Chinese Chinese Vocabulary for Transportation

A collection of words related to transportation in Chinese, including vehicles, traffic rules, and related phrases.

乘客 (chéng kè)

The Chinese word '乘客' refers to someone who travels in a vehicle, such as a car, bus, or train, but does not drive it or work on it. In English, this word is translated as 'passenger'. It is commonly used in transportation related contexts.

Example sentences with  乘客
修理 (xiū lǐ)

The Chinese word '修理' translates to 'repair' in English. It is used to describe the act of fixing something that is broken or not working properly. It could be used in various contexts such as repairing a computer, a car, a house, etc. Just like in English, '修理' can be used both as a noun and a verb.

Example sentences with  修理
停车 (tíng chē)

The Chinese word '停车' is used to refer to the action or activity of leaving a vehicle in a particular place for a period of time. It is used in the same context as the English equivalent 'parking'. It could be used in sentences like: 我可以在这里停车吗? (Can I park here?).

Example sentences with  停车
公车 (gōng chē)

The word '公车' is used in Chinese to refer to any type of public road transport, such as buses. It's a common term in daily life and usually pertains to local city transport, like a mass transit bus. Public transportation is widely used in China, hence, the term '公车' is widely used and recognized.

前进 (qián jìn)

The Chinese word '前进' is used to describe the act of moving forward or progressing, just like the English word 'advance'. It can be referred to any type of progression, be it physical movement or progression in a project or a plan. It also contains a subtle sense of positivity, implying progress towards a better state.

卡车 (kǎ chē)

In Chinese language, 'truck' is translated as '卡车'. It is primarily used to represent any large vehicle that is designed to carry heavy loads, especially on highways. Similar to its use in English, '卡车' can be found in various contexts related to transportation, logistics, and construction industries.

to go

In Chinese, '去' (qù) is used to denote the action 'to go'. It is used in various contexts similarly to its English counterpart. For instance, you can use it when you want to say 'I want to go to the supermarket' which will be '我想去超市' in Chinese.

司机 (sī jī)

The Chinese word for driver, 司机, is used in the same way as in English. It can refer to someone who operates and controls a vehicle such as a car, bus or truck. It is also often used in compound words relating to driving, like 'bus driver' (公交司机) or 'taxi driver' (出租车司机).

Example sentences with  司机
地址 (zhǐ dì)

The Chinese term for 'address' is '地址' (zhǐ dì). It's commonly used exactly like its English counterpart - when providing locations for physical destinations, mailing correspondence or electronic (web, email) resources.

Example sentences with  地址
平衡 (píng héng)

In Chinese, the term '平衡' refers to 'balance'. It can be used in various contexts, such as physical balance, emotional balance or financial balance. It can be used to describe a situation where different things exist in equal or correct amounts. For example, it can be used to describe a well-balanced diet (平衡饮食) or a balance of power (力量平衡).

Example sentences with  平衡
座位 (zuò wèi)

The Chinese word '座位' is used to denote a place for someone to sit, such as in a car, in a theater, or in a classroom. It is a common Chinese word and is used in the same contexts as the English word 'seat'. Please note that word order may vary in different sentence structures in Chinese.


In Chinese, '排' is used to indicate 'row'. It is used in similar context as in English, predominantly to describe a line of things arranged side by side or one behind another. However, please note Chinese language is heavily context dependent and 'row' might have a different translation in different situations.

Example sentences with  
摩托车 (mótuōchē)

摩托车 is the Chinese translation for the English word 'motorcycle.' This is commonly used in China, similar to English, to refer to a two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by a motor and has no pedals.


The Chinese word '晚' is used to express the concept of something being late or delayed. It can also denote the concept of being late at night. It is commonly used in various sentences, as in '你为什么总是那么晚?' which translates to 'Why are you always so late?'

曲线 (qūxiàn)

In Chinese, '曲线' is used to represent a curve or things showing a smooth continuous bending line. It could be used in various contexts in mathematics, road descriptions, body shapes or even to describe smooth changes.

有经验的 (yǒu jīng yàn de)

The Chinese phrase '有经验的' is used exactly as the English word 'experienced'. It is usually used before nouns to describe someone who is skillful in a particular field or job because he or she has done it for a long period. For instance, an experienced doctor would be '有经验的医生'.

Example sentences with  有经验的
机场 (jī chǎng)

In Chinese, '机场' is the word for 'airport'. This term is commonly used in formal and casual conversation to refer to an area where aircraft, such as planes and helicopters, take off and land. Different contexts may call for use of different synonyms, but '机场' is the most commonly used term for 'airport'.

模式 (mó shì)

The Chinese word '模式' is the closest direct translation of 'pattern' in English. It is widely used in daily conversation and formal texts, resembling the usage in English. It is often used to refer to a particular way in which something is done or organized.

汽车 (qì chē)

The Chinese word for 'car' is '汽车'. It is commonly used in everyday conversations, just like in English. It refers to a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine or electric motor and able to carry a small number of people.


In Chinese, the word for oil is '油'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, such as cooking oil ('食用油'), motor oil ('机油') or oily ('油腻'). Chinese cuisine typically makes use of various types of oils for frying, sautéing, and other cooking methods.

Example sentences with  
潜艇 (qiántǐng)

The Chinese word '潜艇' is used just like the English word 'submarine'. It refers to a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. It is often used in the context of naval warfare, research, and exploration of the ocean depths.

火车 (huǒ chē)

The Chinese word for train is '火车'. It is used in the same way as in English, referring to a type of transportation means which runs on a railway. For example, '我坐火车去北京' translates to 'I am taking a train to Beijing'.

狭窄 (xiá zhǎi)

The Chinese word '狭窄' refers to something being narrow. It can be used to describe a very narrow space, a narrow street or alley, or metaphorically, a person's narrow viewpoint or mindedness.

Example sentences with  狭窄

The Chinese word '率' is used to denote a proportion, rate, or ratio. In terms of usage, it generally appears in the context of statistics, finance, economics, and mathematics, similar to how 'rate' is used in English.

直升机 (zhíshēngjī)

The Chinese word '直升机' (zhíshēngjī) is used to refer to what is known in English as a 'helicopter'. It is utilized in the same contexts as the English word — to reference any type of aircraft that achieves flight using rotors instead of wings. Just as in English, it can be used when talking about various types of travel, military operations, emergency services and more.

线 (xiàn)

The Chinese word for line is '线' pronounced as 'xiàn'. It is used similarly as in English to refer to a long, narrow mark or band. It could also refer to a telephone or another direct, usually private link of communication.

腰带 (yāo dài)

腰带, in Chinese specifically refers to the essential accessory that holds up your pants or is used for style in clothing. It is often used in the context of dressing and personal style.

Example sentences with  腰带
自行车 (zìxíngchē)

自行车, pronounced as 'zìxíngchē', is the Chinese term for bicycle. Bicycling is a popular form of transportation in China and you will often hear this word. It can be used in various contexts, including to talk about going for a bike ride, owning a bicycle, or even as a mode of transportation.

航行 (hang xing)

In Mandarin, '航行' (hang xing) is used to express sailing or navigation, typically of a ship or boat. While it can refer to sailing in a general sense, it can also infer the act of navigation through the air or space, as the character '航' also carries connotations of flight.

Example sentences with  航行

The word '船' in Chinese is used to refer to any kind of water vehicle, ranging from a small rowboat to a massive cruise ship. In sentences, it's commonly used similar to the way 'boat' is used in English. For example, '这艘船很大' means 'This boat is very big'.

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