Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.


The word '桥' in Chinese is used in the same context as 'bridge' in English. It can be used to describe a physical structure that crosses over a river or a metaphorical connection between two things. It's a common noun and can be used in various situations.

Example sentences with  
检查 (jiǎnchá)

In Chinese, '检查' means to check, inspect, or examine. It's used in many contexts similar to its English equivalent. For example, you can '检查' your work, luggage, or a patient if you are a doctor, to ensure everything is in order.


The Chinese word '棒' is used in a similar way as the English word 'stick'. It can refer to a long, thin piece of wood or other material. It can also figuratively represent persistence or determination, as in English. For example, 'stick to it' might be translated as '坚持'.

Example sentences with  
棕色 (zōng sè)

The word '棕色' is used in Chinese to describe the color brown. It is used the same way as it is in English, to describe objects or things which have a brown color. It could be used to describe hair color, furniture, earth, wood, etc.

Example sentences with  棕色
模式 (mó shì)

The Chinese word '模式' is the closest direct translation of 'pattern' in English. It is widely used in daily conversation and formal texts, resembling the usage in English. It is often used to refer to a particular way in which something is done or organized.


The Chinese word '欠' directly translates to 'owe' in English. It is most commonly used in sentences to indicate a debt or obligation, much like how 'owe' is used in English. It could be in the context of money, a favor, or other forms of obligation.

Example sentences with  
次要 (cì yào)

In Chinese, '次要' is used to refer to something less important or secondary in nature. It can be used in various context such as subjects, items, details etc. The usage is quite similar to its English equivalent.

Example sentences with  次要
欢迎 (huān yíng)

The Chinese word '欢迎' is used in contexts similar to the English 'welcome.' It is often used as a warm greeting to invite guests or newcomers. For instance, '欢迎你来到中国' means 'Welcome to China.'

欣赏 (xīn shǎng)

The Chinese word '欣赏' is used in the same way as 'admire' in English. It can be used to show respect and approval for something or someone and can also be used to express the enjoyment or appreciation of a work of art, beauty, or skill.

Example sentences with  欣赏
欲望 (yù wàng)

The Chinese word for 'desire' is '欲望' (yù wàng). It is used much like in English, to express a strong feeling of wanting something or wishing for something to happen. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including but not limited to, expressing a desire for a material object, a change in circumstances, or an experience. However, please be noted that the nuance may change according to the context.

Example sentences with  欲望
正确 (zhèngquè)

The Chinese word '正确' is used just as we use 'correct' in English. It can be used to describe something that is right or true. It can also be used to affirm a statement or to indicate that a decision or approach is the right one.

Example sentences with  正确
步骤 (bù zhòu)

In Chinese, '步骤' refers to a step or stage in a process. It can be used in the same context as in English such as step by step instructions or the steps to achieve a purpose.

毁灭 (hui3 mie4)

In Chinese, '毁灭' is used to denote the action of destroy exactly as it is in English. It's more often used in the context of causing significant damage or completely ruining something, either physically or metaphorically, such as a place, an object or even an idea or relationship. Like in English, it can be used both literally and figuratively.

比特 (bǐ tè)

In Chinese, the word '比特' is commonly used in the field of information technology and computing to represent the smallest unit of data. It is also a transliteration from the English word 'bit', and is used in similar contexts.

比较 (bǐ jiào)

The Chinese word '比较' is widely used in Chinese vocabulary to indicate comparison between two things. It can be used in different constructs just like the English word 'compare'. It is mostly used in statements of comparison and preference. For example, 我比较喜欢吃巧克力 (I prefer eating chocolate).

水平 (shuǐpíng)

In Chinese, '水平' (shuǐpíng) represents 'level'. It is typically used to express the degree or standard of something, often referring to the proficiency or skill of something or someone. Just like in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts such as education, sports, or work.

水龙头 (shuǐ lóng tóu)

Tap in Chinese is '水龙头'. It is typically used in the context of bathroom or kitchen plumbing and refers to the device used to control the flow of water.

Example sentences with  水龙头
沟通 (gōutōng)

In Chinese, '沟通' (gōutōng) is the term for 'communicate'. It is used in a similar way as in English, describing the act of exchanging or sharing information, feelings, or thoughts by speech, writing, or signs. It can be used in a broad range of contexts, from casual conversation ('与朋友沟通') to professional settings ('在工作中有效沟通').

沮丧 (jǔ sàng)

The Chinese word '沮丧' is used to express sadness or disappointment, similar to the English word 'upset'. It is predominantly used to describe negative feelings in relation to certain incidents or situations.

Example sentences with  沮丧

In Chinese, the word for oil is '油'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, such as cooking oil ('食用油'), motor oil ('机油') or oily ('油腻'). Chinese cuisine typically makes use of various types of oils for frying, sautéing, and other cooking methods.

Example sentences with  
油漆 (yóu qī)

The Chinese word for 'paint' is '油漆'. It is used in the same way as in English, referring to a colored substance which is spread over a surface to give it a new look or protective coating. For example, ‘我要用红色油漆画这个墙’ (I want to paint this wall with red paint).

Example sentences with  油漆
法院 (fǎyuàn)

In English, 'court' often refers to a governmental body that has the authority to adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters in accordance with the rule of law. In Chinese, '法院(fǎyuàn)' is used in a similar context, although cultural nuances might slightly alter its usage.


In Chinese, the term '波' refers to wave, similar to the physical phenomenon observed in oceans or in terms regarding energy transfer. It can also be used in terms to describe fluctuations or ripple effects. Like its English equivalent, it can be used in various contexts including science, technology, and general day to-day conversation.

Example sentences with  
注册 (zhù cè)

In Chinese, 注册 is commonly used in similar contexts as 'register' in English. It can be used when talking about creating an account for a website, signing up for a class or conference, or similar. It is a verb meaning to register, sign up or enroll.

Example sentences with  注册

The Chinese character '洗' means to clean or to wash in English. It is used in a variety of contexts, such as washing clothes, washing dishes or even washing one's hands. Like in English, it can also refer to a process of removing dirt or contaminants.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word for 'hole' is '洞'. It is used similarly to the English usage of 'hole'. It can refer to an opening, gap, cavity in a solid object or surface, or a hollow place in a solid body or mass. The precise usage depends on the context in which it's used.

Example sentences with  
to live

The Chinese word '活' is used to express 'to live', in the sense of being alive and doing activities. It is often used separately or combined with other ideographs to form compound words. It does not alternate according to any tense contrary to English, the context of use determines the time period. The word carries a connotation of activity, energy and life.


In Chinese, '流' (liú) captures the essence of how things move smoothly and continuously in a certain direction, just like 'flow' in English. It is widely used in various contexts, such as '流星' (liú xīng) meaning 'shooting star', with the flow referring to their rapid movement across the sky. Another example includes '流感' (liú gǎn) referring to 'flu' delineating how rapidly and widely the disease can spread.

Example sentences with  
测试 (cè shì)

In Chinese, '测试' is used to describe a method of measuring the performance, quality, or knowledge of someone or something. It can be used in similar contexts to the English word 'test', such as in academic examinations, product testing, and more.

浪费 (làng fèi)

In Chinese, waste or '浪费' is used in the same context as in English. It can refer to either material waste or the waste of time or resources. For example, '这是浪费时间' means 'this is a waste of time'. It also carries the same negative connotations of misuse or overuse.

Example sentences with  浪费
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