Chinese Chinese Learning: Postal Service

This page provides key vocabulary and phrases related to postal services translated into Chinese. Ideal for beginners.

写作 (xiězuò)

In Chinese, '写作' stands for 'writing'. It is commonly used to refer to the act of writing, such as in a school or professional context. This can be used to describe writing anything from books, articles, essays, and other types of documents.


In the Chinese language, '开' is a translation of the English word 'on' and it is primarily used to state that something is turned on or in operation. Its usage can be similar to the English use of 'on' as in examples like 'the light is on' or 'the computer is on', where in Chinese we may say '灯开了' or '电脑开了'.

Example sentences with  
开幕 (kāi mù)

In Chinese, '开幕' is used to describe the beginning or start of an event, scene, or situation, akin to 'opening' in English. It is often used in formal contexts such as the opening of a meeting, an art exhibition, or a new building.

Example sentences with  开幕
送货 (sòng huò)

In Chinese, '送货' refers to the process of transporting goods from a seller to a buyer. It can be used in a variety of contexts, just like the English word 'delivery'. For example, you might use it when talking about tracking a package ('我的送货正在路上' - 'my delivery is on the way'), or when discussing delivery charges ('送货费用' - 'delivery fees').

Example sentences with  送货
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