Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

提醒 (tíxǐng)

The Chinese word '提醒' is most commonly used in conversation when one person wants to remind another of something they may have forgotten. It can be used both casually and formally. It has the same usage as the English word 'remind'.

Example sentences with  提醒
提高 (tí gāo)

In Chinese, '提高' refers to the action of increasing or improving something. It's similar to the English word 'raise', which could be used in terms of raise in salary, raise in grade, raise in standard. These all can translate into '提高'.

揭示 (jiē shì)

The Chinese character '揭示' is used similarly to the English word 'reveal'. It is mostly used when talking about unveiling or exposing something that was previously unknown or hidden. It can be used in various contexts such as in story telling, science or discovery circumstances.

Example sentences with  揭示
搜索 (sōusuǒ)

The Chinese word '搜索' is widely used in various contexts, similar to the English word 'search'. It can be used to explain the act of finding information in files, databases, or other digital sources, or searching for a person or thing in the real world. It is common in both conversational and written Chinese, making it a useful word for students to learn.

Example sentences with  搜索
携带 (xié dài)

In Chinese, '携带' literally translates to 'carry.' It is often used when referring to carrying a physical object such as a bag or other personal possessions. It can also be used in an abstract sense to denote carrying or bearing responsibilities.

摇摆 (yáo bǎi)

In Chinese, '摇摆' is used much like 'swing' in English. It can refer to the action of moving back and forth, such as a pendulum or a swing at a playground. It can also represent the action of making a big change, like the swing of public mood.

Example sentences with  摇摆
撒谎 (sā huǎng)

The word '撒谎' in Chinese is used when referring to the act of not telling the truth. It can be used in various contexts similarly to how 'lie' is used in English. For instance, in the phrase '不要撒谎' which means 'don't lie'.

Example sentences with  撒谎

In Chinese, '撕' is how the English word 'rip' is translated. It denotes tearing or pulling something with immense force. It is used in similar contexts as it is used in English language, but it is mostly used for tearing paper or fabric apart.


The Chinese word for 'crash' is '撞'. This is a verb where it can be used in context to describe an accident or collision, like a car crash, or metaphorically to describe a sudden failure like a system crash.

Example sentences with  
to rub

The word '擦' is a commonly used Chinese verb. It corresponds to the English verb 'rub'. It can be used in various contexts like 'rub your hands together', 'rub your eyes', etc. It's also used metaphorically in some idioms and phrases. For example, '生活总会给你擦一下', which means 'life will always give you some rubs' implying life always gives you some trials and tribulations.

Example sentences with  
支付 (zhī fù)

The Chinese word '支付' refers to the act of giving money in exchange for goods or services, equivalent to the English term 'pay'. It is widely used in daily conversations, in a shopping context or for online transactions.

收养 (shōuyǎng)

The Chinese word '收养' (shōuyǎng) is used when referring to the act of legally taking another's child and bringing it up as one's own, or the act of taking and using something as one's own, similar to the English term 'adopt'. This term is widely used in both formal and informal contexts.

收费 (shōufèi)

The Chinese term '收费' is used to express the concept of 'charge' in English. It is primarily used in contexts related to financial transactions, specifically when a certain fee or payment is required. The places you often hear this word are banks, stores, restaurants or wherever monetary transactions occur.

收集 (shōu jí)

The Chinese word '收集' (shōu jí) is used to indicate the action of gathering or collecting something. It can be used in the context of gathering information, collecting objects, or even gathering people for an event. In a sentence, it can be used as '我正在收集邮票' which translates to 'I am gathering stamps'.

攻击 (gōngjí)

In Chinese, '攻击' ('gōngjí') is used to describe an aggressive action, which can be either physical or verbal, against a person or object. This can be used in many contexts including but not limited to military, sports, or in a debate setting. It conveys a sense of initiating a hostile action with the intent to harm or overpower.


The Chinese word '放' is used similar to the English word 'lay', which can be used to mean 'place' or 'put down'. It can be used in various contexts just like in English, though certain idiomatic usages might not translate directly.

Example sentences with  
放松 (fàngsōng)

The Chinese word '放松' is used similarly to the English term 'relax.' It can be used to express the idea of letting loose, calming down, or simply taking a breather. It is typically used when someone has been overworked or stressed and needs to take the time to return to a calming state.

效果 (xiào guǒ)

The Chinese word '效果' is used to describe the result or outcome of a certain action or situation. It is often used in a similar context as the English word 'effect'. For example, you may use '效果' to describe the effect of a medication, a strategy, or a specific approach in a particular situation. It is used in both formal and informal contexts.

to teach

Teach, represented as '教' in Chinese, is commonly used in both spoken and written language. It is indeed primarily linked with structured educational settings, but it may also be used in more casual situations. This word can stand as a verb which implies to instruct or educate someone in a specific area of knowledge or skill.

教练 (jiàoliàn)

In Chinese, '教练' is used to describe a person who teaches and trains players in a particular sport. It can also refer to a person who gives private instruction in singing, acting, etc. However, it doesn't refer to a large, comfortable bus for carrying passengers on long journeys, which can also be a meaning of 'coach' in English. The correct context-based use will depend on surrounding words and phrases.


The Chinese word '敢' is very similar to the English word 'dare' in usage. It implies a sense of willingness to take on challenges or perform an action that requires courage. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts, either for positive encouragement or in situations that involve risk. However, while 'dare' can also be used to form a question to challenge someone in English, '敢' is not usually used in that way in Chinese.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese term for 'number' is '数'. It can be used in the same context as the English word 'number', to represent or count quantitative values, order of items, or to indicate the place of something in a series or sequence. It is an essential term in the language as it is used in various situations and contexts such as in mathematics, statistics, numbering lists, etc.

数量 (shù liàng)

In Chinese, '数量' refers to the quantity or measure of something. In context, it could be used to express amount of goods, people, food, etc. It is generally used in written language more than in spoken language.

文件 (wénjiàn)

The Chinese term '文件' translates to 'file' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, representing a container in a system or software where data, information, or documentation is stored. This term is widely employed in contexts involving computer systems, offices, administration, etc.

文化 (wén huà)

In Chinese, the word for culture is '文化' (wén huà). This term is used in a similar way to how 'culture' is used in English. It can refer to the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. It can also refer to the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.

文本 (wénběn)

The Chinese word '文本' is used similar to how we use 'text' in English. It refers to the main body of a written work and it can also be used in the context of digital communication, such as in a text message or a line of code in a program.

Example sentences with  文本
斑点 (bān diǎn)

The Chinese word '斑点' literally means 'spot'. In Chinese language, we can use this word in various contexts, such as when we are talking about a physical spot or mark on an object or surface; or when referring to a particular place or location; or even in phrases where we use 'spot' metaphorically like in English.

方案 (fāng àn)

The Chinese word '方案' is usually used to describe a plan or program designed to achieve a particular goal, similar to the English word 'scheme'. Contextually, it can be used in various situations such as a business scheme (商业方案), study scheme (学习方案), or even in a technological context like a design scheme (设计方案).

Example sentences with  方案
旅游 (lǚ yóu)

In Chinese, the word for tour is '旅游'. It is typically used the same way it would be in English, to refer to a planned trip, especially for sightseeing and exploration. The usage of this word doesn't differ significantly between the two languages.

日历 (rì lì)

The Chinese word for 'calendar' is '日历'. It is a system to organize time by days, weeks, and months, for purposes such as keeping track of events, appointments, and special dates. In China, there are two main systems: the traditional Chinese lunar calendar and the Western (Gregorian) calendar.

Example sentences with  日历
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