Chinese Space Category

Collection of Chinese words related to the concept of space, including planets, stars, and astronomy terms.

世界 (shìjiè)

In Chinese, '世界' (shìjiè) is used to refer to the world in a general sense, encompassing all the Earth, humanity, and everything in it. It could be found in various contexts such as talking about global issues, nature, science, and so on.

天文学 (tiān wén xué)

In Chinese, '天文学' is the term used to refer to the scientific study of celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. It is used in the same context as the English word 'astronomy'.

太阳 (tài yáng)

In Chinese, '太阳' is used to represent 'sun'. This term is often applied in various contexts related to the sun, such as '日出' (sunrise), '日落' (sunset), '阳光' (sunlight), and so on.

星星 (xīng xīng)

The Chinese word for star is '星星'. It is used similar to English, in the literal context of a celestial star in the night sky, or metaphorically referring to famous individuals, or 'movie stars'. You may encounter this word in poems, stories, songs, and daily conversation.

月亮 (yuè liàng)

The word '月亮' is used in Chinese just like 'moon' is used in English. It refers to the natural satellite orbiting our planet. It can be used in various contexts, like for instance to refer to the time of the month since a lunar month is one cycle of the moon, or metaphorically to describe something beautiful or romantic.

气氛 (qì fēn)

The Chinese word '气氛' has a similar use to the English word 'atmosphere'. It is often used to refer to the mood or feeling in a particular place or situation. For instance, one might talk about the '气氛' at a party, meeting, or event.

Example sentences with  气氛
空间 (kōngjiān)

In Chinese, 空间 means 'space'. This can be used to represent a physical space or an abstract conception of space. For example, when used in the context of physical space, it could be used in sentences as '这个房间的空间很大' (this room is very spacious). In an abstract sense, it could be used in contexts such as '我需要一些个人空间' (I need some personal space).

签名 (qiānmíng)

In Chinese, '签名' (signature) typically refers to a person's name that they write in a stylized or unique way on documents as a proof of identification and intent. It is often used in the same contexts as the English word 'signature', such as on legal documents, letters, or artwork.

Example sentences with  签名
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