Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

传播 (chuán bō)

In Chinese, '传播' is used the same way 'spread' is used in English. It can refer to the act of distributing information so that it reaches many people or to the act of becoming more widespread. It can also be used when referring to topics such as spread of diseases, spread of news, spread of ideas etc.

Example sentences with  传播
估计 (gū jì)

The Chinese word '估计' is used in the same context as 'estimate' in English. It's commonly used in scenarios where one is calculating or judging the value, number, quantity, or extent of something based on a rough approximation or on the limited information available.

Example sentences with  估计
伸展 (shēn zhǎn)

The Chinese word '伸展' is generally used in the context of a physical or figurative extension of something. Like in English, it may be used in relation to body movement such as stretching arms or legs, or in discussing the reach or spread of an influence or area. It can also be used in the context of time or discussion, such as stretching a moment or topic.

Example sentences with  伸展
位置 (wèi-zhì)

The Chinese word '位置' is most commonly used to indicate a place or a spot where something is or where something happens. It could be the physical position of an object or place, or an abstract position in a hierarchy or order of importance.


The Chinese word for 'live' is written as '住' and is frequently used to describe the act of dwelling or residing in a particular place in Mandarin Chinese. In some contexts, it can also refer to the act of experiencing or living through situations or events.

使用 (shǐ yòng)

The Chinese word '使用' is a versatile term that is used in a variety of situations, similar to its English counterpart. It can be used to represent the act of using items or services, applying methods or ideas, or utilizing resources. Its usage is common in both formal and informal Chinese speech and writing.

Example sentences with  使用
例子 (lì zi)

The Chinese word '例子' is commonly used to depict an instance or an instance to be followed or imitated. It's considered a noun and can be used in various contexts to give an illustration or serve as a prototype for something.

供应 (gōng yìng)

In Chinese, '供应' refers to the act of providing something that is needed or wanted. It can be used in various contexts, such as in economics to discuss the production of goods and services, or in everyday language to talk about providing for someone's needs.

Example sentences with  供应
依赖 (yīlài)

The Chinese term '依赖' is pronounced as yīlài and translates to 'depend' in English. This verb is often used in Chinese just as we would use 'depend' in English, such as to rely or count on someone or something. It often indicates a reliance that is necessary or unchangeable, and the nature of its context can range from physical, as in to depend on a certain tool, to abstract like depending on somebody's support. Variety of phrases can be created with this term like dependency, dependent etc.

侧面 (cèmiàn)

The Chinese word '侧面' is used to mean side. It can be used in sentences to refer to the side of object or space. Like in English, '侧面' can also be used metaphorically to refer to an aspect or facet of something.

保存 (bǎocún)

In Chinese, '保存' (bǎocún) is used similarly to the English 'save'. It can mean to preserve something, like saving a document or an email, but also to conserve resources, like saving electricity or water. It usually conveys the idea of 'keep for future use'.

保护 (bǎohù)

The Chinese word '保护' implies safeguarding or defending something. It can be used in various contexts just like in English, such as to protect people, to protect one's rights, to protect the environment etc.

保持 (bǎo chí)

The Chinese word '保持' is used in the same way as the English word 'keep'. For example, to maintain or continue existing conditions or to retain something, such as keeping a promise would be '保持承诺', keeping peace would be '保持和平'. It also could mean to stay in a state or condition, similar to 'keep calm' which would translate to '保持冷静'.

保留 (bǎoliú)

In Chinese, '保留' (bǎoliú) is used in a variety of contexts similarly to 'retain' in English. It can be used to denote the act of keeping or reserving something, such as preserving a job, keeping a physical item or holding onto an idea or thought. For example, when one reserves judgment, they can say they '保留' judgment.

保证 (bǎo zhèng)

The Chinese word '保证' is used similarly to the English word 'assure'. It refers to a promise or guarantee that something will happen or be done. There is a sense of giving confidence to the person the assurance is given to. For example, 你可以向他保证你不会迟到吗? means 'Can you assure him that you won't be late?'

Example sentences with  保证
信任 (xìn rèn)

The Chinese word '信任' can be used in the same way as the English word 'trust'. It can apply to trust in people or in abstract ideas, such as trust in a process or system. It can also imply a sense of reliance and confidence in someone or something.

Example sentences with  信任
信号 (xìn hào)

The Chinese word '信号' directly translates to 'signal' in English. It is primarily used to refer to a sign, a hint, or an indication, much like in English. It can also be used to refer to a signal in telecommunications. It can be used in various contexts like traffic signal (交通信号), signal light (信号灯), etc.

信用 (xìn yòng)

The term '信用' in Chinese is similar to how 'credit' is used in English. It could refer to the confidence in a party's ability and commitment to fulfill their financial obligations, typically regarding loans, installment plans, or other financial agreements. It's often used in banks, retail businesses, and financial organizations. Additionally, it might also refer to a person's reputation or trustworthiness.

Example sentences with  信用
修复 (xiū fù)

The Chinese word '修复' is used similarly to the English word 'fix'. It can be used to refer to repairing something that is broken or does not work correctly, such as a machine or system. It can also be used more metaphorically to refer to correcting or remedying a situation or problem.

Example sentences with  修复
修理 (xiū lǐ)

The Chinese word '修理' translates to 'repair' in English. It is used to describe the act of fixing something that is broken or not working properly. It could be used in various contexts such as repairing a computer, a car, a house, etc. Just like in English, '修理' can be used both as a noun and a verb.

Example sentences with  修理
俱乐部 (jù lè bù)

The Chinese word '俱乐部' directly translates to 'club'. It is often used in the same context as in English to denote an organization or a group of people who have a common interest or activity. For example, a 'basketball club' would be '篮球俱乐部'.


The Chinese character for 'pour' is '倒'. It can be used in the context of something being knocked over or poured out from a container, such as '倒水' which means 'pour water'. Additionally, it is also frequently used in expressions to mean 'fall' or 'collapse' (such as in the verb '倒塌') or in the context of trading or exchanging goods.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word for 'borrow' is '借' (jiè). It is a verb that means to receive a thing from someone temporarily, intending to return it. In Mandarin Chinese, it can be used just like its English equivalent. For example, in the sentence '我可以借你的笔吗?' (Wǒ kěyǐ jiè nǐ de bǐ ma?), it means 'Can I borrow your pen?'

Example sentences with  
借口 (jiè kǒu)

The Chinese word '借口' means 'excuse'. It can be used in various contexts. For instance, you can use '借口' to express an excuse for being late or for not completing a task. It is an integral word in conversational Chinese.

值得 (zhí dé)

In Chinese, '值得' (zhí dé) is used similarly to 'deserve' in English. It is often used to express that someone or something merits a particular reaction, treatment, or situation, because of their qualities or actions. For instance, '你值得更好的' means 'You deserve better'.

Example sentences with  值得
倾倒 (qīng dào)

The Chinese word '倾倒' is used to denote the act of dumping or unloading something, just as 'dump' is used in English. It's mostly used in the context of dumping waste or pouring out liquids. This word can also be metaphorically used to express feelings being poured out.

Example sentences with  倾倒
倾向 (Qīngxiàng)

The Chinese word '倾向' is used to express a tendency, inclination, or preference for something. Similar to English, it can be used in various contexts. For example, when speaking about a person's habits, preferences, or usual course of action.

Example sentences with  倾向
假期 (jiàqī)

The Chinese word for vacation is '假期', used to describe a period of time taken off from work or school for rest, travel, or the like. One could use it in a sentence like this: '我正在计划我的假期' which translates to 'I am planning my vacation.'

Example sentences with  假期
假装 (jiǎ-zhuāng)

The Chinese word '假装' is used similarly to the English word 'pretend'. It can be used to describe someone feigning an action, emotion, or physical state they actually do not possess, in order to deceive others for various purposes. It can be widely used in various context, for instance: pretending to be hurt, pretending to sleep etc.

Example sentences with  假装
假设 (jiǎshè)

The Chinese word '假设' is used in similar contexts as the English word 'assume', denoting supposition or conjecture. For instance, it can be used in sentences to describe scenarios that are hypothetical or not confirmed.

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