Chinese Technology - English to Chinese

A collection of English words related to technology, translated to Chinese along with pronunciation aid.

信息 (xìn xī)

The Chinese word '信息' is used in exactly the same way as the English word 'information'. It refers to collected facts and data about a specific subject. You can use it in sentences like '这是什么信息?' (What information is this?)

媒体 (méitǐ)

In Chinese, 'media' is translated as '媒体' (méitǐ). It is used in similar contexts as in English, referring to the various means of communication that reach or influence people widely, such as newspapers, television, and the internet.

屏幕 (píng mù)

In Chinese, '屏幕' is used to refer to any type of screen, be it a computer screen, a TV screen, or a movie screen. It can be used in various contexts, similarly to the English usage of 'screen'. For example, you can say 我的电脑屏幕坏了 which translates to 'My computer screen is broken'.

Example sentences with  屏幕
广播 (guǎng bō)

In Mandarin, 'radio' is translated as '广播' (guǎng bō). It is used in the same contexts as in English. For example, to listen to a radio station would be '听广播' (tīng guǎng bō).

延期 (yán qī)

The Chinese term '延期' is usually used in a context where an existing timeline or a due date needs to be pushed back, effectively needing an extension. For example, a student might ask a professor for a '延期' if they need more time to finish an assignment.

意见 (yì jiàn)

In Chinese, '意见' is used to indicate someone's thoughts or beliefs about something, similar to how 'opinion' is used in English. This word can be used in both formal and informal contexts and can be used in a variety of ways, such as expressing a friends' opinion about a movie or providing your opinion at a business meeting.

扬声器 (yáng shēng qì)

The Chinese word for speaker is '扬声器'. It's used in pretty much the same way as in English, to refer to the sound producing device in electronic equipment. Just like English, it can also be used to refer to a person who is speaking, particularly in public, but a more appropriate translation in this context might be '演讲者' (speaker as a person).

Example sentences with  扬声器
技术 (jìshù)

In Chinese, the word '技术' (jìshù) means 'technology'. It's a commonly used word that refers to the practical application of knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. It may be used in various contexts related to science, engineering, and the digital industry.


The Chinese word '拖' is used similar to its English counterpart 'drag'. It can mean to pull something with difficulty or effort due to its weight, or to cause something to move by pulling it along a surface, generally the ground. It can also be used in a metaphorical sense, like dragging on time, etc. Its usage highly depends on the context.

Example sentences with  

In Chinese, '按' is a common word that means 'press'. It is used often in various contexts and sentence structures. It can be used both in a literal sense, like pressing a button, and in a more metaphorical sense, like pressing on with a task.

按钮 (àn niǔ)

In Chinese, '按钮' (button) is often used in web development and technology contexts to mean an interactive button on a webpage or digital interface. Just like in English, it can also refer to a button on clothing. Depending on the context, '按钮' may take on slightly different usages and meanings.

Example sentences with  按钮
数据 (shù jù)

In China, '数据' is a commonly used word in the field of technology and programming. It refers to a collection of facts, statistics, or information that are represented in various forms. You will often see '数据' used when discussing big data, data analysis, data storage or any other IT related topics.

数据库 (shù jù kù)

In Chinese, '数据库' is the term used to refer to a database. Much like in English, it is used predominantly in the context of information technology and computing. It may refer to both a physical database, like a gene database, or a digital database. It is a highly technical term that is extensively used in professions like software development, data management and analysis.

Example sentences with  数据库
新闻 (xīnwén)

In Chinese, 'news' is translated as '新闻' (xīnwén). This word is often used in the same way as in English -- to refer to reports about recent events or information. It's a commonly used word in daily life, especially in media and communication contexts.

沟通 (gōutōng)

In Chinese, '沟通' (gōutōng) is the term for 'communicate'. It is used in a similar way as in English, describing the act of exchanging or sharing information, feelings, or thoughts by speech, writing, or signs. It can be used in a broad range of contexts, from casual conversation ('与朋友沟通') to professional settings ('在工作中有效沟通').

演讲 (yǎn jiǎng)

The Chinese word '演讲' stands for 'speech'. It is frequently used in the context of public speaking, such as political speeches, award acceptance speeches, or presentations. It can also be used to refer to the ability or act of speaking.

点击 (diǎnjī)

The word '点击' in Chinese, pronounced 'diǎnjī', is used similarly to 'click' in English. It is often used in the context of internet or computer use, to represent the action of pressing a button or link using a mouse or touch screen.

用户 (yònghù)

In Chinese, '用户' is primarily used to specify 'user', specifically referring to someone who uses services, resources, objects, or facilities for a certain purpose. This term can be commonly used in the field of technology, software systems, social media etc. where the user interacts with a certain product or service.

电子 (diànzǐ)

The Chinese word '电子' refers to the same concept as the English word 'electronic'. It is used to describe things that are made or done with electronics or electronic equipment, such as electronic devices, electronic music and electronic books, etc.

Example sentences with  电子
电脑 (diànnǎo)

In Chinese, the word '电脑' is used to refer to a computer. The term is commonly used in everyday language. While it directly translates to 'electric brain', it is used in the same context as 'computer' is used in English.

电话 (diàn huà)

The Chinese word for telephone, '电话' (diànhuà), is used in the same way as in English. It refers to both the device and the act of making a call. For example, '请接电话' (qǐng jiē diànhuà) means 'please answer the phone'. You can also use it to say '我要打电话给他' (wǒ yào dǎ diànhuà gěi tā) which means 'I want to call him'.

病毒 (bìngdú)

In Chinese, 病毒 (bìngdú) is used in the same context as in English, referring to a type of microorganism that can cause contagious diseases in living organisms, including humans. It can also refer metaphorically to something harmful that spreads rapidly and widely. For example, computer virus in Chinese is also called '电脑病毒'

Example sentences with  病毒

In Mandarin Chinese, 'the' is generally implied and it does not have a direct equivalent. However, '的' is often used in a similar way to 'the', showing possession or modification. For example, to specify 'my cat', one would say '我的猫'. It can mean 'the', but it is also used in many other contexts that do not directly translate to 'the'. It's one of the most common characters in Chinese.

监视器 (jiānshìqì)

In Chinese, 'monitor' is translated as '监视器'. It can be used in the same contexts as the English word, such as in the context of a computer monitor or someone who observes a process or situation. Like in English, it is a common technical word in computing and surveillance.

相机 (xiàngjī)

The Chinese word for 'camera' is '相机' (xiàngjī). It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to a device that records visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals. Side by side with analog cameras, digital cameras are now commonly used, which are referred to as '数字相机' (shùzì xiàngjī).

老鼠 (lǎo shǔ)

In Mandarin Chinese, 'mouse' is translated as '老鼠' (lǎo shǔ). Not to be confused with '鼠标', which refers specifically to a computer mouse. '老鼠' can refer to the animal, and is also used in a broader sense to refer to any small mammal similar in size to a mouse.

链接 (liàn jiē)

The Chinese word '链接' means 'link' in English. It is often used in the context of internet or connection between two things or ideas. For example, you might use '链接' when talking about a hyperlink on a website or a connection between two trains.

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