Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

瓶子 (píng zi)

The Chinese word for 'bottle' is '瓶子'. It is used the same way as it is in English, i.e., to refer to a container with a neck that is narrower than the body and a mouth that can be plugged, corked, or capped. It can be used in several contexts, such as a bottle of water (一瓶水), a bottle of wine (一瓶酒), etc.

Example sentences with  瓶子
生产 (shēng chǎn)

The Chinese word '生产' corresponds to the English word 'produce'. It is widely used in sentences. It signifies the act of making or creating something, generally on a large scale and usually through a natural process. In Chinese context it can be used to refer to things like food manufacturing or industrial production.

生存 (shēng cún)

In Chinese, '生存' refers to the act of surviving or to continue living under difficult or challenging circumstances.

Example sentences with  生存
生成 (shēng chéng)

The Chinese word '生成' is used similar to the English word 'generate'. It means to cause something to exist or bring about, often used in realms such as science, technology, and mathematics. For example, when a user clicks a button on a program, it can 'generate' a report or when certain conditions are met, a system could 'generate' a warning or error.

生长 (shēng zhǎng)

The Chinese word for 'grow' is '生长'. This is most often used in the context of natural growth, usually in reference to plants, but can be extended to denote growth or development in general, such as in business or personal development contexts.

由...组成 (Yóu... zǔchéng)

In Chinese, the word 'consist' is translated as '由...组成', which is often used to describe the components or elements of something. For instance, if you want to say 'The team consists of 5 people', you can say '团队由5人组成'.

电话 (diàn huà)

The Chinese word for telephone, '电话' (diànhuà), is used in the same way as in English. It refers to both the device and the act of making a call. For example, '请接电话' (qǐng jiē diànhuà) means 'please answer the phone'. You can also use it to say '我要打电话给他' (wǒ yào dǎ diànhuà gěi tā) which means 'I want to call him'.


The Chinese word '画' is used to mean 'draw', 'sketch', or 'paint'. Similar to English, it can be used in multiple contexts including drawing a picture or drawing a conclusion.


The word '留' in Chinese refers to the act of staying in a particular place, similar to in English. It can be used in various contexts such as staying in a city (留在城市), staying at home (留在家), or staying behind (留下).

留下 (liú xià)

In Chinese, '留下' is used to represent the idea of something remaining or staying behind. It can be used to express that a person or object stays in a place. It is frequently used in both casual and formal contexts.

Example sentences with  留下
痛苦 (tòng kǔ)

In Chinese, '痛苦' is used to describe both physical and emotional distress, just like 'pain' in English. It is commonly used in sentences such as '我感到痛苦' ('I feel pain').


The Chinese word '瘦' is used to describe someone or something that has little fat or flesh, similar to the way the word 'thin' is used in English. It can be used to describe people, animals, or even inanimate objects like paper or cloth.

Example sentences with  
皮革 (pí gé)

The Chinese word for leather, '皮革', is used to describe a durable and flexible material created by tanning animal rawhide and skins. It is often used in the context of fashion (like leather jackets), furniture (such as leather sofas), or accessories like leather wallets. It carries a similar connotation of luxury and durability in both languages.

Example sentences with  皮革
监视器 (jiānshìqì)

In Chinese, 'monitor' is translated as '监视器'. It can be used in the same contexts as the English word, such as in the context of a computer monitor or someone who observes a process or situation. Like in English, it is a common technical word in computing and surveillance.

盒子 (hézi)

The Chinese word '盒子' represents the concept of a box in English. It can be used in numerous contexts such as describing a physical box, a dialogue box in computers or even a bounding box in graphical disciplines. Just like in English, '盒子' can be used metaphorically in Chinese too.

Example sentences with  盒子
目击者 (mùjìzhě)

The Chinese term '目击者', pronounced as 'mùjìzhě', refers to a person who has personally seen something occur, especially a crime or accident. This word is commonly used in legal and criminal contexts, similar to its usage in English, and can also be used metaphorically in everyday conversation.

目的 (mùdì)

The Chinese word '目的' is used to indicate the aim or intention of an action or plan, similar to 'purpose' in English. It is a commonly used word in daily conversations and formal speeches, and can be used in various contexts.

相信 (xiāng xìn)

The Chinese word '相信' is pronounced as 'xiāng xìn'. It is used exactly the same way as 'believe' in English. It can imply trusting in someone or something, or accepting something as true. For instance, you can use '相信' to express your belief in someone's abilities, or your acceptance of a specific idea or concept.

相关 (xiāng guān)

The Chinese term '相关' is very often used to describe a relationship or connection between two concepts, people, or objects. It can be used in various contexts such as in the phrase '这两个问题是相关的' or 'These two problems are related'. It is a commonly used word in both written and spoken Mandarin.

Example sentences with  相关
相等 (xiāng děng)

The Chinese word '相等' is used to describe a condition or status where two or more objects, values or concepts match in their quantity, quality, or identity. It is commonly used in mathematics, physics, law, and daily conversation to represent a state of equality or harmony.

to see

The Chinese word '看' is equivalent to the English phrase 'to see'. The word is widely used in many contexts and sentences such as asking someone 'Did you see that?'. In Chinese, it would be '你看到那个了吗?'

看起来 (kàn qǐ lái)

The Chinese word '看起来' is used similarly to 'seem' in English. It is typically used to describe an impression or appearance. Often, this impression is based on the speaker's perception but can also be an objective fact.


The Chinese word '真' is analogous to the English word 'TRUE'. It is often used to express agreement, to confirm something as correct, or to comment on the authenticity or truth of a situation. Like in English, it has both literal and metaphorical uses.

眼泪 (yǎn lèi)

The Chinese word '眼泪' is used to denote a tear in English. It is often used in the context of expressing emotions such as sadness, joy, or overwhelming feelings that lead to the production of tears.

Example sentences with  眼泪
睡觉 (shuì jiào)
to sleep

The Chinese word '睡觉' corresponds to the English phrase 'to sleep'. It is used to refer to the human state of rest or the action of resting, particularly in the context of nighttime rest or rest after exhaustion. It can be used in various contexts and with various adjectives to express different types and durations of sleep.

睿智 (ruì zhì)

In Chinese, '睿智' is used to describe someone who has or shows experience, knowledge, and good judgment. It can also be used in a more specialized context to refer to the sagacious or astute, showing a profound understanding and insightful viewpoints.

知道 (zhī dào)
to know

The Chinese word '知道' is used to express 'to know' or 'be aware of'. It is primarily used when someone knows some information or understanding about a particular topic. It can be used in past, present and future tense, just like in English.

短语 (duǎn yǔ)

The Chinese word '短语' means 'phrase' in English. It is typically used much the same way as in English, to refer to a small group of words that are usually used together and have a particular meaning. It can be part of a sentence, or a complete sentence itself depending on the context.


The Chinese word '砖' is used to refer to a rectangular shape hard material used in construction. It can be used in various ways in a sentence, for instance, '我正在搬砖' means 'I'm moving bricks'. It can also be used metaphorically, to indicate hard work or perseverance.

Example sentences with  
确保 (què bǎo)

The Chinese word '确保' is used similarly to the English word 'ensure'. It's a verb that means to make sure or protect something from happening. For example, '确保安全' means 'ensure safety'. It's commonly used in both formal and informal situations.

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