Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

分钟 (fēn zhōng)

'分钟' is used in Chinese exactly the same way 'minute' is used in English. It is a measure of time that is equivalent to 60 seconds. It can be used to express the duration of time, the time on a clock, or the preciseness of a particular moment.

切片 (qiē piàn)

The Chinese term '切片' mirrors that of 'slice' in English and is often used to describe the act of slicing something into multiple parts or a part cut off from a whole. It is most commonly used in the context of food preparation or computer programming to represent a subarray.

Example sentences with  切片
划分 (huàfēn)

The Chinese word '划分' refers to the action of dividing something into parts. It is often used when discussing the division of tasks, resources, geographical areas, etc.

Example sentences with  划分
列表 (lièbiǎo)

The Chinese word '列表' is used to signify a list or a catalog. It can be used in the same context as 'list' in English, to denote a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively.

创建 (chuàng jiàn)

In Chinese, '创建' (chuàng jiàn) means 'create'. It is used much in the same way as it is in English, to denote the act of bringing something into existence. It could be used when talking about creating art, a new process, or creating an account or identifier in a digital context. Like English, it is not typically used for natural phenomena.

初始 (chū shǐ)

The Chinese word '初始' directly translates to 'initial' in English. It is typically used to describe the first or starting phase of something. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts in Chinese such as the initial stage, initial plan, initial idea etc.

Example sentences with  初始
利润 (lì rùn)

The Chinese word for 'profit' is '利润', commonly used in financial and business contexts. It refers to the financial return or gain made from an investment, sale, or business operation, equivalent to the English term 'profit'.

Example sentences with  利润
别针 (biézhēn)

In Chinese, the term for 'pin' is '别针' (biézhēn). It is a common word that is used in a similar context as in English. It refers to a piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, often used for fastening fabric, paper, etc.

Example sentences with  别针
到达 (dào dá)
to arrive

The Chinese word '到达' is often used to indicate the act of reaching or arriving at a destination. It is used in a variety of contexts, like arriving at a place, a time, or reaching a certain level or state. It is a versatile word that can be used both literally and metaphorically.

制造 (zhì zào)

In Chinese, '制造' is used to express the meaning of make which is generally referred to create or produce something. The role of this word in a sentence is often used as a verb, and it widely applicable to various scenarios like make a decision (制造决定), make a car (制造汽车).

刷子 (shuā zi)

In Chinese, the word for 'brush' is '刷子'. It can be used in similar contexts as in English, such as when referring to paint brushes, hair brushes or toothbrushes. It can also be used in broader contexts, such as to 'brush' or 'swipe' a card.

Example sentences with  刷子
前进 (qián jìn)

The Chinese word '前进' is used to describe the act of moving forward or progressing, just like the English word 'advance'. It can be referred to any type of progression, be it physical movement or progression in a project or a plan. It also contains a subtle sense of positivity, implying progress towards a better state.


The Chinese character '剪' is used in the same context as 'cut' in English. It can be used to describe reducing something (剪短), a physical action (剪纸) such as cutting paper, or modifying something (剪发), like getting a haircut.

Example sentences with  
剩余 (shèng yú)

The Chinese word '剩余' is used to describe what is left or spare. This can refer to time, quantity, or any other physical or non-physical quantities. It can be used in a sentence like '剩余的时间很少' which translates to 'There is little time remaining'.

Example sentences with  剩余
劝说 (quàn shuō)

The Chinese word '劝说' is used in conversation to describe the act of trying to influence someone into thinking or doing something through reasoning or argument. Its usage is similar to its English counterpart 'persuade'. For example, in a sentence '他劝说我去健身' translates to 'He persuaded me to go to the gym'.

Example sentences with  劝说
功能 (gōngnéng)

In Chinese, the word 'function' translates to '功能'. This term is used similarly to English, describing the role or purpose that something is designed to fulfill. For example, it can be used while talking about the functions of a certain device or the functions within a program or algorithm.

Example sentences with  功能
加入 (jiā rù)

The Chinese word '加入' is used when one wants to express the idea of joining an activity, organization, group etc. It can be used in various contexts, much like the English word 'join'. It is often used in sentences like '我想加入这个活动' which means 'I want to join this activity'.

加载 (jiā zǎi)

The Chinese word '加载' is often used to refer to the process of loading something, like data or items. It can also be used metaphorically, like for workload. In computer system, '加载' it is commonly used in contexts such as 'loading data', 'loading a page', etc.

Example sentences with  加载

The Chinese character '助' is commonly used to mean assist, help, or aid. It can be used in various contexts just like 'assist' in English. It can apply to help in physical tasks, as well as intellectual or emotional support.

Example sentences with  
包含 (bāo hán)

The Chinese word '包含' is used similar to how 'contain' is used in English. Typically, it's used to express the idea of something being held or included within something else. It can be used in various contexts such as identifying the components of something, describing the criteria or conditions that something fulfills, or discussing the contents of a location or object.

Example sentences with  包含
包围 (bāo wéi)

The Chinese word '包围' literally translates to 'surround' in English. It is commonly used to signify that something is completely covering or enclosing another thing or place. It can also be used to represent a situation where a person or group is closely watched or pressured by people. For example, '我们被敌人包围了' means 'We are surrounded by enemies.'

Example sentences with  包围
包括 (bāo kuò)

The Chinese word '包括' is used to imply that something is part of a larger whole. It is used in similar contexts as the English word 'include'. For example, if you wanted to say that a book includes multiple topics, you would use '包括'.

包装 (bāozhuāng)

The Chinese word for 'wrap' is '包装'. It is commonly used in the same context as it is in English. For instance, when referring to wrapping a gift or food items. It's also used in context of packaging.

包裹 (bāo guǒ)

The Chinese word '包裹' is used similarly to the English word 'package'. It typically refers to a parcel or a bundle of items wrapped for shipping. It can be used in various contexts such as post office, online shopping and transportation.

Example sentences with  包裹
匆忙 (Cōngmáng)

In Chinese, 'rush' is translated as '匆忙' (Congmang). It is used similar to English, when one is in a hurry or needs to speed up. It can be used in various contexts including rushing to work, school or any kind of event.

Example sentences with  匆忙

In Chinese, '区' is used to denote an area or a section in a city that has a distinct character or purpose. It could refer to both residential, commercial and historical districts.

十字 (shí zì)

The Chinese term for 'cross' is '十字', which is used in the same contexts as in English. It could refer to the religious symbol, an intersection, or the action of passing from one side to another. Similar to English, it can also be used metaphorically in different expressions.

Example sentences with  十字
午餐 (wǔcān)

In Chinese, '午餐' means lunch. It is usually the meal eaten in the middle of the day, generally around midday or early afternoon. Depending on the region, it could include a variety of dishes, traditionally includes rice or noodles, alongside vegetables, meat, or fish. It is integral to Chinese culture, and people often take a small break from work to have their '午餐'.

Example sentences with  午餐

The Chinese word '卖' is used to describe the action of giving something to someone in exchange for money, in the same way as 'sell' is used in English. It is used in various contexts and can be combined with other characters to form phrases or idioms. For example, '卖掉' means 'sell off' and '卖出' translates to 'sell out'.

占有 (zhàn yǒu)

In Chinese, the word 'possess' is translated to '占有'. It is often used to describe owning or having something. For example, if you possess a car, you can say '我占有一辆车' in Chinese. This term is not limited to physical objects and can also be used to describe abstract things, such as skills or traits.

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