Chinese Politics and Government - Chinese Learning

Explore Chinese vocabulary associated with politics and government to enhance your linguistic skills and cultural understanding.

人口 (rén kǒu)

The Chinese word for 'population' is 人口 (rén kǒu). It is most commonly used to represent the total number of people in a specific place such as a country, city, or town. For example, 我们国家的人口是多少?means 'What is the population of our country?'

候选人 (hòu xiǎn rén)

In Chinese, '候选人' is used to refer to a person who is proposed for an election or appointment. It corresponds to the word 'candidate' in English. It can be used in various contexts including politics, competitions or other scenarios where a selection process is applicable.

共和党人 (gòng hé dǎng rén)

The Chinese word '共和党人' is used to refer to members of the Republican Party in the United States. It can be used in a variety of contexts, from discussing politics on a broad scale to talking about an individual person's political beliefs.


In Chinese, '区' is used to denote an area or a section in a city that has a distinct character or purpose. It could refer to both residential, commercial and historical districts.


The Chinese word '县' is used to describe a level of local government that is below a province, an autonomous region, or municipality and above a town or city. It is roughly equivalent to a 'county' in Western contexts. China has over 2,800 county-level divisions, which include counties, county-level cities, banners, autonomous banners, autonomous counties, and special districts.

团结 (tuánjié)

The Chinese word '团结' is used in a similar context as in English. It can often be seen in political, social, or team situations to express cohesion and collaboration. It can be used in phrases like '团结一致' (unanimous unity) or '团结力量大' (unity is strength).

Example sentences with  团结
国会 (guó huì)

The Chinese word '国会' is used to refer to a formal meeting where people come together to discuss issues or make decisions, in particular, this term is often used to encompass the legislative body of political system in some countries. For instance, in the US political system, '国会' represents the bicameral federal legislative body, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

国家 (guó jiā)

The Chinese word for 'country' is '国家'. This word is used in a similar context as in English when referring to the geographical or political entity of a nation. It can be used in various sentence structures, and is often combined with other words to describe the individual characteristics or cultural aspects of a nation.

国家的 (guó jiā de)

The Chinese word '国家的' corresponds to 'national' in English. It is an adjective to describe something that belongs or relates to a nation as a whole. It is commonly seen in contexts or phrases such as national culture (国家的文化), national laws (国家的法律), etc.

国王 (guó wáng)

The word '国王' in Chinese is used to refer to a male ruler of a nation or territory, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth. It is widely used in historical and modern contexts, often equivalent to the English term 'king'.

国际 (Guójì)

In Chinese, '国际' (Guójì) is used to express the concept of being international. It is often used in the same contexts as it is in English - such as 'international affairs' (国际事务), 'international relations' (国际关系) and so on. Its usage is not restricted and you can use it in both formal and informal contexts.

地区 (dìqū)

The Chinese word '地区' is used to denote a particular geographic area. It could be used to describe a town, city, state, country, or even a part of the world. The use of '地区' is pretty similar to how the English word 'region' is used.

外国的 (wàiguó de)

The Chinese term '外国的', pronounced as 'wàiguó de', is used to describe something related to or originating from a different country outside of China. In Chinese culture, this term characteristically encompasses foreign cultures, people, languages, and goods.

投票 (tóu piào)

In Chinese, 'vote' is translated as '投票' (tóu piào). It is often used in the same contexts as the English word 'vote'—in relation to elections, decisions, and choices, particularly within a political or organizational setting. As is the same verb-noun dual-purpose usage in English, the Chinese '投票' can mean the act of voting itself, or refer to the ballot or vote that is cast.

支持 (zhī chí)

The Chinese word '支持' is used similarly to the English word 'support'. It can be used both in the context of providing emotional or moral support, and in the context of providing physical support. For example, one can '支持' a friend who is going through a difficult time, or a pillar can '支持' a building.

政府 (zhèngfǔ)

In Chinese, '政府' is a noun, and it refers to the system or group of people governing an organized community, often a state. It is used in various contexts, much like its English counterpart, to cover aspects like state governance, policies, and bodies of authority.

政治的 (zhèngzhì de)

The Chinese term for political is '政治的'. It can be used to describe something related to the government or public affairs of a country, such as political issues, political trends, political strategy, etc. In sentences, it can be used the same way as in English by placing it before the noun it modifies.

政策 (zhèngcè)

The word '政策' in Chinese is used to express the term policy. Like in English, it can be used in a variety of settings such as government policy, school policy, or company policy. It is most often used within the context of laws, guidelines, or regulations established by an authority.

民主党 (mín zhǔ dǎng)

In Chinese, the word Democrat is translated as '民主党'. This term refers to an individual who is a member of the Democratic Party, which is one of the two main political parties in the United States. In a broader context, it could also apply to individuals who advocate for democracy, which is a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting.

状态 (zhuàng tài)

The Chinese word '状态' is used to describe the condition or circumstances of a person or thing at a particular time. It has similar usage as the English word 'state', which can be used in various contexts including, 'state of health', 'state of mind', 'state of affairs', etc.

私人的 (sī rén de)

The word '私人的' in Chinese is used similarly as 'private' in English. It refers to something that is specific to an individual or a selected group of people rather than the public. For instance, '私人的信息' would mean 'private information', and '私人的财产 would mean 'private property'.

竞选 (jìng xuǎn)

The Chinese word '竞选' can be referred to a competition between people, groups, or organizations for an elected position or for some other kind of prize or reward. Just like in English, this term is mostly used in political context. However, it can also be used in any situation where there is a competition for some form of leadership or reward.

Example sentences with  竞选
约会 (yuē huì)

The Chinese word '约会' is used to imply a predetermined arrangement or meeting, similarly to the English word 'appointment'. It is commonly used in both formal (like a business appointment) and informal (like a date) contexts.

Example sentences with  约会
联合 (lián hé)

In Chinese, '联合' refers to the state of being joined together, or the act of joining together, often for mutual benefit or to achieve a common purpose. This term is widely used in many different contexts such as politics, economics, and social sciences, to name a few. Its use is similar to that in English.

行政 (xíng zhèng)

In Chinese, '行政' refers to the act of managing or supervising an organization or effort. This could apply to the management of the government, businesses, or any other organization. It is commonly used in contexts like government administration ('政府行政') or business administration ('企业行政') to refer to the upper management department that executes the strategies and policies.

资本 (zī běn)

In Mandarin Chinese, 'capital' is translated as '资本'. This word is used in similar contexts as it is in English and can relate to financial capital or a city that serves as the seat of government. The usage depends on the context of the sentence. Capital is an important concept in both economics and political science.

Example sentences with  资本
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