Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

偏爱 (piān ài)

The Chinese word '偏爱' is used to express a stronger liking for one thing over another. Similar to English, it can be used in a variety of contexts, including personal preferences in food, color, sport, etc. For example, '她偏爱红色' means 'She prefers red.'

Example sentences with  偏爱

The Chinese word '做' (zuò) translates to 'does' in English. It is generally used as a verb, similar to its English equivalent, and can be used in a wide variety of contexts to represent the act of doing, making, or performing something. Note that '做' is also used in other contexts with different meanings such as 'to be' (in the sense of posing as) or 'to make' or 'to produce'. Usage depends on context.


The Chinese word for 'stop' is '停'. It is used in similar contexts as the English word 'stop', often to command someone or something to cease movement or action. This word is used both verbally and in written form across a range of circumstances.


The Chinese word '偷' is used in a similar way as the English word 'steal'. It typically refers to the act of taking someone else's property without permission and with the intention of keeping it. For example, '他偷了我的钱包' means 'He stole my wallet'.

Example sentences with  
允许 (yǔn xǔ)

The Chinese word '允许' is used in similar contexts to the English word 'allow'. It is often used to grant permission, to let something happen, or to admit an assertion. It is commonly used in formal language and everyday conversation.


The Chinese word for 'light' is '光'. It is used to describe something that illuminates and can also refer to weight as in light or heavy. Moreover, '光' can signify the concept of light, as in visible light that we see, and bear the meaning of shine, radiate or brilliant. It can be used in multiple contexts, such as '看到了光' (saw the light), or '光线' (ray of light) etc.

克服 (kè fú)

In Chinese context, '克服' is used to express the meaning of conquering or getting through difficulties, barriers and obstacles. An example of usage would be '克服困难' that translates to 'overcome difficulties'.

Example sentences with  克服
免费 (miǎn fèi)

The Chinese word '免费' is used to express that something is free of charge. It is used in the same context as 'free' is used in English, to denote that no payment or exchange is expected for a good or service.

公司 (gōng sī)

The Chinese word for 'company' is '公司'. It's used in business context to denote a business entity. It can also be used in combination with other words to specify different types of companies. For example, '软件公司' means 'software company'.

关心 (guān xīn)

The Chinese term for 'care' is '关心', which encompasses both mental and emotional concern for someone or something. It can be used in a variety of context, to express concern or to inquire about someone's well-being. One can care about a person, an event, or even an idea, just as in English.

关闭 (guānbì)

The Chinese word '关闭' is the equivalent of 'closed' in English. It is often used in the context of setting or objects that are not operating or not available. For instance, if a shop is shut, or a door is closed, we use '关闭'. This can also apply to abstract concepts like closing a deal or closing an account.

Example sentences with  关闭
兴趣 (xìng qù)

In Chinese, '兴趣' is used to describe someone's hobbies or things that someone is interested in. It can be used in phrases such as '我有很多兴趣' which translates to 'I have many interests.'

内容 (nèi róng)

The word '内容' in Chinese is used to refer to the subject matter or topics covered in a book, speech, movie, or some form of communication. It is used in a similar context as the English word 'content'. It can also refer to satisfaction or comfort in a similar way to English.

to write

In Chinese, the character '写' is used for the verb 'to write'. It can be used in various contexts similar to English such as writing a letter ('写信'), writing a book ('写书'), or writing a message ('写消息').


In Chinese, '冰' is used in the same way 'ice' is used in English. It typically refers to the frozen state of water, and can be used literally or metaphorically. For example, in a literal sense, one might say '这个冷饮有很多冰' ('This cold drink has a lot of ice'). In a metaphorical sense, it may be used to convey the hardness or coldness of a material or an item.

冲突 (chōng tū)

The Chinese word '冲突' is used to represent collision, contention or dispute between two or more parties, and is generally used in the context of social, political, or personal interactions. It can be used to describe both physical and ideological disagreements or confrontations.

Example sentences with  冲突
决定 (Jué dìng)

The Chinese word '决定' is equivalent to the English word 'decide'. '决定' is usually used as a verb in sentences. It could be used when you are making a choice among options or when you are making important decisions.

准备 (Zhǔnbèi)

The Chinese word '准备' means 'prepare'. It is used in similar context as in English. It implies getting ready for something or some event. For example, '我正在准备晚餐' means 'I am preparing dinner'.

准备好了 (zhǔn bèi hǎo le)

The Chinese phrase '准备好了' is used similar to the English word 'ready'. It is used to indicate that something or someone is prepared or in a suitable state to do something.

Example sentences with  准备好了
减少 (jiǎn shǎo)

The Chinese word '减少' is used the same way as the English word 'reduce'. It means to make something less or smaller in amount, degree, or size etc. It can be used in various contexts, such as reducing waste, reducing speed, reducing workload etc.

出口 (chū kǒu)

The Chinese word '出口' is used to denote an exit or way out from a place or situation, much like how it is used in English. It is often found in public places like airports, train stations or shopping malls to guide people towards the exit.

出席 (chū xí)
to assist

The Chinese word '出席' is used when someone is physically present at a meeting, event, class or any gathering. It is equivalent to the English word 'attend'. Similar to English, it can also mean to pay attention to something.

Example sentences with  出席
出现 (chū xiàn)

In Chinese, '出现' is used similarly as 'appear' in English. It could mean to come into sight, making it visible or noticeable or become present or exist in a particular context. For example, '你什么时候出现的', means 'When did you appear?'

出生 (chū shēng)

The Chinese word '出生' is used in comparison to the English word 'born'. It is commonly used in standard conversation or written text to describe the process of birth, coming into existence or start of life. For instance, '我在中国出生' translates to 'I was born in China'.

Example sentences with  出生
击败 (jí bài)

The Chinese word '击败' is used to represent the action of overcoming or defeat someone or something, similar to the English word 'beat'. It is commonly used in contests, matches or games scenario to articulate someone winning over their opponent.

Example sentences with  击败
分享 (fēnxiǎng)

The Chinese word '分享' is used in the context of sharing something with someone. This could be referring to sharing a physical object, some kind of information or intangible things such as experiences or feelings. Similar to English, it can be used both in the context of 'sharing (doing an action)' and 'to share (objective)' depending on the grammatical structure of the sentence.

分发 (fēn fā)

The Chinese word '分发' refers to the action of distributing, or delivering something to a number of people, often in a public or various places. It can apply to resources, tasks, goods, etc.

Example sentences with  分发
分开 (fēnkāi)

The word '分开' means to separate or divide something, usually into two or more parts. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including physical separation, conceptual separation, or even separation between people or groups. For example, '我们需要分开这些书,一部分给你,一部分给我' means 'We need to separate these books, some for you, some for me.'

Example sentences with  分开
分支 (fēn zhī)

The Chinese translation of 'branch' is '分支' (fēn zhī). In English, branch refers to a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or from a bough. It can also refer to a division of a business or other organization, or a conceptual division or offshoot. Similarly, in Chinese context '分支' can be used to describe a subdivision or a secondary part of something larger or more complex, such as an organization or a concept.

Example sentences with  分支
分裂 (fēn liè)

The Chinese word '分裂' is used in a similar way to 'split' in English, often referring to distinguishable separation or division, either in a physical or abstract context. Just like in English, it can be used to describe anything from the division of cells (物理分裂) to a group of people breaking up (集団分裂).

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