Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.


The Chinese word '转' represents the concept of 'turn.' It is used in a variety of contexts, such as instructing someone to change direction ('turn right' = '向右转'), changing one's mindset ('turn over a new leaf' = '改头换面'), or changing a situation ('things have taken a turn for the worse' = '情况转坏').

转变 (zhuǎn biàn)

In Chinese, '转变' is used to express the change from one thing to another. It usually describes a transformation or change in nature, behavior, or form. For example, you could use '转变' to talk about a person changing their opinions, a change in the weather, or the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

Example sentences with  转变
转移 (Zhuǎn yí)

In Chinese, '转移' is used to depict the process of moving or changing the position of something or someone. It can be used in various contexts such as work, study, and daily life. It can also refer to the action of diverting one's attention or focus from one thing to a different thing.

轻微 (qīng wēi)

In Mandarin Chinese, the word '轻微' (qīng wēi) is used to refer to something that is minor, small or slight. It can be used in many different contexts, such as describing a slight change, a slight smile, or a slight error. It can be used similarly to the way 'slight' is used in English.

Example sentences with  轻微
轻松 (qīngsōng)

轻松 is used in Chinese to denote the concept of being relaxed or at ease, stress-free, or comfortable. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as describing a person's mood, the difficulty level of a task, or the nature of a situation.

Example sentences with  轻松

The Chinese word '输' is used similar to the English word 'lose'. It could be used in contexts such as losing a game, a battle, or any competition. It can also mean to be inferior or weaker than others. However, it does not usually include the meaning of losing objects.

输入 (shūrù)

The Chinese word '输入' is often used in the context of entering information, such as typed data into a computer, much like its English equivalent, 'enter'. It is not commonly used for physically entering a space, as 'enter' may be used in English.

Example sentences with  输入
辞职 (cí zhí)

'辞职' means 'quit', particularly in terms of leaving a job or post. It is used in a formal context to denote resigning from a professional position. It is important to note that '辞职' is more specific than 'quit' which can be used in various contexts in English.

Example sentences with  辞职
辩解 (biànjiě)

In Chinese, '辩解' is used in much the same contexts as 'justify' in English. It means to offer an explanation or reason for something, often in defense of one's actions or opinions. It is commonly used in written and verbal communication.

Example sentences with  辩解
辩论 (biàn lùn)

In Chinese '辩论' means debate. This is used in most instances where two or more individuals or groups provide differing viewpoints on a specific topic. It can be used in any context, formal or informal.

Example sentences with  辩论
边界 (biān jiè)

In Chinese, '边界' translates to 'border'. The term is often used in geographical or political context when referring to the edge or boundary between two things or areas. It could be the physical dividing line between two countries, states, or territories, or it could be a metaphorical term used to describe the limit or extent of something. Chinese places a lot of emphasis on particular context when using this term.

Example sentences with  边界
边缘 (biān yuán)

In Chinese, '边缘' is used similarly to the English word 'edge' — referring to the boundary or limit of something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as physical objects (edge of a table), abstract concepts (cutting-edge technology), or geographical terms (edge of a city). '边缘' can also express a metaphorical fringe or margin of society.

达到 (dá dào)

In Chinese, '达到' is the word for 'reach'. It is often used to express the attainment or accomplishment of a goal or aim. Like English, it can be used in various contexts such as 'reaching a place', 'reaching an agreement', 'reaching a level', etc.

Example sentences with  达到
过渡 (guò dù)

The Chinese word '过渡' is used to express the concept of transition, indicating a process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. It can be used in various contexts such as social changes, personal development, and time passage etc. Furthermore, it can act as a verb or a noun in sentences.

Example sentences with  过渡
过程 (guò chéng)

The Chinese word '过程' has similar uses to the English word 'process'. It refers to a series of actions or stages taken in order to achieve a particular end. It can be used in various contexts, including scientific, technological, and daily life. Examples: '制作过程 (the process of making/production)', '学习过程 (learning process)'

过错 (guòcuò)

The Chinese word '过错' represents a wrong or a mistake made by an individual. Just like in English, '过错' can be used in a variety of contexts. It can be used to denote errors made in work or studies, moral or ethical faults, flaws in character, or mistakes in judgement. The intensity of the fault can also vary, from minor oversights to major transgressions.

Example sentences with  过错
运动 (yùn dòng)

The translated word '运动' is used in Chinese to describe different types of physical games and exercises, just like the English word 'sport'. It can be used in various contexts related to physical activities, fitness, and competitive games.

运气 (yùnqì)

运气 (Yùnqì) is often used in similar ways to the English word 'luck'. It can be used generally to refer to one's fortune or fate. It's especially used to describe the result of an event that's determined more by chance than by one's control. It's not uncommon to hear someone wishing another person good luck by saying 祝你好运 (Zhù nǐ hǎo yùn) in Chinese.

Example sentences with  运气
返回 (fǎn huí)

In Chinese, '返回' holds the same context as 'return' in English. It could mean to go back to a place or situation, to give, send, or put something back, or it is also commonly used in context of a result from a process or event. It's often used in conversational language as well as in coding and technical language.

连接 (lián jiē)

The Chinese word '连接' is used similarly to the English word 'connect'. It can be used to indicate the idea of linking, attaching or joining two or more things together. For instance, in the context of internet or technology, '连接' may refer to establishing a network connection. In a social or relational context, '连接' may refer to establishing or making a connection or relationship with someone.

Example sentences with  连接
追求 (zhuī qiú)

The Chinese word '追求' is used in similar context to its English counterpart 'pursue'. It can mean to strive to achieve or obtain something in the face of adversity, such as a life goal, a romantic interest or an academic discipline. It also includes the sense of continuous efforts.

Example sentences with  追求
退休 (tuìxiū)

In Chinese, '退休' (tuìxiū) refers to retirement from working, often after reaching a certain age. It can be used in various contexts, such as formal or informal conversation, and in written or spoken language. Similar to its usage in English, it typically implies the transition from gainful employment to a time of rest or pursuing one's hobbies.

Example sentences with  退休
适合 (shì hé)

The Chinese word '适合' is used similar to how we use 'fit' in English. It can mean fitting in a physical sense, such as a piece of clothing or an object fitting in a certain space. However, it can also be used in a more abstract sense to mean that something is suitable or appropriate.

适应 (shì yìng)

The Chinese word '适应' is used to represent adaption or adjustment to a certain condition, environment, or situation. Similar to English, it can be used in a variety of contexts, including but not limited to the adaptation to climate change (适应气候变化) or the ability to adapt to new circumstances (适应新环境的能力).

Example sentences with  适应
适当 (shìdàng)

The Chinese word '适当' is used similarly to the English word 'appropriate'. It is used to describe something that is suitable or fitting in a specific situation, context, or condition. This can pertain to behaviour, clothing, decisions, measures etc. It can also suggest moderation, as in not too much or too little.

Example sentences with  适当
逃跑 (táo pǎo)

The Chinese word '逃跑' is used in situations similar to English - such as escaping from a dangerous situation or escaping from school. It is a commonly used term and has the same connotative usage in both languages.

Example sentences with  逃跑
选择 (xuǎn zé)

In Chinese, the word '选择' is used to denote the action of choosing or picking something from a set of options. Similar to English, it can be used in various contexts such as picking a color, picking a time for a meeting, picking a route for travel, etc.

选项 (xuǎnxiàng)

In Chinese, '选项' stands for 'option'. It is a commonly used word, especially in menus, questionnaires, or multiple-choice questions (MCQ). It symbolizes a range of choices or alternatives provided to the user.

通知 (tōngzhī)

The word '通知' in Chinese is used in the same context as 'inform' in English. It's commonly used when someone is giving information about a certain topic, usually of official or important news or events. It is often used in both formal and casual context.

Example sentences with  通知
通道 (tōngdào)

In Chinese, '通道' is used to refer to a navigable route or a passage. This can mean a corridor in a building, a hallway, or any route that allows transport. The character '通' translates as 'pass' or 'through', and '道' translates as 'way' or 'path'. Together, they form '通道', the term for 'passage'.

Example sentences with  通道
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