Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

袜子 (wà zi)

The Chinese word '袜子' which translates to 'sock' in English, is commonly used to refer to the piece of clothing that is worn on feet. This term is used in the same context as it is in English and across Chinese speaking regions, it is universally understood.

Example sentences with  袜子
裁判 (cáipàn)

The Chinese word '裁判' pronounced 'cáipàn', is used in a similar manner as the English word 'judge'. It can be used to denote a person who has the power to make decisions about things that are disputed, especially in sports or legal matters. It is an important term to understand as it relates to decision-making and justice in both a legal and a moral sense.

Example sentences with  裁判
裂缝 (liè fèng)

In Chinese, '裂缝' refers to a fissure, a line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, like a crack on a wall or mirror. It can be used metaphorically to describe people who have a weakness that could cause them to fail.

Example sentences with  裂缝
裙子 (qúnzi)

In Chinese, '裙子' is used to represent the English word 'dress'. It is a common term for the style of garment traditionally worn by women and girls in the waist or shoulders, which may be one or two pieces. Contextually, it is important to recognize the cultural and social factors of the way it is used and it can refer to a casual or formal outfit for any occasion.

Example sentences with  裙子
覆盖 (fù gài)

In Chinese, '覆盖' means to cover something, similar to its English meaning. It can be used in various contexts such as 'cover the surface of something', 'cover a story' in journalism, or 'the range that a signal can cover' in telecom. Chinese people use this word both colloquially and formally.

规模 (guīmó)

The Chinese word '规模' is mainly used to refer to size or level of something, especially when it is huge or increasing. Often used in contexts referring to business, projects, or initiatives. The meaning could slightly differ based on the context it's used in, similar to English.

Example sentences with  规模
角度 (jiǎo dù)

The Chinese word '角度' is used to describe the angle of an object, figuratively it can also be used to describe different perspectives. It is used in mathematics as well as everyday life. The Mandarin Chinese word for angle, 角度, can be used in sentences like '从不同角度看问题' which means 'look at the problem from different angles' in English.

Example sentences with  角度
解决 (jiě jué)

The Chinese term '解决' corresponds to 'tackle' in English. It refers to dealing with or taking on a difficult task or issue. It's widely used in various situations, whether it's in solving problems in a work setting or dealing with complex life situations.

Example sentences with  解决
解释 (jiěshì)

The Chinese word '解释' is used to express the action of making an idea, situation, or problem clear to understand. The word can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as in a classroom setting, during engagements in business or personal conversations. It is a verb.

触摸 (chù mō)

In Chinese, '触摸' is used similarly to 'touch' in English. It can refer to coming into physical contact with something, or using your fingers to interact with a touchscreen device. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically to mean 'affecting someone emotionally'.

Example sentences with  触摸
警官 (Jǐngguān)

In Chinese, '警官' (Jǐngguān) refers to an officer, commonly a police officer. Just like in English, this word can be used in many contexts such as when referring to a person who has a position of authority in the military or the police force.

警报 (jǐng bào)

In Chinese, '警报' refers to an instance of giving notice to a possible danger or problem, quickly or suddenly. This can be any situation where a warning is given, like a fire alarm (火警) or a robbery alarm (抢劫警报). It is used in the same way as 'alarm' in English, which refers to an anxious awareness of danger, or a device that warns or alerts.

Example sentences with  警报
计数 (jì shǔ)

The Chinese word '计数' is used to express the act of counting or enumeration, similar to how the English word 'count' is used. It is usually used in contexts such as mathematics, inventory monitoring or enumeration of any type.

Example sentences with  计数
计算 (jì suàn)

The Chinese word '计算' is commonly used in the same way as the English word 'calculate'. It is often used in situations where numbers or data are involved, or where an assessment or evaluation needs to be made.

Example sentences with  计算
认识 (rèn shi)

In Chinese, '认识' is a verb that means to recognize or to be familiar with. It is generally used to refer to the action of becoming aware of someone or something that you have seen before or acknowledging the truth or legality of something.


The Chinese word '让' is used the same way as 'let' in English. It means to allow or permit someone to do something. For example, '让我帮你' means 'let me help you'.

Example sentences with  
记住 (jì zhù)
to memorize

In Chinese, '记住' is used to refer to the act of memorizing or remembering something. It can be used in contexts where you are asking someone to remember a certain fact, detail, or piece of information.

记录 (jì lù)

In Chinese, '记录' is used to connote the act of keeping a factual account of something or an instance of something. It can be used in various contexts like recording notes, recording a video or maintaining a record of events or data. It is commonly used in both formal and informal speech.

记得 (jì dé)

The Chinese word '记得' is used to denote the act of recalling or remembering something. It is used roughly in the same context as in English. For example, in the sentence '你记得吃饭了吗?' the word '记得' means 'remember', therefore the sentence translates to 'Do you remember to eat?'

讲座 (jiǎng zuò)

The Chinese word '讲座' is used in a context similar to the English word 'lecture'. It often refers to a talk or speech given to a group, especially students. However, '讲座' can also refer to a series of talks on a particular subject.

Example sentences with  讲座
论文 (lùn wén)

In Chinese, 'essay' is translated as '论文' (lùn wén). This term could be used in almost the exact same contexts as in English. For instance, students would write a '论文' for their coursework, and a researcher might publish a '论文' about their latest findings.

Example sentences with  论文
设置 (shèzhì)

The word '设置' means 'to set or fix something'. It's often used in instructional contexts, such as set up your account or set your password. It's also used in daily life conversation, for example, set the clock. However, 'set' is a extremely versatile word in English and has different meanings in different contexts, so the Chinese translation can also vary according to the context.

Example sentences with  设置
设计 (shè jì)

The Chinese word for 'design' is '设计'. This is a noun used to define the process of creating or planning something in a way that is new and different. It can refer to anything from designing a building to a website. It is often used in contexts like fashion design ('服装设计'), industrial design ('工业设计'), and graphic design ('平面设计').

访问 (fangwen)

In Chinese, '访问' or 'fangwen' is primarily used to refer to access in the context of visiting or inspecting. It can be used in both online contexts, i.e. to access a website, or in real-life scenarios, i.e. to access a place or a person.

Example sentences with  访问
证据 (zhèngjù)

The Chinese word '证据' is used in context similarly to how we use 'evidence' in English. It refers to the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. In Chinese sentences, '证据' can be used both in formal and informal contexts, similar to the English word.

证明 (zhèngmíng)

The Chinese word '证明' is frequently used in both formal and informal Chinese language. It is often used when you want to demonstrate the truth or existence of something by giving evidence or argument. It can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as in a court of law, scientific research, or common day-to-day conversation.

识别 (shí bié)

The Chinese word '识别' is used much like the English word 'identify'. It implies recognizing, distinguishing, or understanding something by observing it. It could apply to a wide range of subjects, including people, feelings, objects, or concepts.

详细 (xiángxì)

In Chinese, '详细' refers to something that is comprehensive and has many details. It is often used to describe a thorough explanation or a comprehensive report, for example. All intricate, meticulous and intricate information or details are inclusive.

Example sentences with  详细

The Chinese word '说' is often used to mean 'speak' or 'say'. It can be used in various contexts similar to the English word 'speak'. For instance, you can use it when you want to ask someone to speak or express themselves, or when describing what someone has said. It is a commonly used verb in daily Chinese conversation.

说服 (shuō fú)

The Chinese word '说服' (shuō fú) is used similarly to the English word 'convince.' It is a verb, used to describe the act of persuading someone to believe or do something by presenting logical, rational, or compelling reasons or evidence. This word is commonly used in both formal and informal situations.

Example sentences with  说服
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