Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.


The Chinese word '拉' is commonly used to represent the action of 'pull'. It can be used in various contexts, such as pulling a door open, pulling a cart, pulling somebody toward you, etc. Remember to combine it with the proper noun or object being pulled for proper usage.

拉伸 (lā shēn)

In Chinese, '拉伸' is used to express the concept of strain, either physical or mental. It can refer to the act of stretching or extending something to its limit, or it can also describe the pressure or tension one might feel.

Example sentences with  拉伸
拒绝 (juè jué)

The Chinese word '拒绝' (juè jué) translates to 'refuse' in English. It is primarily used in contexts where someone is denying or rejecting an offer or request. Much like the English word, it can be used in a variety of contexts, both formal and informal, but always conveys a strong intent to not accept something.

Example sentences with  拒绝

The Chinese word '拖' is used similar to its English counterpart 'drag'. It can mean to pull something with difficulty or effort due to its weight, or to cause something to move by pulling it along a surface, generally the ground. It can also be used in a metaphorical sense, like dragging on time, etc. Its usage highly depends on the context.

Example sentences with  
拼写 (pīn xiě)

In Chinese, '拼写' or 'pīn xiě' is a verb similar to its English counterpart 'spell'. It generally refers to the action of producing a word letter by letter. The term is commonly used in educational contexts or whenever there's a need for precise verbal or written communication.

Example sentences with  拼写

The Chinese word '拿' translates to 'take' in English. It is generally used in the same context as the English word 'take'. For example, 'Take this box with you' can be translated as '拿这个盒子跟你走'. '拿' can be used in combination with other characters to form different phrases with varying meanings related to the concept of taking.


In Chinese, '持' holds a similar meaning to 'hold' in English. It can refer to the physical act of holding, managing or maintaining something. This word is often used in formal contexts and in combination with other characters.


The character '挂' in Chinese is typically used to mean hang or suspend something. It can be used in different contexts like '挂画' (hang a picture) or '挂电话' (hang up the phone). It's a verb in the Chinese language that represents an action.

指南 (zhǐnán)

In Chinese, the word '指南' is used to refer to a guide. This could be anything from a physical booklet or map that helps navigate a city, to an individual who leads tours or gives information. It can also be used metaphorically, referring to something that provides detailed advice or instruction in a particular area.

指定 (zhi3 ding4)

In Chinese, '指定' (zhi3 ding4) is used similar to how 'specify' is used in English. It signals the act of explicitly stating or defining something. For instance, you might '指定' a time for a meeting or '指定' particular conditions for a task.

Example sentences with  指定
指控 (zhǐ kòng)

The Chinese word '指控' is used similarly to 'accuse' in English. It is often used in legal contexts to indicate a formal charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.

Example sentences with  指控
指示 (zhǐ shì)

The Chinese word '指示' is used in a similar context as 'indicate' in English. It may be used to show a direction, specify a condition, or reveal a particular action or state. This term is commonly found in instructional, directional, or descriptive settings.

按钮 (àn niǔ)

In Chinese, '按钮' (button) is often used in web development and technology contexts to mean an interactive button on a webpage or digital interface. Just like in English, it can also refer to a button on clothing. Depending on the context, '按钮' may take on slightly different usages and meanings.

Example sentences with  按钮
挑战 (tiǎo zhàn)

This Chinese word '挑战' means 'challenge' in English. It's used similarly to the English word, referring to a call to someone to engage in a contest or fight, or a task or situation that tests someone's abilities. You may see it used in the context of competition, difficulty, or adversity.


The Chinese word '挖' is used similarly as the English word 'dig'. It represents the action of removing soil or other substances from the ground in order to create a hole or for another purpose such as finding something hidden or buried. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically in phrases expressing scrutiny or investigation.

Example sentences with  
损害 (sǔn hài)

In Chinese, '损害' or 'damage' refers to the action that causes harm or decrease in value, quality or functionality. Usually used in context of physical damage to objects, but can also refer to psychological or emotional harm in some cases.

Example sentences with  损害

The Chinese word '掉' is used in a very similar way to the English word 'drop', it can either refer to the physical act of letting, causing or suffering something/someone to fall. Alternatively, it can be used to indicate a decrease in level or amount of something. But unlike English, different contexts may use different words in Chinese, so it should be used cautiously.

排序 (páixù)

The Chinese word for 'sort' is '排序' which is often used in everyday conversation and formal writing to refer to categorizing or organizing items or processes according to certain criteria.

探索 (tàn suǒ)

The Chinese word '探索' is used similarly to the English word 'explore'. It can refer to discovering, investigating, or researching something. It is used in various contexts, for instance in science ('探索宇宙' - explore the universe), in literature ('探索主题' - explore a theme), or in travel ('探索新地方' - explore new places).

接受 (jiē shòu)

The Chinese word '接受' is used similarly to the English word 'accept'. It can mean to receive, take, agree or consent. Besides, it can be used in various contexts, just like the English word, in phrases and sentences.

接收 (jiē shōu)

The Chinese word '接收' is typically used in the same contexts as 'receive' in English. It is used in reference to getting or accepting something that has been sent or given to you. This could be a letter, message, object, or even a transmission.

接近 (jiē jìn)

In Mandarin Chinese, '接近' (jìejìn) means 'approach'. It is used to express the idea of coming near or closer to something in a physical, emotional, or metaphorical way. Similar to English, this word can be used in a wide variety of contexts and circumstances. From describing someone walking towards someone else (physically approaching), to talking about the implementation of a strategy (a metaphorical approach).


In Chinese, the word '推' is used to refer to the action of applying force to something, typically with one's hand, in order to move it away from oneself. This can be used in literal physical contexts, as well as metaphorically in discussions of abstract concepts like ideas and arguments.

推荐 (tuī jiàn)

The Chinese word '推荐' is mainly used to suggest someone or something to be appropriate or suitable for a specific task, role, or purpose. It can also be used to mention a product, person, or concept favorably, indicating qualities or abilities that are particularly noteworthy.

Example sentences with  推荐
描述 (miáoshū)

The Chinese word '描述' is used similar to the English term 'describe'. It is often used when talking about detailing something or someone in words, or giving a detailed account in speech or writing.

提交 (tí jiāo)

The Chinese word '提交', pronounced 'tí jiāo', is used in the context of submitting something, usually documents or a form. It can be used in a variety of settings such as office contexts, education, or online when filling out forms or applications.

提供 (tígōng)

In Chinese, '提供' is used in a similar way to 'provide' in English. It can refer to providing a service, information, or materials to someone. It's often used in formal or business contexts. For example, 提供服务 (tígōng fúwù) means 'provide service'.

提到 (tí dào)

In Chinese, 提到 is a word that retains the similar context of mention in English. It is usually used when referring to bringing up a topic or referencing something or someone in a conversation or written context.

提升 (tíshēng)

In Chinese, '提升' (tíshēng) is commonly used to express the concept of 'lift', especially in the context of improving or promoting something. It is often seen in various scenarios such as personal improvement or business growth.

Example sentences with  提升
提示 (tí shì)

The Chinese word '提示' is used in similar ways to the English word 'prompt'. It can be used to refer to a hint or indication about something, as well as in computing references to an instruction or signal to the user to input something. It's also used in the context of urging or inciting someone to do something instantly.

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