Chinese Chinese Vocabulary: Places

Learn Chinese words related to various places such as home, school, office, park, and more. Improve your language skills today.

西 (xī)

The Chinese word for 'west' is '西' (xī). It is used exactly how English uses 'west' - to describe the cardinal direction. It can also make up part of words to describe things that are related to the west in some way, for instance, '西方' represents 'western' in Chinese.

角落 (jiǎo luò)

角落 (jiǎo luò) in Chinese refers to the point or area where two lines or edges meet, typically at 90 degrees, such as the corner of a room or street. It can also metaphorically describe a remote or secluded place. It is used similarly to the way 'corner' is used in English. Variants of the word, like street corner (街角 - jiējiǎo), can also be used in conjunction with other words to provide a more specific description.

Example sentences with  角落
警报 (jǐng bào)

In Chinese, '警报' refers to an instance of giving notice to a possible danger or problem, quickly or suddenly. This can be any situation where a warning is given, like a fire alarm (火警) or a robbery alarm (抢劫警报). It is used in the same way as 'alarm' in English, which refers to an anxious awareness of danger, or a device that warns or alerts.

Example sentences with  警报
设施 (shè shī)

The Chinese word for 'establishment' is '设施'. It can be used in a variety of ways similar to its English counterpart, generally referring to a physical or organizational structure or resource. It is often used in context of businesses, institutions, or any functional entity that is established for a specific purpose.

资本 (zī běn)

In Mandarin Chinese, 'capital' is translated as '资本'. This word is used in similar contexts as it is in English and can relate to financial capital or a city that serves as the seat of government. The usage depends on the context of the sentence. Capital is an important concept in both economics and political science.

Example sentences with  资本
超市 (chāo shì)

The Chinese word for supermarket is 超市 (chāoshì). It is used in exactly the same context as in English, referring to a large self-service store selling foods and household goods. It is a frequently used word in daily Chinese conversation.


In Chinese, the word '路' refers to road. Similar to English, the word can be used in a variety of contexts such as referring to the physical path or a figurative path in life. '路' is commonly used in daily conversation.

路径 (lù jìng)

In Chinese, '路径' is used quite similarly to the English 'path'. It can refer to a physical trail or route to be followed, or metaphorically refer to a course of action or way of achieving something. For instance, in exploring one's career 'path', the term 'career path' can be translated to '职业路径'.

Example sentences with  路径
送货 (sòng huò)

In Chinese, '送货' refers to the process of transporting goods from a seller to a buyer. It can be used in a variety of contexts, just like the English word 'delivery'. For example, you might use it when talking about tracking a package ('我的送货正在路上' - 'my delivery is on the way'), or when discussing delivery charges ('送货费用' - 'delivery fees').

Example sentences with  送货
野生 (yě shēng)

The Chinese word '野生' is used to describe someone or something that is not tamed or controlled, just as it is in English. It could be used in a variety of contexts like 'wild animals' (野生动物), 'wild plants' (野生植物), even in phrases like 'to grow wild' (野生生长).

银行 (yín háng)

The Chinese word for 'bank' is '银行'. It is used in the context of a financial institution where people deposit or borrow money. For example, 我要去银行存钱 literally translates to 'I want to go to bank to deposit money'.


The Chinese word for 'chain' is '链'. This can refer to a series of metal rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament, or a sequence of items of the same type forming a line. It is used in much the same way as the English word 'chain', such as in phrases like 'bicycle chain' (自行车链) or 'chain reaction' (链式反应).

Example sentences with  
长度 (chángdù)

The Chinese word '长度' is used to refer to the measurement of something from end to end - the greater of two or the greatest of three dimensions of an object. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing the length of an object, the length of a piece of writing, or the period that something lasts.

附近 (fù jìn)

The Chinese word '附近' indicates something or some place that is not far away. It can be used to refer to the location that's in close proximity to a person or object, similar to how we use the word 'nearby' in English.

Example sentences with  附近
顾客 (gù kè)

The Chinese word for customer, '顾客', is often used in the context of a person or entity that purchases goods or services from a business. It is a common term used in commerce and business settings.

Example sentences with  顾客
频道 (pín dào)

In Chinese, 'channel' is translated as '频道' and it refers to a TV or radio broadcast station, a way, route, or means of communication or passage among a group of people. The usage of '频道' in Chinese is just like how 'channel' is used in English.

Example sentences with  频道
风景 (fēng jǐng)

The Chinese word '风景' refers to the scenery or view of a place, similar to the English word 'landscape'. It can be used to describe the views in nature, such as mountains, rivers, forests, but can also be used in other contexts to describe what one sees, like the 'landscape' of a city.

餐厅 (cān tīng)

The Chinese word for restaurant is '餐厅'. It is commonly used to refer to a place where you can pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises. It is widely used in both formal and informal contexts.

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