Chinese Social Services: Chinese Language Guide

Explore a collection of Chinese vocabulary related to social services to enrich your language skills and cultural understanding.

保护 (bǎohù)

The Chinese word '保护' implies safeguarding or defending something. It can be used in various contexts just like in English, such as to protect people, to protect one's rights, to protect the environment etc.

出席 (chū xí)
to assist

The Chinese word '出席' is used when someone is physically present at a meeting, event, class or any gathering. It is equivalent to the English word 'attend'. Similar to English, it can also mean to pay attention to something.

Example sentences with  出席
安慰 (ānwèi)

The Chinese word '安慰' is used to describe a sense of comfort or solace, similar to how 'relief' is used in English. It is often used in situations where someone is feeling better or more comfortable after a period of difficulty or discomfort.

Example sentences with  安慰
支持 (zhī chí)

The Chinese word '支持' is used similarly to the English word 'support'. It can be used both in the context of providing emotional or moral support, and in the context of providing physical support. For example, one can '支持' a friend who is going through a difficult time, or a pillar can '支持' a building.

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