Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

坚持 (jiān chí)

The Chinese word '坚持' translates directly to 'insist', and is used similarly in sentences. In Chinese, it can also carry the connotation of perseverance or sticking with something despite difficulty. It's often used in the context of emphasizing willpower, determination, or persistence.

Example sentences with  坚持
坦克 (tǎn kè)

In Chinese, '坦克' refers to the heavy armored fighting vehicle carrying guns and moving on a continuous articulated metal track. It is used in the same way as the English word 'tank' - it can be used both in a military context or to describe a container or receptacle. It also has additional meanings, such as a criticism catcher or, by extension, a tough person.

Example sentences with  坦克
垃圾 (lā jī)

The Chinese word '垃圾' is used to refer to waste or rubbish, similar to the English word 'trash'. It can be used in various contexts such as household rubbish, or to describe something that is considered to be of poor quality or value.

Example sentences with  垃圾
基础 (jī chǔ)

The Chinese word '基础' translates to 'base' in English. It is often used in the context of a foundation or starting point, similar to its use in English. For example, in sentences describing the basic or fundamental aspects of a subject.


The word '塔' in Chinese is used to indicate a tall structure, either free-standing or forming part of a building such as a church or castle. It is often used to depict various types of structures with similar characteristics. This may include observational towers, radio towers, bell towers, and others.

填充 (tián chōng)

The Chinese word '填充' is similar to the English word 'fill'. It is used when we talk about filling in a form or filling up a glass with water, or in a more abstract sense, when we're filling up our time with activities. The usage of '填充' is versatile and largely depends on context, just like its English counterpart.


The Chinese word for 'wall' is '墙'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to a vertical structure, often made of stone or brick, that divides or encloses an area. For example, '他的房子有两道墙,很宽敞。' which means 'his house has two walls, it’s spacious.'

增加 (zēng jiā)

In Chinese, the word '增加' corresponds to the English term 'increase'. It is often used in contexts such as expressing the growth or rise in quantity, degree, or size of things or concepts. It can be used in a variety of scenarios such as financial increase, value increase, etc.

增强 (zēng qiáng)

The Chinese word '增强' (pronounced 'zēng qiáng'), equivalent to 'enhance' in English, is used often in the context of improving or strengthening something. It can be applied to variety of scenarios such as enhancing one's skills, abilities, physical strength, or enhancing the properties of an object.

Example sentences with  增强
声称 (shēng chēng)

In Chinese, '声称' is used as a verb and generally refers to stating or declaring something. It is used in contexts where one asserts a fact or a right strongly and firmly, in a manner that is not always capable of being proven.

声音 (shēng yīn)

In Chinese, the word for 'voice' is '声音'. It is used similarly to the English use of 'voice', can represent the sounds that are made when people speak or sing. It can also refer to the ability to express thoughts or feelings openly.

处理 (chǔ lǐ)

In Chinese, '处理' is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts. It could mean handling, dealing with, or processing something, depending on the context. For instance, it can be used to refer to handling a situation, dealing with a problem, or processing data. In general, it refers to the act of managing, manipulating or having an effect on something.

备用 (bèi yòng)

The Chinese translation '备用' directly means to prepare for use. It is often used in the context where additional, extra, or backup items are needed. For example, a spare tire or spare parts.

复制 (fù zhì)

The Chinese word '复制' is used similar to the English word 'copy'. It can be used when referring to making an identical or close copy of something, whether it be a physical object or in digital context such as copying text or a file.

Example sentences with  复制
复杂 (fùzá)

The Chinese word '复杂' (fùzá) is used in similar contexts as the English word 'complicated.' It can describe a situation, problem, or process that is difficult to understand or analyze because it involves many different factors or aspects. It can also describe something with many interconnected elements or parts.

Example sentences with  复杂
天气 (tiānqì)

The word '天气' is how we say 'weather' in Chinese. It is used in the same context as it is in English. For example, you can say '今天天气怎么样?' which means 'What's the weather like today?'.

Example sentences with  天气
天空 (tiān kōng)

The term '天空' is used in Chinese to refer to the expanse of space that is visible when one looks upwards, the part of the atmosphere and outer space visible from the earth. It is commonly used in different contexts such as weather statements, poetry, and metaphysical discussions.

失望 (shī wàng)

The Chinese word '失望' is used to express a feeling of sadness or dissatisfaction when one's hopes or expectations are not fulfilled. It is also used to describe someone who is feeling let down by someone or something.

Example sentences with  失望
失败 (shī bài)

The Chinese word '失败' is equivalent to the English word 'fail'. It could refer to failing in general, such as in an endeavor or a task. It is often used in various contexts, including in casual conversations, literary writing, and business reports, often conveying a setback or disappointment.

头脑 (tóu nǎo)

In Chinese, '头脑' is used to refer to the human intellect or brain while in English, 'mind' not only refers to the human brain or intellect but also refers to the state of being aware or conscious. It is often used in conversation to refer to one's intention or thoughts.

夹克 (jiákè)

The Chinese word for 'jacket' is '夹克'. It's used in the same manner as English to refer to a form of protective clothing worn on the upper body. It's a common word and can be used in a variety of contexts, from casual to formal.

Example sentences with  夹克
奋斗 (fèn dòu)

The Chinese word '奋斗' is used much the same way as 'struggle' in English. It can refer to a strenuous effort to overcome a difficulty or achieving a goal. It's often used in a positive context to express determination, perseverance and hard work.

Example sentences with  奋斗
奖励 (jiǎng lì)

In Chinese, '奖励' is used much like its English equivalent: to refer to something given in recognition of one's service, effort, or achievement. For example, it could be used in the context of receiving a reward for good grades, excellent performance at work, or winning a competition.

奖品 (jiǎng pǐn)

The term '奖品' refers to a reward given for something that a person has done, particularly in contests, competitions, or games. In Chinese, it is commonly used in the same contexts where 'prize' would be used in English.

委托 (wěi tuō)

In Chinese, '委托' can be used in various settings. You can use it when you assign a task to a person or when you're describing a contractual agreement where one party agrees to perform a task for another. It is broadly used in business and legal scenarios.

Example sentences with  委托
嫌疑人 (xián yí rén)

The Chinese word for 'suspect' is '嫌疑人'. This term is often used in legal and crime-related contexts to refer to someone who is suspected of committing a crime. Similar to English, it can be used as a noun to describe a person under suspicion, or as a verb, to express doubt or mistrust.

Example sentences with  嫌疑人

In Chinese, the term '字' (zì) is used to refer to a word. As in English, it can be used to refer to a single character or a combination of characters that together express a singular idea. One key difference in Chinese is the absence of spaces between words, which can make identifying individual '字' more challenging for beginners.

字符串 (zì fú chuàn)

In Chinese, the term '字符串' is commonly used in the field of computer science and programming specifically to refer to a sequence of characters or a string.

Example sentences with  字符串
存在 (cún zài)

The Chinese word '存在' is used in various contexts similar to the English word 'exist'. It primarily conveys the idea of something or someone being present, being in a particular place or condition. You can use it in sentences to state your existence, or the existence of ideas, feelings or objects in the physical or metaphorical world.

存款 (cún kuǎn)

The Chinese word '存款' is most commonly used to refer to funds placed into a secure account for safekeeping or a financial investment purpose. It can be used in various contexts like bank transactions, or other situations where something of value is placed into a secure environment.

Example sentences with  存款
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