Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.


The Chinese word for 'suck' is '吸'. It has a similar usage to English where it refers to drawing into the mouth by contracting the muscles of the lips and mouth to create suction. However, it turned more figurative senses than the English like to suck sb's blood, it means to exploit or overcharge someone.

Example sentences with  
吸引 (xī yǐn)

The Chinese word '吸引' is used to express attracting someone or something. It is commonly used in various scenarios, from describing attractiveness of people or objects, to gravitational attraction, to describing someone or something that is appealing or attention-grabbing.

Example sentences with  吸引

The Chinese term '吹' is the equivalent of the English word 'blow'. It is used in similar contexts as in English. You may use it when referring to the act of blowing air out of your mouth or blowing out a candle. Moreover, it is also applicable in context like blowing a whistle. However, be careful when using it as it may not represent all English contexts of 'blow'.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word '吻' is used to express the physical act of affectionately kissing someone, as in English. It can be used in contexts referring to both platonic and romantic love, and just like English, it can also refer to a light touch or brush against something in a metaphorical sense.

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告诉 (gàosù)

告诉 is used similarly as 'tell' in English. It can be used to communicate information, news, or knowledge to someone. It has wide applications and can be usually found in daily conversation in Chinese

周末 (zhōu mò)

The word '周末' is used in Chinese much in the same way 'weekend' is used in English, to refer to Saturday and Sunday or the last two days of the week. You can use it in sentences like '这个周末我会去购物' meaning 'I will go shopping this weekend'.

Example sentences with  周末
味道 (wèi dào)

The Chinese word for taste is '味道', which is mainly used to describe the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the feeling or experience from a situation or event.

命令 (mìnglìng)

The Chinese word '命令' is used in a similar context to the English word 'command'. It can refer to an order or instruction given by a person in charge. It can be used in a variety of contexts including in a military setting, computer programming, or when giving orders to a person or group. It's important when using this word to remember it conveys a sense of authority and power.

Example sentences with  命令
咨询 (zīxún)

The Chinese word '咨询' is used the same as English 'consult'. It refers to asking someone, such as an expert or a professional, for information or advice. It is often used in medical, legal, or any professional context where one person has the information that another person needs.

Example sentences with  咨询

The word '咬' in Chinese is primarily used in the context of biting something with one's teeth. It can be used for both humans and animals. For instance, a dog might '咬' a bone or a person might '咬' an apple. It is a common verb used in everyday conversations.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word for 'cry' is 哭 [kū]. It is used in similar context to the English word 'cry', both emotionally, such as crying out of sadness, and physically, such as crying tears. It can be used as a verb in sentences.

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The Chinese word for 'sing' is '唱' (chàng). It is used in Chinese in much the same way as 'sing' is used in English, to refer to the act of producing musical sounds with the voice. It can be used in various contexts, such as singing in a concert, singing a song, or singing along to music.


'喂' in Chinese can be used in both the context of feeding an animal or addressing someone when answering the phone in a casual manner. However, in the context of translation from 'feed' in English, this is usually regarding the action of giving food to a person, animal, or plant. For example, '我喂了狗' means 'I fed the dog'.

Example sentences with  
喜欢 (xǐ huān)

The Chinese word for 'like' is '喜欢' and is used similarly to the English term. For instance, 'I like you' can be translated as '我喜欢你'. It's typically used to express fondness or enjoyment for something or someone.


The Chinese word '喝' is commonly used to refer to the action of drinking any kind of liquid, similarly to the English word 'drink'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, for instance in '喝水' (Drink water), '喝茶' (Drink tea), '喝酒' (Drink alcohol). Moreover, it can also be used in expressions such as '喝彩', which means cheer for somebody or something.

喷雾 (pēn wù)

The Chinese word '喷雾' is used to describe the action or result of spraying, equivalent to 'spray' in English. It can be used for spraying liquid, perfume, water, or any other substance that can be dispersed in small droplets. It is mostly used in the context of eventually dispersing or spreading a substance evenly over an area through the use of pressure or force.

Example sentences with  喷雾
嘴唇 (zuǐchún)

In Chinese, the word for 'lip' is '嘴唇'. It is used similarly to English, referring to the soft, moving parts at the opening of our mouths. It's used in various contexts, from simple ones like 'her lips are red', to more metaphorical ones, such as 'to keep one’s lips sealed'.

Example sentences with  嘴唇
噪音 (zào yīn)

The Chinese word '噪音' is used to describe sounds that are loud, undesired, disruptive or unpleasant, similar to how we use 'noise' in the English language. It can refer to noise from any sources, such as traffic, loud music, or people talking loudly.

Example sentences with  噪音
回复 (huí fù)

The Chinese word '回复' means reply or response, it can be used in various contexts just like the English word 'reply'. It could refer to a response to an email, a reply to a message, or an answer to a question. In Chinese grammar, '回复' can function as a verb or a noun, depending on the context.

回答 (huí dá)

The Chinese word '回答' means 'answer'. It is typically used in contexts where a response or solution to a question or problem is being given. Just like the English word 'answer', '回答' can be used in both formal and informal settings.

Example sentences with  回答
回顾 (huí gù)
to review

In Chinese, the word '回顾' is used to refer to the action of reviewing, recalling, or looking back. It's often used when referring to reviewing study materials, recalling past events, or taking a retrospective view. It can be used in various contexts such as study, work, life events etc.

团队 (tuán duì)

The word '团队' in Chinese is used to refer to a group of people who collaborate to achieve a common goal, just like 'team' in English. In sentences, it is used in a similar context as in English, to talk about groups in workplaces, sports, and other cooperative environments.

固定 (gùdìng)

The Chinese word '固定' means 'fixed' in English. In modern Mandarin language, it carries the connotations of something that is steady, unchangeable, or set in place. It is often used to describe objects, items, or concepts that are secure and do not fluctuate.

Example sentences with  固定
图像 (tú xiàng)

The Chinese word for 'image' is '图像'. It is often used in contexts related to visual or digital imagery, similar to its use in English. It can be found in phrases like 'digital image' (数字图像) or 'image processing' (图像处理).

图片 (tú piàn)

The Chinese word '图片' is used to refer to any kind of visual representation such as a photograph, painting, drawing, or other graphical presentation. It is used similarly to the English word 'picture'. It can be used in various contexts such as in a photo album (相册中的图片), on a website (网站上的图片), or a picture book (图片书).

Example sentences with  图片
图表 (tú biǎo)

In Chinese, '图表' is often used in contexts of data presentation or recording information visually. It can be used in many instances such as bar chart, pie chart, line chart, and so on. It is a common term in academic, research and business fields.

Example sentences with  图表
地址 (zhǐ dì)

The Chinese term for 'address' is '地址' (zhǐ dì). It's commonly used exactly like its English counterpart - when providing locations for physical destinations, mailing correspondence or electronic (web, email) resources.

Example sentences with  地址
地球 (dì qiú)

The Chinese word for 'earth' is '地球' (dì qiú). It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the planet we live on. It can be used in sentences like '我们都住在地球上' which means 'We all live on the earth'.

场合 (chǎng hé)

The Chinese word '场合' is used to describe a special event or situation. It can be used in various contexts, similar to how 'occasion' is used in English. For example, it can be used to refer to occasions such as birthdays, weddings, or special events. It can also refer to 'occasion' in a more general sense, as in a suitable or appropriate time for doing something.

Example sentences with  场合

The Chinese word for 'sit' is '坐'. It's used in the same general contexts as the English word. For example, you can use it to tell someone to sit down, to describe the act of sitting, or to indicate that something or someone is located somewhere.

Example sentences with  
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