Chinese Chinese Verbs Learning Resource

Explore this comprehensive guide. Learn the basics of Chinese verbs, their classification, usage, and conjugation patterns.

一刻 (yī kè)

In Chinese '一刻' means quarter, usually used to refer to a quarter of the hour. It can also be used to describe a portion or sector, but it is less common. Similar to English, '一刻' can also mean a moment or a brief period of time.

Example sentences with  一刻
一堆 (yī duī)

The Chinese word '一堆' is used similarly to how 'bunch' is used in English. It refers to a group or collection of things, or sometimes, people. This could be a bunch of flowers, a bunch of keys, or even a bunch of people. The concept hinges on the idea of multiples combined together.

Example sentences with  一堆
一对 (yī duì)

In Chinese, '一对' is used to refer to a pair or a couple of something. It is often used in contexts where items come in twos. For instance, a pair of shoes would be '一对鞋'. Just like in English, it can be used in both a literal and abstract sense.

Example sentences with  一对
三月 (sān yuè)

The Chinese word '三月' is used to denote the third month of the year, which is March in English. Similar to its English counterpart, it can be used in various contexts where reference to this particular month or timeframe is necessary. It neither denotes a verb such as 'moving forward' nor a type of music as in English context.

Example sentences with  三月
上升 (shàng shēng)

The word '上升' in Chinese is used to describe an upward movement or an increase in something, similar to how we use 'rise' in English. It could be used in various contexts, like rise in temperature, rise of a phenomenon, or even metaphorically like rise to power.

上诉 (shàng sù)

The Chinese word '上诉' is used in the context of law and order for referring to an application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed. It can also be used to describe a serious or urgent request.

Example sentences with  上诉
下沉 (xià chén)

The Chinese word '下沉' is used to refer to the action of an object to sink or go down, similar to the English word 'sink'. It can be used in various contexts, including describing the sinking of a ship, the sun setting, or a feeling of sinking/dropping.

不同意 (bù tóng yì)

The Chinese word '不同意' has the same context as the English word 'disagree'. It is used when you have a different opinion or decision about something from someone else. It can be used in regular conversations with friends, or in formal situations.

Example sentences with  不同意
专注 (zhuānzhù)

The Chinese word '专注' is commonly used in both spoken and written language. It can be used to refer to the act of paying special attention to something, concentrating on a particular task, or being deeply engaged in something.

丢失 (diūshī)

The Chinese word '丢失' is used to describe the state of losing or missing something. It can refer to the loss of physical items or more abstract concepts such as losing one's way. In context, it is most commonly used in phrases like '我丢失了我的钱包' ('I lost my wallet').

中风 (zhōng fēng)

The term '中风' refers to a stroke in Chinese, literally translating to 'strike in the middle'. It's used to describe a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain. The term applies in both medical and casual conversational contexts.

Example sentences with  中风
主人 (zhǔ rén)

In Chinese, '主人' refers to a person who receives or entertains other people as guests. It is often used in both social and official scenarios. For example, the host of a party or the host of a television show can both be called '主人'. The character '主' means 'main or leading' and '人' means 'person', in combination they refer to someone who takes the leading role in welcoming and entertaining others.

Example sentences with  主人
举例说明 (jǔ lì shuō míng)

The Chinese word '举例说明' is used in the same context as the English word 'illustrate'. It is used to explain a specific situation or concept through a vivid instance or picture, aiming to make the context clear and understandable.

Example sentences with  举例说明
乐趣 (lè qù)

The Chinese word '乐趣' embodies the idea of amusement, enjoyment or entertainment, much like the English word 'fun'. It can be used in various contexts to describe things that are enjoyable, amusing or entertaining. It is a common word that can be used in everyday conversation.

Example sentences with  乐趣
习惯 (xíguàn)

The Chinese word for 'habit' is '习惯', pronounced as 'xíguàn'. It signifies the regularly repeated actions or the tendencies that people do with or without realization. It is widely used in different contexts same way as in English.

Example sentences with  习惯

The Chinese word for 'buy' is '买' (mǎi). It is used in a similar context as it is in English. For example, '买东西' (mǎi dōngxī) means 'buy things'. It's usually followed by the object that you are purchasing.

Example sentences with  
争论 (zhēnglùn)

The Chinese word for 'argue' is '争论'. It can be used in a variety of contexts just like the English word. For instance, it can be used to describe a heated debate between two people over a contentious issue or simple disagreements on minor matters. Usage of this word in a sentence is similar to its English counterpart.

事情 (shì qíng)

The Chinese word '事情' or 'matter' is used broadly to refer to an affair, a thing, or an event happening in life. It can be used in various contexts to denote an abstract or concrete concept or event. For example, it can be used to talk about personal matters, matters of the heart, political matters, and so forth.

交付 (jiāo fù)

In Chinese, “deliver” translates to “交付” (jiāo fù). This word can be used in similar contexts as in English, such as delivering a package or delivering a speech. However, do note that Chinese language is context-based and “交付” might not be applicable in all scenarios.

Example sentences with  交付
交换 (jiāo huàn)

The Chinese word '交换' is used to describe the process of giving one thing and receiving another in return, similar to the English word 'exchange'. It can be used in many contexts such as exchange of goods, ideas, or pleasantries.

Example sentences with  交换
交易 (jiāo yì)

The Chinese word for 'deal' is '交易'. Much like in English, it can be used in various contexts such as business, trade, transaction, or even in casual situations like bargaining in a market. It is a commonly used word in daily life.

享受 (xiǎngshòu)

The Chinese word '享受' similar to 'enjoy' in English, is used when one is having a pleasurable experience. It can be used in many contexts such as enjoying a meal, enjoying a trip, etc. It might also be used to describe the enjoyment of an abstract concept like freedom or peace.

人物 (rén wù)

In Chinese, 'figure' is translated as '人物' which can refer to a person or character in a story, show, event or an important person. It may also mean a numerical or other written symbol. Usage may vary based on its context.

代理人 (dài lǐ rén)

In Chinese, 'agent' is translated as '代理人' which is often used in a variety of contexts such as business or law to refer to an individual who acts on another's behalf. The term can denote representatives, delegates or anyone who has the authority to make decisions for others.

Example sentences with  代理人
代码 (dài mǎ)

In Chinese, '代码' is used to represent the concept of 'code'. This could refer to computer programming code, a system of rules to convert information, or a system of symbols or signals for communication. It's commonly used in technology and information technology contexts.

Example sentences with  代码
代表 (dài biǎo)

The Chinese word '代表' is used similar to the English term 'represent'. It is often used in formal contexts such as representing a political party, a company or a country. However, it can also be used in everyday conversation to represent an idea, a person, or a thing.

价值 (jià zhí)

The Chinese word '价值' is used almost in the same way as the English word 'value'. It can be used to describe the worth of a thing, principle or concept in monetary, cultural, societal or philosophical terms. For example, '这个房子的价值是多少?' means 'What is the value of this house?'.

任务 (rènwù)

任务 (rènwù) is a Chinese word used to refer to tasks, duties, or responsibilities. It is often used in the context of assignments or jobs that need to be accomplished, similar to its English equivalent. This word is commonly used in daily conversation, as well as in professional and educational contexts.

优势 (yōushì)

In Chinese, '优势' is used to express the concept of 'advantage'. It can be an advantage you have over someone else or a situation where you have some kind of superiority or dominance. It is often used in contexts related to competition, whether it's scholarly, professional, or in games and sports. It is also used in comparisons to suggest that something is better than the other using criteria of evaluation.

Example sentences with  优势

In Chinese, the word '会' is often used to express the future tense, similar to the use of 'will' in English. It can also mean 'can' or 'am able to', denoting an ability or skill. It is used in various contexts just like 'will'.

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