Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

速度 (sù dù)

In Chinese, the word '速度' is used similarly to the English word 'speed'. It refers to the rate at which someone or something moves or operates. It can also refer to the rate at which events occur or developments proceed.

Example sentences with  速度
遇见 (yù jiàn)

The Chinese word '遇见' is used similarly to 'meet' in English. It can refer to encountering or coming across someone or something, particularly for the first time or by chance. It may also represent a scheduled arrangement where two or more people come together for a purpose.

道歉 (dào qiàn)

The Chinese word '道歉' is used when someone wants to express regret or remorse for something that they've done wrong. Much like in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts, ranging from informal, everyday instances to more serious or formal occasions.

遭受 (zāo shòu)

The Chinese word '遭受' is used to express the English term 'suffer'. This verb can be used in various contexts, referring to going through a hard or painful experience. For example, it can be used to describe suffering a loss, a defeat, an illness, or physical or psychological pain. It can also be used in more abstract senses.

Example sentences with  遭受
避免 (bìmiǎn)

In Chinese, '避免' means to prevent something from happening or to keep oneself from doing something. It's often used in situations where a potentially negative outcome can be prevented by taking certain actions.

邀请 (yāoqǐng)

邀请, pronounced as 'yāoqǐng', is often used in contexts dealing with inviting someone to an event, meeting, or party. It is often used in both formal and informal speech. Its usage is similar to the usage of 'invite' in English. However, 'yāoqǐng' is not typically used as a colloquial slang like how 'invite' is sometimes used in English to imply other meanings.

Example sentences with  邀请
部分 (bù fèn)

The Chinese word '部分' gets used in similar contexts as 'part' in English. It can be used to denote a fraction or a segment of something. For instance, in a sentence '这只是故事的一部分' - 'This is only a part of the story'.

酒吧 (jiǔbā)

The Chinese word for bar is '酒吧' (jiǔbā). This word is often used in the same context as it is in English – a place where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages. However, it can also refer to a coffee bar or other similar establishments.

Example sentences with  酒吧

The Chinese word '醒' is used to explain the state of alertness coming from sleep or lack of consciousness. It could be used in different contexts such as 'wake up' (醒来) or 'wakefulness' (清醒).

Example sentences with  
释放 (shì fàng)

In Chinese, '释放' refers to the action of releasing something, precisely like unleashing or letting go. It is often used in context with releasing one's strength, emotions, or prisoners. It is also used to convey the meaning of making something available to the public, as in the case of releasing a new film or publication.

重复 (zhòng fù)

The Chinese word '重复' is used similar to how the English word 'repeat' is used. It implies to do or say something again. It can be used in everyday conversations, and it may also be used in technical contexts, such as in mathematics or computer science fields to indicate repetition of a process or action.

Example sentences with  重复
重量 (zhòngliàng)

In Chinese, weight translates to '重量' (zhòngliàng). This term can be used for all contexts where weight (of an object, person or any entity) is referred to or measured. It's a noun and can be used in a sentence like '这个箱子的重量是多少?' which means 'What is the weight of this box?'

Example sentences with  重量
金属 (jīnshǔ)

The Chinese word for 'metal' is '金属'. This term is usually used in the same contexts as the English word 'metal', referring mainly to a category of elements that are typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and conductive. For example, you would use it when talking about jewelry or machines, among other things.

Example sentences with  金属
钥匙 (yàoshi)

The word '钥匙' is a noun in Chinese language, exactly equivalent to 'key' in English. This term is commonly used for devices designed to open locks or start devices. It can also metaphorically refer to an essential method, idea, or influential element.


The Chinese word for 'hook' is '钩'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a piece of metal or other hard material curved or bent back at an angle, for catching hold of or hanging things on. In addition, it can also be used in a metaphorical sense like in English to mean 'to attract or to trap'.

Example sentences with  
链接 (liàn jiē)

The Chinese word '链接' means 'link' in English. It is often used in the context of internet or connection between two things or ideas. For example, you might use '链接' when talking about a hyperlink on a website or a connection between two trains.


In Chinese, '锁' pronounced as 'suǒ' refers to the device for fastening a door, lid, etc. It can be used in both verb and noun forms paralleling its use in English. For example, you can say '我锁了门' meaning 'I locked the door' or '这是一把锁' meaning 'This is a lock'.

Example sentences with  
错过 (cuò guò)

In Chinese, '错过' is used to express the act of missing something or someone. It's often used to convey regret for opportunities that have been lost or not taken advantage of. For example, if you didn't have the chance to attend an interesting lecture, you can say '我错过了那次讲座'.

锻炼 (Duànliàn)

The Chinese word for 'exercise' is '锻炼' (Duan4lian4). It is used in China to refer to the English concept of physical or mental exercise, whether it involves sports, academic study, or health activities. This word is used in various contexts, just as 'exercise' is in English.

Example sentences with  锻炼
长凳 (zhǎng dèng)

The Chinese word for bench is '长凳'. It is usually referred as a long seat for several people, typically made of wood or stone. It is commonly used in public areas like parks.

Example sentences with  长凳

The Chinese word for 'ask' is '问' (wèn). The contextual usage is similar to English. It can be used for questioning, inquiring or requesting for information. Some examples include '你可以问我问题' (You can ask me a question) or '我想问你一些事情' (I want to ask you some things).

Example sentences with  

In Chinese, '闻' is used to denote the action of smelling something. It can be used both literally, such as smelling a flower, or figuratively, such as smelling trouble. Often, it can be combined with other characters to create more complex words or phrases related to the sense of smell.

Example sentences with  
阶段 (jiēduàn)

In Chinese, '阶段' refers to a stage or a phase, usually following a chronological order, in a process, development or a series of events. It can be used contextually in the same way we use 'phase' in English, referring to any distinct period in a sequence, development, or cycle.

Example sentences with  阶段

The Chinese word '附' is used to describe the action of attaching something to another thing. It is commonly used in daily life, for instance, when you attach a document to an email, or when you attach a label to a container. Its application is wide and can be used in various contexts.

Example sentences with  
限制 (xiàn zhì)

The Chinese word '限制' corresponds to 'limit' in English. It is used similarly to the English term, often referring to restrictions, boundaries, or confines in some scope or context. It can be used in a variety of settings, such as in legal, physical, or theoretical discussions.

Example sentences with  限制
院子 (yuàn zi)

The Chinese word '院子' is translated as 'yard' in English. It is commonly used to refer to an open area that’s next to a building or a house usually filled with grass or plants. It is often used in the context of people having conversations in their yard, doing yard work or children playing in the yard.

Example sentences with  院子
陪审团 (Péishěntuán)

The Chinese word '陪审团' (Péishěntuán) is used to refer to a body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court.

隐藏 (yǐn cáng)

In Chinese, '隐藏' is used to denote 'hide'. This word can be used in various contexts such as hiding oneself or an object. It is an action word for ceasing to keep or continue to keep oneself or a certain thing in a state or position that is not easily perceived or not noticed.

Example sentences with  隐藏
集中 (jí zhōng)

The term '集中' means to concentrate in Chinese. It is used to describe the action of focusing one's mental efforts towards a particular object or task. It is often used in various contexts similar to its English counterpart, such as concentrating on studies or concentrating on a work task.

Example sentences with  集中
雇佣 (gù yōng)

The Chinese word '雇佣' is used to describe the hiring or engaging of someone's services for wage or salary. It can be used in scenarios such as employment in a company, organization, or by an individual.

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