Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

涉及 (shè jí)

The Chinese word '涉及' is used similarly to the English 'involve'. It can be used to describe situations where something is part of an action, event or situation. It can also be used to emphasize that a situation, activity, or process includes a particular factor or thing.

混乱 (hùnluàn)

The Chinese word '混乱' refers to a state of disorder or confusion, quite similar to the English word 'mess'. It can be used to describe both tangible situations like a messy room, or more abstract situations like a messy situation or a confused mind.

Example sentences with  混乱
混合 (hùnhé)

The Chinese word '混合' is used to express the meaning of various elements combined together. It can be used to describe different kinds of substances, ideas, people, etc., mixed or blended together. For example, it can be used to describe a mixed crowd, mixed emotions, or a mixed salad.

添加 (tiānjiā)

In Chinese, '添加' is a commonly used verb which means to add. This could refer to adding a number in a mathematical context, adding more objects to a collection or even metaphorically adding more information to a discussion.

Example sentences with  添加
温暖 (wēn nuǎn)

The Chinese word '温暖' is used to describe a sense of warmth or comfort. It could refer to physical warmth, like a warm cup of tea, or emotional warmth, like the feeling of being loved and cared for.

Example sentences with  温暖
游泳 (yóu yǒng)
to swim

The Chinese word '游泳' translates to 'to swim' in English. It is often used to describe the activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs. It can be used in various contexts, whether you are referring to swimming as a sport, leisure activity, or a survival skill.


The word '滑' translates to 'slide' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as 'slide down a hill' or 'the screen slides open'. It indicates the smooth movement of an object, often due to gravity or some sort of momentum, and can also refer to a surface that allows this sliding movement to take place.

Example sentences with  

In Chinese, the word for 'fire' is '火' (huǒ). It is used in the same way as in English, to denote the rapid oxidation of a material in the chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. It can also be used metaphorically, similar to the English usage.

火柴 (huǒchái)

In Chinese, 'match' is translated as '火柴' (huǒchái). It is generally used in the same context as in English, specifically referring to the small stick that creates a flame when rubbed against a rough surface. Like in English, it can also be used metaphorically in various contexts.

Example sentences with  火柴
火车 (huǒ chē)

The Chinese word for train is '火车'. It is used in the same way as in English, referring to a type of transportation means which runs on a railway. For example, '我坐火车去北京' translates to 'I am taking a train to Beijing'.

灰尘 (huī chén)

The Chinese term for dust is '灰尘'. Just like in English, '灰尘' is generally used to refer to small particles, like the ones you'd find on an unclean surface or floating in the air. It can also be a metaphor for something insignificant or trivial.

Example sentences with  灰尘
点击 (diǎnjī)

The word '点击' in Chinese, pronounced 'diǎnjī', is used similarly to 'click' in English. It is often used in the context of internet or computer use, to represent the action of pressing a button or link using a mouse or touch screen.

烘焙 (hōng bèi)

The Chinese word '烘焙' is used to describe the action of baking something. It's used in a similar context as in English, for example, baking cookies or bread. It can be used in various phrases to discuss baking in both a casual and professional context.


The Chinese word for 'smoke' is '烟'. It is often used in the context of smoking cigarettes, atmospheric smoke from cooking or burning, and metaphorically to represent fog or mist. It can also be used as a verb to indicate the act of smoking, like 'smoking a cigarette'.

燃料 (rán liào)

In Chinese, '燃料' is used to refer to a material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power. It can be used in various contexts, for example to talk about types of fuel used in vehicles or to generate electricity.

燃气 (rán qì)

The term '燃气' in Chinese is generally used to refer to any type of gas used as fuel, just like the word 'gas' in English. This can include natural gas, propane, and even petrol in certain contexts. However, it can depend on the discussion's context. The exact usage and meaning may differ between regions.

父母 (fùmǔ)

The Chinese word for parent, '父母'(fùmǔ), is a combination of two words '父'(father) and '母'(mother). It is often used in a respectful way when talking about someone else's parents and can be used in both formal and casual situations. For example, '他的父母非常善良' (His parents are very kind).

爷爷 (yéye)

In Chinese, the word for paternal grandfather is '爷爷' (yéye). It is usually used to address the father of one's father. This term is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.

Example sentences with  爷爷
牛奶 (niú nǎi)

In Chinese, milk is called '牛奶'. It is used to describe the white liquid produced by mammals for the nourishment of their young. This term is particularly used in food and drink context in Chinese. When ordering drinks at a cafe or tea shop, you might use this word. A standard cup of tea in China is usually served with '牛奶'.

物体 (wù tǐ)

In Chinese, the word 'object' is translated to '物体' or 'wùtǐ'. It can be used in most of the same contexts as in English, referring to a thing, entity or priori object. For example, in the sentence '这是一个重要的物体' it is used to mean 'This is an important object'.

特点 (tèdiǎn)

The Chinese word '特点' refers to the concept of 'feature' in English. It can be used in almost the same way as in English to describe distinctive characteristics or attributes of an object, person, animal, etc. For instance, a sentence like 'This phone has many new features' would translate to '这部手机有很多新的特点'.

Example sentences with  特点
状态 (zhuàng tài)

The Chinese word '状态' is used to describe the condition or circumstances of a person or thing at a particular time. It has similar usage as the English word 'state', which can be used in various contexts including, 'state of health', 'state of mind', 'state of affairs', etc.

犹豫 (yóuyù)

The Chinese word '犹豫' closely translates to 'hesitate' in English. In the Chinese language, it is frequently used to denote indecision or uncertainty, much like the English word 'hesitate'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when someone is unsure about making a choice, taking an action, or expressing an opinion.

Example sentences with  犹豫
狭窄 (xiá zhǎi)

The Chinese word '狭窄' refers to something being narrow. It can be used to describe a very narrow space, a narrow street or alley, or metaphorically, a person's narrow viewpoint or mindedness.

Example sentences with  狭窄

In Chinese, '猎' is used to illustrate the action of hunting. It can refer to hunting animals, or metaphorically, the pursuit of a goal or desire. It can be used in various contexts, often accompanied with other characters to form different phrases or idioms. For instance, '猎人' means hunter, '猎物' refers to prey.

猜测 (cāi cè)

The Chinese word '猜测' is used in a similar way as 'guess' in English. It can refer to forming an opinion or estimate about something without sufficient information or knowledge. It can be used in various contexts where one needs to make a presumption or prediction.


The Chinese word '率' is used to denote a proportion, rate, or ratio. In terms of usage, it generally appears in the context of statistics, finance, economics, and mathematics, similar to how 'rate' is used in English.


The Chinese character for 'play' is '玩'. It is used in a similar manner to the English word 'play', denoting an activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. The concept can extend to any activities that people find enjoyable, including playful interaction with objects or individuals, participation in games or sports, or engaging in artistic and literary activities.

现在 (xiàn zài)

In Mandarin, the word '现在' (xiàn zài) represents the concept of 'present' or 'now'. It is commonly used in statements of time to describe actions happening at the current moment. For example, in the sentence '我现在在看书' (Wǒ xiànzài zài kànshū), it translates to 'I am reading a book now.', expressing an action happening at the present time.

玻璃 (bō li)

The Chinese word for glass is '玻璃'. Just like in English, it can refer to the material used to make windows, glasses, and other objects. It can also refer to a drinking glass. The context of the sentence usually indicates what specific meaning is intended.

Example sentences with  玻璃
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