Chinese Understanding Society in Chinese

Explore words and phrases about Society in Chinese. Develop your vocabulary to discuss societal norms, roles, and structures.

主人 (zhǔ rén)

In Chinese, '主人' refers to a person who receives or entertains other people as guests. It is often used in both social and official scenarios. For example, the host of a party or the host of a television show can both be called '主人'. The character '主' means 'main or leading' and '人' means 'person', in combination they refer to someone who takes the leading role in welcoming and entertaining others.

Example sentences with  主人
人口 (rén kǒu)

The Chinese word for 'population' is 人口 (rén kǒu). It is most commonly used to represent the total number of people in a specific place such as a country, city, or town. For example, 我们国家的人口是多少?means 'What is the population of our country?'

俱乐部 (jù lè bù)

The Chinese word '俱乐部' directly translates to 'club'. It is often used in the same context as in English to denote an organization or a group of people who have a common interest or activity. For example, a 'basketball club' would be '篮球俱乐部'.

公开 (gōngkāi)

In Chinese, '公开' (gōngkāi) is widely used, also it literally meaning 'public'. It has a similar usage to the English term, used to describe things that are open to the general public or things that are not hidden or private. For example, '公开课' (gōngkāi kè) is a public/open class in China.

力量 (lìliàng)

In Chinese, '力量' (lìliàng) signifies power. It could refer to physical strength, or it could symbolize more conceptual forms of power, such as political power. The word is used in various contexts, similar to its usage in English. However, '力量' tends to be more associated with positive forms of power, emphasizing the constructive potentials of power.

历史 (lì shǐ)

The Chinese word for 'history' is '历史'. It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to past events, the study of past events, or a record or account, often in written form. For example, '世界历史' refers to 'world history', while '学习历史' means 'study history'.

历史学家 (lì shǐ xué jiā)

The Chinese word '历史学家' is used to refer to a person who studies and writes about the past, and is seen as an authority on it. Just like in English, this word can be used in various contexts where the profession of the person is relevant or important.

尊重 (zūn zhòng)

The Chinese term '尊重' directly translates to 'respect' in English. This term is widely used in Chinese culture across all aspects, whether family, school, or social relationships. It reflects the value of acknowledging the views, feelings, space, and rights of others. Replacing it in subjects or objects in sentence expresses the act of respect.

Example sentences with  尊重
常见 (chángjiàn)

The Chinese word '常见' means 'common'. It is usually used to describe something that often occurs or is frequently seen in daily life. For example, '这是一个常见的问题' in English means 'This is a common question'.

成员 (chéng yuán)

The Chinese word '成员' is used to indicate a person belonging to a specific group, organization, or a team. It is used similarly as 'member' in English.

收费 (shōufèi)

The Chinese term '收费' is used to express the concept of 'charge' in English. It is primarily used in contexts related to financial transactions, specifically when a certain fee or payment is required. The places you often hear this word are banks, stores, restaurants or wherever monetary transactions occur.

政治的 (zhèngzhì de)

The Chinese term for political is '政治的'. It can be used to describe something related to the government or public affairs of a country, such as political issues, political trends, political strategy, etc. In sentences, it can be used the same way as in English by placing it before the noun it modifies.

教育 (jiào yù)

The Chinese word for 'education' is '教育'. It is used in the same context as in English, describing the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. The term can be used in various contexts such as 'primary education', 'special education', 'distance education', etc.

标题 (biao ti)

The Chinese word for 'title' is '标题'. This can refer to the heading of a book, an article, or the name of a movie, etc. It is used in much the same way as the English word 'title', identifying the name or designation of something.

Example sentences with  标题
状态 (zhuàng tài)

The Chinese word '状态' is used to describe the condition or circumstances of a person or thing at a particular time. It has similar usage as the English word 'state', which can be used in various contexts including, 'state of health', 'state of mind', 'state of affairs', etc.

社会的 (shè huì de)

The Chinese word '社会的' translated in English means 'social.' It is used to denote activities or situations that involve a lot of people mixing or talking to each other, often in a way that provides them with enjoyment and the opportunity to meet new individuals. In a sentence, it can be used like this: '他是一个非常社会的人。' which means 'He is a very social person.'

社区 (shè qū)

The Chinese word '社区' is equivalent to the English word 'community'. It is used to refer to a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. It can also mean a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

私人的 (sī rén de)

The word '私人的' in Chinese is used similarly as 'private' in English. It refers to something that is specific to an individual or a selected group of people rather than the public. For instance, '私人的信息' would mean 'private information', and '私人的财产 would mean 'private property'.

组织 (zǔ zhī)

In Chinese, '组织' is often used to refer to a company, institution, or other body of people who work together for a specific purpose. This could be as broad as a large corporation or as specific as a small club or group. The usage is the same as the English word 'organization'.

行政 (xíng zhèng)

In Chinese, '行政' refers to the act of managing or supervising an organization or effort. This could apply to the management of the government, businesses, or any other organization. It is commonly used in contexts like government administration ('政府行政') or business administration ('企业行政') to refer to the upper management department that executes the strategies and policies.

规则 (guīzé)

In English, 'rule' can be both a noun and a verb, generally indicating a prescribed direction for conduct or action. In Chinese, '规则' is also both a noun and a verb and holds a similar meaning, often used in the context of regulations, standards, and methods. It is a commonly used word in daily life and business settings.

进步 (jìn bù)

The Chinese word for progress is '进步' and it is used like its English counterpart to express the idea of making forward movement, especially after a period of effort. This word can be used in a variety of contexts, such as academic progress, personal development, or societal improvements.

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