt' in English. It is typically used in contexts where one is trying to do or achieve something, often something new or challenging.

Example sentences with  尝试

In Chinese, '层' (ceng) is used much in the same way as 'layer' in English. It can be used to refer to a layer of a cake, a story of a building, a layer of clothing, a level of bureaucracy, a degree of subtlety, etc. As with English, it can be used both in a literal and metaphorical sense.

Example sentences with  
屋顶 (wū dǐng)

The Chinese word for roof, '屋顶', is used in a similar context as in English. It is commonly used when talking about different parts of a house or building. In addition, it can also be used metaphorically to express the highest level or limit of something.

Example sentences with  屋顶
展示 (zhǎn shì)

In Mandarin, '展示' is used in similar contexts as the English word 'show'. It refers to displaying or presenting something to be seen, or to prove or explain something. It is often used in both formal and informal contexts. For instance, you can '展示' a project in a business meeting or '展示' your cooking skills to your friends.

属于 (shǔ yú)

The Chinese word '属于' is used in situations where you want to express ownership or affiliation. It is used just like 'belong' in English, to denote that something is part of something bigger. For instance, '这个包属于我' means 'This bag belongs to me.'

Example sentences with  属于
工具 (gōng jù)

In Chinese, 'tool' translates to '工具' and it can be used in the same way as in English. It refers to a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function. For example, 'hammer' in Chinese is '锤子' which is also viewed as a '工具'.

Example sentences with  工具
差距 (chājù)

In Chinese, the word 'gap' is translated to '差距'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a break or hole in between two or things or the distance between different points. It can be used in various scenarios including, but not limited to describing differences in statistics, skill levels, or understanding.

Example sentences with  差距
市场 (shì chǎng)

The Chinese word '市场' is used similarly to 'market' in English, referring to a physical place where goods are bought and sold, or generally referring to the commercial world where trade happens. It can also be used in wider economic contexts referring to demand (e.g., '市场需求' = 'market demand').

师傅 (shī fù)

In Chinese, master is translated as '师傅' or 'shīfù'. It is often used to address highly skilled individuals, particularly in a certain field, or someone who teaches a craft. It could be a teacher, a martial arts instructor, a master of some other craft, a craftsman, or a trainer.

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